My Favorite Song

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I love you with a fire

Ablaze until times end But what good is a heart

When it shudders to speak

I guess it's too late now

-241 by Rivermaya



"I thought you were going to attend the rehearsals?", Manaow confronted me.

We were at a photoshoot for Thailand's Motor Expo in Nakom Pathom's Thailand Circuit. It was the usual venue for racing competitions and brought benefits to racing enthusiasts in the country who had dreams to enter the World Championships like me. I was enjoying the sight of the motorcycles lined up from local to international brands. Even if we're just posing for them, they still got me all worked up by just touching the beauties.

"You know my schedule, Manaow. I have to rest in between. I've told Pharm about it and he was fine, so long as I'll get to attend the last one.", I told her while checking a Ducati. 

I tried to focus on the beauty before me and dispelled the memory of my bestfriend going groomzilla on me when I broke the news to him, "If my wedding gets botched because of your absence, I swear, you'll wish you've never been born, Team." 

"How come P'Alex can go but you can't?", she continued to ferret me.

"Well, he's more in demand than Alex..", P'Pruk suddenly stopped. 

I looked at what made him do so and saw Manaow's enlarged pupils telling him to shut up, "I told you to clear his schedule

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I looked at what made him do so and saw Manaow's enlarged pupils telling him to shut up, "I told you to clear his schedule.".

"I did, for the wedding. But prior to that, I can't just cancel them or we would have to pay for the contract breach.", P'Pruk reasoned out with his faen.

I just laughed at them as they continued bickering and went to the tent to get some refreshments. Contract breaches were no joke in our industry or in any for that matter since they could amount to thousands of baht or even millions, depending on the client agreement, of course. I had a few of them when I was starting out and most of them were the client's choices.

I remember when I used to be rejected because of the tattoo on my shoulder when the client found out. Some would work around it by hiding it under layers of clothing or through make-up, but others would find it time consuming and impractical. I've thought about removing it entirely but decided against it at the end. It was the only thing I have left of him and I haven't had the courage to part with it.

Along the way, we began to smarten up and included on our own contracts that if a client would not proceed to work with us after they have booked us, they would have to pay a fine since we could've used the time wasted on them with other potential clients. That prevented them from leaving us empty handed and taking advantage of us. I just made sure to do some adjustments on my portfolio with P'Pruk and choose offers that doesn't have any issue with my tattoo. At least, transparency would be fair for both parties. 

Altered: Win and TeamWhere stories live. Discover now