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Alex, Pruk and I were waiting outside an office for Dean to finish submitting his request for deferment from the service. Actually, all four of us sent a request and it was approved since we were university students and under bachelor degrees.

The four of us are taking Business Management and we already have our eyes set on what we would do after graduation.

Alex is going to pursue the limelight while Pruk would focus on the nationals and international swimming competitions.

Dean would work under their family business while saving for their restaurant venture with Pharm, under P'Sorn's help. He's thinking of putting up a construction and interior design firm for Don and Del as well after they graduate, together with P'Sin.

Everyone is well connected. I on the other hand would pursue graduate school in England for two years and focus with my resort business before I report for service when I turned twenty six.

I'm no longer eligible by that time to postpone my conscription since the government only provides five years allowance for deferment.

The others are still contemplating if they would serve before they reach that age or after. We have the liberty to choose when to go after we get our diploma or at the age of twenty six in where it is already compulsory to serve.

We didn't have to take the physical and mental health exams today since we're under deferment. It would be a waste of resources anyway since we would have to retake it once we decide to report or be compelled to serve.

Every year the government has a quota for the new recruits. The ballot lottery allows them to choose out of the excess. But they have to be wise about it since they couldn't predict how many would pass or fail during the health exams. Adjustments are usually made once the results are out.

If you're lucky enough, you may get the black ticket and be exempted from the service. If not, then there's the red one to indicate that you have to perform military service for two years and be placed as a reservist afterwards.

For me, it didn't matter for I had the privilege to serve for a year or even less if I choose to volunteer before the compulsory service.

Dean came out of the deferment office fumbling with his phone. He must be messaging Pharm which reminded me of Nong and the scene that I caught.

If it were in any other circumstance in where I was just an acquaintance, I would have teased him and laughed about it. But since we're already beyond that, what I only felt was gnawing jealousy.

I tried to rationalize everything after Pharm explained but Nong's actions stirred some doubt and piling worries.

I admire his bravery for stepping in for others. He's always chivalrous which made me think he had something special for Pharm before. He wasn't like that for Manaow but I never took her out of the equation until Pruk made a move and confessed to her.

But seeing him step in for a stranger and a kathoey? That was a first for me. And I didn't like what I saw or even felt during that moment.

I have nothing against kathoeys. I had a few flings with some. Beautiful and adorable they were. Anyone would fall in love with them. They are fairly sought by farangs. But, Nong?

"Pharm said they were called by an officer. I think they're already enlisting at this moment.", Dean told us as we walked back to the enlistment section, pulling me away from my thoughts.

I craned over the enlistment line for the T's and S's but they weren't in it.

"I thought you said they were already called, Mung?", I looked at Dean and he nodded.

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