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If I hadn't wronged you that day

Would we still be in love, would you stay?

I just realized it now, I can't stand not having you around

I keep wondering, if I hadn't broken your heart

Would we still be together, would we be apart?

If things were the same, we'd be happy, right?

But it's too late now, and all I can do is to dream about past love

-Fan thung faen kao (Dreaming of Past Love) by Three Man Down



In our culture, whenever we make a huge decision, we consult a monk or a fortune teller. We would ask when would be a good day to buy something new, to build a house, to start a business or for a wedding. An auspicious day to look forward to.

I watched my bestfriend walk down the aisle with his groom and I smiled at him. I felt my heart swell with inexplicable blending sensations. I was both sad and happy. I couldn't help but look away, for if I continue to stare, my chest would burst and I'll begin to cry with the sweltering emotions. 

"We vow to be patient with each other

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"We vow to be patient with each other.", the grooms simultaneously commenced the Door Ceremony as they gave an emerald green dessert topped with shredded coconut called Inthanin to Mew and P'Dej.

It was the same confection Pharm had made when he and P'Dean decided to take a break from each other. The former vice president of the Cooking Club accepted the delicacy just as he was given the honor to participate in Pharm's entourage along with P'Aum and P'Giffy who were sitting with the other guests that came to witness the union as the couple went to the next doorway guarded by Manaow and P'Pruk who were holding another golden cord at each end.

Traditionally, the Door Ceremony was done by the groom towards the bridal house. Gifts were provided at every passage to the guardian represented by the family members of the bride. The presents becomes more extravagant at every entry and at the end, an envelope of money is given by the groom to his bride. In this wedding, they were giving away parts of their memories that almost all of us share.

"We vow to keep things balanced with hands joined together."

The lockers from the swimming club flashed before my eyes as P'Dean presented sweets wrapped in banana leaves to the receiving pair. Khanom Tako. I remembered sharing it with Hia when I asked him if he believed in Buddha. The same time I had prayed for guidance in our relationship.

"We wish for our union to be blessed by our family and friends.", P'Sin and P'Sorn received the Cha Mongkut sprinkled with nuts and adorned in lotus petals. 

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