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Then, don't love me

So that you won't let me go




I tossed and turned on the bed. I was having difficulty sleeping in the cold weather unlike the person next to me who seemed sound asleep even without the covers. I stared at their silhouette as their torso rose and fell in the pattern the same as a child that's comfortable in their sleep does. I envied them as I started to observe the figure. I looked up and saw that their other arm was resting on their forehead with no worries about the world. I blinked in the dark when I saw something glint by their head.

I inched closer, careful enough not to disturb them, in case I was just imagining things. I peered beneath their arm and saw their eyelids were closed. I breathed in. I must have thought wrong that it could've been their eyes staring at me that gleamed in the dark. A trick made by the inconsiderate light from outside of the room.

"Hia?", I asked just to make sure.

There was no response. It's been a long time since we've shared the same bed and our nearness was unsettling. I know I missed him but I wasn't sure if he still feels the same way as before. Not after all the years that we've been apart. I felt optimistic of the certainty. I wasn't even sure how we ended up together right now in the same room. Same bed. How we let it be.

I took a chance to find out how we are now and leaned closer to his face. I planted a soft kiss on his lips. Light but lingering. If he wakes up, it would answer my question. The thoughts that had been plaguing my mind for years. But if he doesn't, then I would have to live forever with the consequences of my actions. Although it would definitely give me peace. Finally.

I inched away to savor the familiar feeling and saw his eyes staring back at me this time. I held my breath, trying to find a possible way out if his reaction would come to worse. He was wide awake but he didn't say anything. I should've been startled but surprisingly, I wasn't. Instead, I began to feel bold and kissed him again with no hesitation. I moved my lips, waiting for him to respond to the balminess of my kisses. Secretly, I wanted him to respond. I ached for his response with much atrocity.

I smiled to myself when he started to move his hands to draw my body closer as he parted his lips to receive mine. I felt the warmth from his body once again and I shivered on top of him. How could he bless me with such welcome, I was dumbfounded yet I feel resigned. Longing began to take over the both of us and we let our bodies speak for ourselves. The toll of all the years lost without each other was overwhelming. We began to roll on the bed as he took the covers off of me. The coldness didn't matter anymore as the heat from both of our bodies ignited. 

Hia slid his hands under my shirt as I let him take it off as well

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Hia slid his hands under my shirt as I let him take it off as well. He laid beside me and turned me to my side as he pulled me close to his body with one of his arm tucked under my torso. He started kissing the nook in my neck and caressed my nips with each of his hands. I arched my back with my eyes closed as he nibbled and continued to suckle on my shoulders.

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