*White Flag*

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"You should take advantage of technology, Hia.", I told him as we drove out of the Chuka resto.

He just nodded as he focused on the road. I know this kind of reaction from Hia. It means he needed further convincing.

"You should use the app I have for online payments so you still have a way to pay even if you forget your wallet.", I continued.

I heard him grunt in agreement. I looked at him and waited until he acknowledged my suggestion.

"Chai.. I know it's convenient but I don't want linking my bank account to anything online.", he reasoned.

What he said is true. You can never be too careful online specially about money.

"The app I have is perfect for security freaks like you. You can just top up through online banking or in store!", I excitedly informed him about the features of the app.

He gave me a sideway skeptical glance and sighed, "Security freak? You talk like we're of the same age. I should really teach you some manners you punk."

I scratched my head at his response. It's true that sometimes I forget to watch my words and actions, as well as paying him with respect. Being comfortable with him and with our relationship makes the lines more blurry between us on how we interact. But it's not enough as an excuse.

"Khor thot khap na, Hia.", I apologized to him and settled in my seat.

There was minor traffic up ahead and I was taken advantaged of with the distraction of honking horns.

Hia suddenly kissed me on the cheeks and smiled, "Mai pen rai, Nong. Just watch it when we're in public or with company. You can abuse me all you want when we're alone."

My eyes widened when he emphasized that word. How can he be so callous when he speaks?

"Hoi! I'm not that abusive. You should tell that to yourself!", I defended myself as I felt my ears warm up.

He was the one who always leave those marks on my body and I was the only one who had to deal with it when some of the swimming club members had to ask. Hia just laughed and stepped on the accelerator for the car to move along.

"Sure, Nong. Come on, download the app on my phone and teach me how to use it later.", he moved slightly to the left and inched the right side of his bottom at me.

I covered my nose instinctively and asked him with a muffled voice, "Are you farting right now?!".

Hia lightly pushed my head with his hand and we laughed together.

"Mai! You insolent brat. I'm too refined for that!", he was clearly offended but he just laughed it off.

"Then why were you doing that?!", I teased and reenacted his previous action.

"I was gesturing for you to get my phone from my pocket!", he was still not over the humiliation.

I laughed so hard that there were tears brimming on my eyes already. An embarrassed Hia was the only thing I need to lighten my day.

"Are you going to download it or not?", he asked me seriously this time.

I tried to control my laughter and was about to get his phone, "Wait, why should I? Take it out yourself and give it to me.".

I hovered an open palm at him as he shook his head with his eyes still on the road.

"My hands are busy stirring the wheel.", he gave out an excuse.

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