Between Them

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"I'm getting tired of this shit.", Manaow suddenly said as she helped out in cleaning after the engagement party.

Dean and Pharm were finally getting married. Although it wasn't as they had originally planned, the couple were ecstatic enough to make it official with the support of their family and friends. They felt that they have already gone a long way and it was time to seal it. The party was an announcement only to their family and friends but they plan to conduct Thong Mun or the traditional Thai engagement ceremony which means gold engagement along with Sin Sod meaning presenting wealth or the dowry. They want to have a contemporary wedding mixed with customary ones, so as not to forget their roots.

"It's okay, Manaow. You can take a rest. I'm thankful enough that you and P'Pruk allotted some time from your busy schedule to attend the party.", Pharm smiled fondly at his friend.

He was still happy even if Team hadn't stayed long during the event. He understood that he was busy like their other friends and he considered it as a blessing that he manages to show up once in a while when they gather and catch up. They haven't spent time with each other for a good long time ever since they graduated but he would take even only a few moments together with his old university friends. No matter how short it would be, he would cherish it. 

"That's not what I meant, Pharm

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"That's not what I meant, Pharm.", she began to apologize thinking that she might have offended his kind heart.

"Its P'Win and that darn Team I'm talking about."

Pharm looked around the kitchen and tried to sush his friend, "Be careful, ooey. P'Win might come in and hear you."

"Don't worry, he bailed out on cleaning duties already with Nong Don.", Dean came into the kitchen carrying a few bottles while looking disappointed at the mention of his bestfriend's name.

The two juniors began to relax knowing that they weren't in trouble for talking about their other friends behind their backs. They talk about the two from time to time, together or with the others. They were an equation they've been trying to solve discreetly for a long time now.

"So, what are we going to do about those two?", Manaow asked the senior who stashed the bottles in a garbage bin.

"Which two?", Pruk barged in carrying a tray of plates with his swimmer's muscles bulging at the heavy load.

"Are we planning to murder anybody?", Alex joined in with a few glasses clasped on his fingers.

Del pinched the elder's shoulder at his careless question who almost dropped the glasses he was holding, "Which two do we always talk about anyway whenever they're not around." 


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