One Wish

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Well, I can't save you..

- One Wish by The 1975



I scanned the crowd as we sat near the stage. The auction had already begun and a slide show presentation was already on the screen. I didn't expect to see Nong Team at the gala since Pruk didn't give me a heads up. Our meeting brought a shock and it was evident when I saw his face. I wanted to find a way to talk with him casually but he had disappeared as soon as we got in to the auction area. I started searching for other familiar faces and saw Manaow instead.

It seems she just came in and I watched her head straight to a table with Pruk in it but the one I was looking for wasn't there nor the girl he was with. I thought they could be seated somewhere and I began searching for either one of them thinking if I approached the girl first, then it would be easier to start a conversation with him. When I found her, she was sitting alone at the bar.

"Are you looking for someone?", Praewa asked as she noticed my wandering gaze.

"Do you want a drink?", I asked her instead.

She pointed at the wine filled glass in front of us blatantly as if to say that my question was irrelevant. I leered at her witty response.

"Aside from wine.", I specified to avoid any further rebuttal from her.

"If it's something that a waiter can't get for you, then go ahead.", she smiled at me complacently. 

I shook my head and stood up without offering her anything else

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I shook my head and stood up without offering her anything else. Her attitude was unbearable at times but it was the same bearing that caught my interest which had brought us together. She was too forward that her mere presence wards off others from getting to know her better. For me, she was a good shield if I want to stay out of prying eyes.

I took a stride towards the bar and sat beside the girl that called Nong Team as Adam. I wonder why she calls him by that name. I was thinking that it could be a procreation joke but she didn't go by the name of Eve as I've heard from the reporter back at the entrance. I was determined to ask her this after I get her undivided attention. I ordered from the bartender a glass of scotch on the rocks first and observed her for a moment.

She was clearly enjoying her cocktail and didn't seem to mind her surroundings. In my past experiences, girls who sat alone in a bar could be waiting for someone or simply enjoying an alone time. By her actions, she wasn't waiting for anyone which meant that Nong Team won't be joining her or she was just too confident that he'd comeback.

The last assumption made me jealous. I wish I had that disposition knowing that I had something I could hold on to. An assurance. Haven't I felt that before when I was with him? I don't remember, actually. What was more prominent in my memory is that my feelings for him would be constant. I looked back at Pruk's table and the others, he was clearly nowhere in the area.

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