Shooting Star

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I'm holding on to nothing

No reason worth for living

I'm calling out to you

If it's the only way to keep you

Then I don't want to break you

I'm losing grip again

-Shooting Star by Hale



I parked my car near Dean and Nong Pharm's restaurant entrance. It was their engagement party, so it was expected to be packed with guests from both sides, but it seems there were only a few people gathered inside. I knew I was late but I made sure to make it that way. I didn't know what to expect but I was hoping half of half. I had a lot of scene playing out in my head before I arrived at the place.

If the place was packed with both of the groom's relatives and he was there, it would be less awkward since there would be a lot and different reasons to mingle with the crowd. I know most of Dean's relatives through business gatherings and there could be a lot to talk about. I could easily get lost in those conversations and that would deter me from searching for him in the crowd. Right? I wasn't too sure.

If it wasn't, just as it is now, I'm hesitating if I should go in or not. How am I supposed to act in front of him? Like a stranger? A senior? An acquaintance? We've been more than that. A former lover. Une vieux flamme.

I shut my eyes for a moment and looked at the rear view mirror. I haven't aged that much. I'm still a knocker. I can still manage to turn heads whenever I enter a room. No one would think that I'm already in my late twenties. Even in the business industry, most of my colleagues thought that I was a neophyte when I was actually a veteran once they get to see or hear my proposals. 

Why I am even worried about meeting him again? Shouldn't he be the one uncomfortable? I should just act casual

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Why I am even worried about meeting him again? Shouldn't he be the one uncomfortable? I should just act casual. Pretend. But, I could also easily start the engine again and drive away then message Dean and Nong Pharm that I couldn't make it. I looked at the engagement gift on the passenger's seat which I've brought for them and thought that I could just give it to them some other time when we meet during the rehearsals of their wedding.

Right. Rehearsals. We won't get to avoid each other or pretend we don't exist any longer. We've been at it for years. Simultaneously joining our friends on occasions. Our friends would actually join in with the play. Though sometimes, one of them would slip and mention the other. They apologized for it at the beginning but later on they cared less or threw their inhibitions away. I always kept silent and just listened. It was a way for me to catch up on what or how he was doing without directly asking. I was somehow thankful for their callousness. Sometimes.

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