Phi Chay

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To brothers.. 

For brothers.. 

-An Ode From Brothers



He grew up in a quite household filled with elders. No one to play with but toys that were bought as replacements for the affections he yearned for from his missing parents. They're always busy earning and fulfilling their duties, only to be gone for several days then they would come back with treasures to tempt him into feeling that he was loved after all. The mere complaints of a child born in an upper-class household who was unmindful of the woes of those who are generally deprived. He was guilty of that, but everyone has their own war to wage.

The only thing that he could look forward to were the summers when his phi chay would be finally home and filling the old house with laughter and screams from their never ending fights. Phi Pao was his maae's first born from her first marriage with a Japanese businessman. Their union didn't quite work out due to cultural differences and issues from both of their families since they got married without their parents' consent. 

It was a you-and-me-against-the-world love story that ended bitterly which was amicably settled in the sharing of custody of their only son

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It was a you-and-me-against-the-world love story that ended bitterly which was amicably settled in the sharing of custody of their only son. Their mother didn't try to make the same mistake with the second marriage with his father. She knew that she had to work hard to be accepted by his family. She had to humble herself. And it somehow paid off even with her status as a divorcee having a child from her first failed marriage. It did not affect the dowry she received from his father's family. They refused to treat her differently from a maiden. In fact, her worth was doubled since she had a son to raise on her own and she would be forever thankful with her maae-saa-mee, although she had to bear with the strain of the elder being strict and deeply feared within the household for her matriarchal upbringing.

Phi Pao wasn't treated any lesser even when their maae finally gave birth to another baby boy. A first born and a second child at the same time. Two roles that he had played simultaneously since birth. An only child during school days and a nong during summers. A duality that he welcomed.

"Phi! What are you doing?!", Team shouted at his older brother in annoyance.

Phi Pao turned on the video player and switched the mode of the television after he inserted a disk, "Be quiet. We're going to watch a movie."

"Why do you have to watch it in my room when you have your own in your room?! I'll tell Maae about this!", the younger stood up in vexation since he was watching his favorite cartoons but was forced to sit back down again on the floor. 


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