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We looked at the direction of the girl's bungalow when we heard shouting but shrugged it off when laughter followed.

"They seem to be having fun.", Alex commented as he settle on the bed.

I wondered what they were talking about. The tip of my nose was starting to itch and I suddenly sneezed.

They must be talking about me. It's a common reaction according to Thai superstition if someone's talking about you or it could be the staff didn't thoroughly dust the place. I wiped my nose and turned to Alex.

"Laew khun la khap? You haven't told me why you're always antagonizing Nong.", I began to ask him as Dean listens on.

Alex and I weren't that close but we keep things cordial since he and Dean knew each other. They used to hang out when I was preoccupied with Bright's crowd which Dean didn't get along with since they were too rowdy for his taste. But in reality, Dean and Bright were alike in personalities that's why I didn't have trouble befriending them.

"I'm not antagonizing your Nong. I just want you to be careful with him. He'll break your hua jai, Phawin.", he warned me about my heart.

"What made you say that?", I asked further as I sat down on the couch.

He sat on the bed and faced me, "He's too young and you're his first. Don't you think he'll go looking for another when you leave?".

Doesn't Alex know that I've thought of that already? Nong was indecisive and impulsive. Of course I worry and dread about it. But I hate the thought of him looking for another to fill the gap I'd be leaving behind.

"It's our business, Meung. Don't stick your nose in it. We'll deal with it.", I dismissed his intentions.

Now I know what Nong meant about keeping our relationship between us. He didn't want this kind of unsolicited opinions and negative insinuations. Technically, we're already adults that knows better. We need encouragements at this part of our relationship but it's still up to our will to act upon.

"I know you meant well, Meung. But don't over step your boundaries. Just cheer them on.", Dean interjected when he saw that Alex was about to take it the wrong way.

This pacified Alex for the meantime. I know he wasn't done bugging Nong but I hope he tones it down for the sake of our growing bond within the group.

Pruk arrived in time for lunch. We were waiting for him in one of the huts near the beach. He sat beside Manaow who was sitting beside me. She was unusually attentive to me which made me fully wonder what they talked about in their bungalow.

"Nong, Maae asked if you'd visit this break to see her.", I told Nong as he heaped a mountain of rice on his plate.

Maae didn't say that exactly when she checked on me. She just wanted to say hi to Nong and tell him she's looking forward on his next visit.

"Mai chai, Hia. Tell her khor thot khap. I'll see her next time. My Maae's asking me to go home and check on the house.", he declined my offer.

I couldn't help but feel sad. As much as possible I want to be around him and occupy his whole time while I could. His birthday is near and I could've asked my Maae to cook his favorite dishes for him or a new one that he fancies.

"You can come with me instead.", Nong suddenly said as he took a spoonful of food into his mouth.

I instinctively hugged him and buried my face on his neck.

"Did I hear you correctly?!", I asked him with overwhelming excitement.

He just nodded and tried to push me away but I held on and rested my head on his shoulder as I saw Alex gesture at my direction with a whipping motion. He was seated across us with Dean. I replied to him with my middle finger behind Nong.

Altered: Win and TeamWhere stories live. Discover now