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"What do you think you're doing?", I was wary of Hia as I started to look for a possible escape.

"I just wanted to confirm what you said to P'Sorn.", Hia was wearing a devilish smile with a glint in his eyes.

I eyed the sliding door and calculated my escape to the porch.

"I just said 'Yes' to his question.", I replied to Hia as he dashed towards me and I dodged to reach the sliding escape.

I aimed to unlock it and slammed it open. I immediately went for the clearing leaving the sliding door ajar.

I heard Hia shouting behind me, "Nong! Why are you running away?".

"I'm not! I'm escaping!", I shouted back at him and laughed.

"You owe me one!", I heard him at a distance knowing that he won't try to follow.

I caught my breath when I reached the pavilion. P'Sorn and P'Sin were already there, watching the table being set and the food being brought in.

Their bungalow must be nearby for them to be there early. I paid my respect and sat down beside P'Sorn. I'm more at ease with him than P'Sin who looks kind of uptight though there is warmth emanating from him.

"It seems you had a run in with the devil.", P'Sorn was trying to be light about the reason why I was catching my breath.

I reached for a glass of water before I answered him. The servers had finished placing all the food and excused themselves.

"I don't want to think about it.", I was kind of dismissive at his comment but he went on.

"Nong Win has always been mischievous. I never really got along with him but he was fun. Always playing around.", P'Sorn was reminiscing.

"And by playing, what did you exactly mean?", I asked him.

I'm not sure if he was thinking the same thing or if I'd like to hear how Hia played around during highschool from P'Sorn.

"Trying to raise a black propaganda against me, P?", Hia suddenly appeared behind me saying those words near my ear.

I almost jumped but he gave me a quick grip. His mouth near my ears were tickling my senses.

"Hia!", I couldn't help but laugh at what he has done

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"Hia!", I couldn't help but laugh at what he has done.

P'Sorn and P'Sin just shook their heads at Hia's display of affection. It seems he had thrown all the care away after I admitted our relationship.

"Ahw. The ants will surely swarm here with that sweetness.", it was P'Alex who said that.

He arrived with Del, Manaow, and P'Pruk. Manaow and Del looked like firecrackers were lit under their feet with the giggles their emitting. At least P'Pruk and P'Alex were safe from their ricochet since they kept a distance when they started.

Altered: Win and TeamWhere stories live. Discover now