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We filled ourselves with lunch after I accepted Nong's peace offering and birthday gift. I thought I already had my present during that stormy night but it seems he had something extra to top it.

I'm glad he's starting to gain some sense into our relationship.

I placed more grilled meat to his plate and a few lettuce leaves. I saw contentment in him as he chewed his food and it made me smile.

"Nong Team, aren't you the only child in your family?", Alex suddenly asked.

Nong just nodded and continued eating. I saw some grease on the side of his mouth and wiped it with a paper towel for him. I smiled again as he didn't mind my small gesture.

"Shouldn't you be exempted to continue the family line?", Alex was eager for a conversation.

My ears twitched at his question. I tilted my head sideways towards Alex. He was just sitting beside me and I couldn't help but think that he's being an insensitive prick right now.

Biologically speaking, we are at a disadvantage on that topic because obviously, we're both males in this relationship. Procreation is only possible with the help of science and a willing surrogate that would carry our genetically engineered offspring. That's our reality.

"Yeah.. Your Pho's in the forces, right? Don't they have that Sole Survivor Policy for direct family members?", Pruk suddenly joined in while picking on his food.

I wasn't liking the pair. They're starting to be an annoying tandem now. I'm not sure if they are intentionally ganging up on Nong or Alex is trying to provoke me.

Nong shrugged at them and gave them a flat answer, "Mai."

"How sure are you?", Alex was doubting him.

"I don't think that policy applies here in Thailand. If it does, Pho has to die first during service before it takes effect on me.", Nong gave him an eerie answer.

Pharm and I looked at each other as if weighing who should divert the topic elsewhere.

"How come your Pho is in the military? Isn't your family Chinese?", Pruk's curiosity is starting to cross.

I wanted to get to know Nong at his own pace. We did that during his stay at our home and his ancestry came up. Pruk was clearly chartering in unfamiliar territory. I eyed Dean already for back up.

Nong set down his chopsticks and looked at Pruk, "Phi.. almost everybody in the world is Chinese descent and almost everybody on Phu's side were in the armed forces".

I knew he was trying to reason out as sensibly as he could with his senior, but Nong can be sensitive with his lineage. Specially, that his beloved late grandmother is pure Chinese who migrated to Thailand.

"I think what you meant, Pruk, were the naturalized citizens.", I pointed out at him and gave him a warning glance.

Pruk tried to settle himself. He may be the laid back type but I know he's smart enough to pick things up.

"And it's not exclusive for Chinese immigrants but to all foreigners who chose to get naturalized in our country.", Pharm added his two cents in it.

Pruk rests his case but Alex was not getting the picture, "I heard natural citizens are only eligible for enlistment."

"I'm a natural citizen. My Ah Mah migrated a long time ago and married Phu which made Pho. I was born here.", Nong looked like he was ready to take a lunge at Alex.

Altered: Win and TeamWhere stories live. Discover now