*All Of Me*

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Nong couldn't handle his liquor just like before. He was oddly cheerful than usual and was goofing around while he's drunk.

We were still at the pavilion, enjoying some beer and food while Pruk, Manaow, Alex and Nong were tending a bonfire by the beach.

They were just talking like us. Probably random stuffs. They suddenly bursted out in laughter, except Alex, which made me wonder what they were exactly talking about.

Nong suddenly started running and Alex was chasing him around the bonfire. Manaow and Pruk just laughed at them.

He probably said something that got to Alex. Though I know he doesn't like him, Alex sure was starting to have fun while chasing him like crazy.

When I saw that they were getting more rowdier and there was an unusual sexual intensity when Alex had a grip of Nong, I stepped in.

I stood up, went near them and took Alex's arms off that was slinking around Nong's neck and body without making the former feel threatened.

Manaow and Pruk stopped laughing immediately. Alex just looked at me weirdly and I told him a fact.

"Boyfriend.", I pointed to myself as I steadied Nong who was already breathing unevenly from the running.

"Your girlfriend is there, don't bother mine.", I pointed out to Del who was talking animatedly with Pharm.

We both know that we swing both ways and we never had a problem running into each others preference. We always stir clear and I don't want him to start now. Not with Nong.

Alex was taken aback and looked apologetic, "I didn't mean anything, Mung."

I just nodded at him and knew he was telling the truth, but I was just being the jealous boyfriend as always.

I just waived at him like it was nothing, though I worry about the time when I wouldn't be there to stop any kind of this event from happening.

I carried Nong away as I said goodnight to their group and the ones at the pavilion. He just went with me with his arms resting over my shoulder as I support his upper body.

When we arrived at our bungalow, I guided him to the bed. I just looked at him as he crawled near to the headboard and laid his head on the pillow.

"Where would you be if I weren't here?", I voiced out my thoughts.

I knew he was listening. My thoughts were visiting possibilities that he'd be in someone else's bed tonight if I weren't there. I didn't want to think about Alex or anybody else on that manner.

"I can take care of myself.", he was defending himself while still lying in bed, hugging the pillow by his head and turned away.

I sighed and sat on the edge of the bed, turning my back to him. He only talks or show how he really feels when he's got liquor in his system.

I thought he was slowly coming out of his shell as he did awhile ago. Blurting out to everyone that we're already together.

But I was wrong when he distanced himself after knowing that I could be leaving. That I am leaving him.

My heart is starting to ache again. It's getting harder to breath. I could feel my tears swelling and falling down my cheeks.

I heard myself sniff. I exhaled and wiped away the tears.

I tried to sense Nong behind me. He wasn't moving. He must have fallen asleep already.

I went to him and hugged him as I whispered kisses on his head, "I love you.."

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