I 'Effin Love You Too 7

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You might notice that there are some stars down there. Well, that's because I didn't really like having the actual word in the text, but it's part of the character who said it's personality. I, personally, hate the word used, but it shows you just how bad that character is. AND it is absolutely NOT going to be used in any future chapters purely because I hate the word and it could offend other readers if I use it too much. Just wanted to let you guys know about that. So yeah.

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Summer's POV-

"What?" I said, unable to grasp on to what he had just said. There....she couldn't be out. Flora.....Angie...just couldn't be out. Calm down, Summer. Again, there was no gurantee that she would be coming here. Just like there was no gurantee that Josh would be coming here. I mean, we had a restraining order on him and Emma and we've heard nothing but silence from those two and Flora....er, Angie. Stupid multiple personality disorder of hers. I looked at Jay with wide eyes and he just stared right back the same.

"She's out," Jimmy repeated.

"Did my FATHER have anything to do with this?" Jay asked.

"Who else?"

"I'm going to kill him," Jay said. I shook my head at him.

"No, you're not," I said. "Because I am."

"Neither of you are going to get your paws on him before I do," Jimmy told us.

"How do you know she's out?" I asked.

"She called, talked to Myla and told her to tell me."

"She didn't want to talk to you?"

"No, just wanted to tell whoever answered the phone that she was out," he said. Jay lowered himself on the couch and handed the phone to me.

"Did she say anything about coming here?" I asked.

"That's the.......man, I don't want to do this," he sighed. Jay ran his hands through his hair. We didn't need Jimmy to say any more. I knew what the answer was.

"She's coming here, isn't she?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"Unfortunately!" I hear Tommy shout out in the background.

"Hi Tommy," I greeted quickly. "And why exactly was she coming here?"

"Hi Summer! Hi Jay!" Tommy greeted. Jay smiled and returned the greeting.

"To visit her favorite son," Jimmy said sarcastically.

"So she's coming to see you?"

"Unfortunately!" Tommy cried out again.

"Does she know about...Owen?"


"Does Owen know about her?"

"Unfortunately!" I heard someone call again. This time it was Owen.

"Owen!" Jimmy warned.

"Going up!"

"Does she know you married Myla?" I asked, laughing at my goof of a nephew.

"I don't know. I really don't care if she knows or not."

"So what are you going to do when she comes and knocks on your front door? Tell her to get out of there?"

"I was considering that option, yes," he said thoughtfully.

"Jimmy, she's your mom. You should see her again."

"I don't care who she is. After everything she's done, I'm really not loving the idea of seeing her again."

"Neither am I!" Tommy called.

"Well, the thing is she's coming, whether we like it or not. And we're just going to have to deal with it."

-Owen's POV-

So apparently, my grandma is out of prison now. The very same one who pretty much betrayed my dad, kidnapped and almost killed Aunt Summer, and is just.....not a very nice woman. Oh and I guess she had some multiple personality disorder thing because one name she had was Flora and another was Angie. She was like married to my grandpa Mark and then she was the girlfriend of this big mob boss that my dad didn't like all too much- why, I don't know because Mom nudged him and made him stop before he told me the whole story- and she was a little out there. I wonder how that whole double personality thing worked with her. It's like, she walks into her house and sees her husband and she goes 'oh hi, honey!'. Then he asks her how her day was and she's thinking about her day with her boyfriend who she's all 'I'm so mean!' with, but instead she tells her husband that her day was good and spares him the details. Maybe that's how she worked it. I don't know. Right now, Dad was talking on the phone to Aunt Summer while Mom was pacing around in the kitchen and I was sitting upstairs. In my room. Alone. And bored! When I thought I heard Dad hang up, I called down.

"Can I come down now?!"

"Stay up there, Owe," he replied. I sighed out of pure boredom. What could they POSSIBLY be talking about now? It's not like I didn't know everything. Bad nana was coming to town to see Dad and she didn't know about me, but there was a good chance that she knew Mom. Oh and there's the fact that she hated Aunt Summer and most likely Uncle Jay, too. I'm sure there are other details that my parents were keeping from me, but hey! I don't need to know them, right? Right............................................................................................That's it, I'm just too bored right now. I picked up my cell phone and called her.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey birthday girl," I said.

"Hey, Owe," Grace said.

"So, how did dinner go?"

"Oh, god! I have to tell you something. You remember Cory?"

"Hmm....can't say that I do."

"You don't remember me talking about him all the time? Especially when I was in seventh grade or something like that?" she said.

"I do recall you talking about him a lot, yes. I also remember him moving away."


"What about him?"

"He's back! He's moving back into town, I just saw him at the restaurant!"

"You sound very excited about this."

"Please, I'm practically skipping around in my room," she said. Really? Hmm....

"Are you now?"

"I know that tone," she said.

"What tone?"

"The one where you think you have a good idea, but really it's just something that's either not going to work or get you in trouble."

"I'm hoping this will result in neither."

"What are you thinking?" she asked suspiciously.

"Nothing," I replied innocently.

"Owie!" she whined. Gah! She KNEW I hated that nickname! Why would she use that weakness against me?

"Gracie!" I whined back, pretending to be unphased by the hated nickname she used on me.

"Ugh, you're not going to tell me are you?"

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p'.

"You suck."

"You swallow," I grinned.

-Josh's POV-

I called their house using a restricted number. HE answered.

"Hello?" he said. I hung up on him. I called to talk to Summer, not to him. Then again, calling her right now wouldn't be the best idea. Since I'm supposed to be keeping away from her and Jay and everything. I sighed and sat back on the bed.

"What do I do now?" I asked aloud. Didn't reallly come here with a plan to get Summer back. Probably would have been a good idea. Maybe SHE could be of some assistance to me with that. I called her, but she didn't answer. So I just left her a voice mail, giving her my new number and told her to call me back. She, after all, was already after the same people for her own reasons. All I have to do is let her handle Jay and convince her to let me take Summer and then we could decide what to do with Grace after that. My new cell phone vibrated in my hand and I answered it instantly.

"I see you got my message," I said right away.

"I did," she said. "What did you need?"

"I want to know exactly what your plan is."

"And I thought that you never wanted anything to do with me again. Isn't that what you told me eighteen years ago? Almost right before you were arrested?"

"I had my reasons."

"And you have your reasons for wanting to be allied with me again?"

"You know I do."

"Is that all you ever think about? Just yourself? And her?"

"She's the reason I'm even bothering to talk to you now."

"You know I'm after her too."

"I'm willing to make a deal with you."

"And what deal would that be?"

"You get him, I get her."

"Doesn't sound like a BAD idea. What about the kid?"

"I don't know. I assume you don't want her?"

"I assume you do."

"I'm debating."

"Debate quickly, because I'm not waiting four more years. I've waited long enough," she warned. I nodded slowly to myself. So have I.

-Grace's POV-

The next day at school, who should the first person I run into be? Leslie. Ha ha, no. You would guess that it was someone I really didn't like, but I was in a joking mood. Unfortunately, she wasn't. She actually looked pissed off about something. It was morning. What could have possibly happened to make her this mad already?

"Les, what's up?" I asked her.

"Nothing," she said moodily.

"Don't lie to me," I said. Aurora walked by us and sent me a little smirk as she passed by. Leslie glared at her until she went out of vision. "Something to do with her?" I asked, nodding my head in Aurora's direction.

"Of course," Leslie mumbled.

"What did she do now?" I sighed. Aurora just got off on bringing people misery. Other people's pain was her amuesment.

"What she always does. Acts like a little high and mighty bitch."

"What EXACTLY did she do?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I swear she's like from the nineteen thirties or something," she muttered. That BETTER not mean what I thought it meant.

"Leslie, what. Did. She. Do?"

"Same crap she always does. I was trying to get past her and her little buddies ten minutes ago and simply said 'excuse me' and she turns around and snaps on me."

"What did she say?"

"I don't move for black people," she said, imitating Aurora's annoying voice. I tsked and turned around abruptly and started down the hall. "Where do you think you're going?" she asked.

"Where else? To kick her as-"

"No you're not!"

"Fine, then to tell the principle."

"I already did!"


"She said that I don't have enough witnesses to prove that she said it and all her friends backed her up when she said that she never said that."

"Ugh!" I cried out, stomping my foot. Yes, I was acting like a child with that, but when you insult my best friend like that and get away with it, I get a little mad.

"What's going on over here?" Danny asked, coming by my side.

"That little-" I stopped talking after failing to find a word bad enough for her.

"Aurora struck again," Leslie told him for me.

"What did she say now?" he asked. Leslie told him and he seemed just as mad as I did. "And the principle just let her get away with it?"

"I don't have enough people to back up that she said it and she had plenty of people backing up that she never said it."

"Whore," Danny mumbled. Leslie snickered. I looked down at the ground, not even cracking a smile. "Grace."


"Come on, Grace," Leslie said. "Let's just let it go." I looked between her and Danny.

"Fine," I sighed finally. I really dislike Aurora. I walked Danny to his class and walked down to my first class, which unfortunately included her. She strutted in and took her seat by me.

"Hey Grace," she greeted in her friendliest tone. I remained silent. "What? Are you giving me the silent treatment?"

"Why shouldn't I?"

"It's not very nice."

"Like I care."

"What's your problem?"

"Oh, am I supposed to be all buddy, buddy with the girl who insulted my best friend?" I snapped. She smirked and shook her head.

"I don't know what she told you, but just know that it never happened."

"Right. So she just makes up racist comments towards herself and tells me that someone else said them?"

"Must be what she's doing," she smiled. I glared at her.

"Aurora, I've known you for too long. I know that you say crap like that to her all the time and I'm just about done with it."

"What ever," she said. "Don't know why you would defend a n***** like her," she mumbled. I raised an eyebrow and looked over at her.

"WHAT did you just say?"

"I'm absolutely positive that you heard me," she said, looking through the papers in her binder without looking up at me. That's it! I got up out of my seat and stood in front of hers with my hands on her desk.

"Say it again," I challenged her. She smiled wide and looked up at me.

"N-" She didn't even finish the word before I punched her jaw and knocked her out of her chair.

"Grace Night!" the teacher exclaimed. Oh great.

-Jimmy's POV-

Pace, pace, pace, pace. Hey I think I like this! This whole pacing thing, I did, I did. Myla sighed and put her hands on my shoulders to stop me.

"Stop," she told me.

"I don't want her to come here," I said.

"She's not going to come here. We're meeting her at the cafe."

"I don't want her to go there either," I mumbled stubbornly.

"Would you rather she came here?"

"No, I'd rather not have her come here at all. I like that idea a lot better."

"Well, that's not going to happen because she's coming," she said to me. My Mommy Dearest just called a few minutes ago and asked us to meet her in this nice little place called Taylor Cafe. Her words, not mine. She wanted both of us, me and Myla, to come because she originally wanted to see me again and she wanted to meet my wife since she wasn't there at the wedding.

"Come on, we're going to be late then she might try to find us," Myla said. I groaned and wrapped my arms around her.

"I don't want to," I said.

"God, sometimes it seems like I have two children not just one," she mumbled into my chest. I smiled smugly.

"Probably because you do," I said. She laughed and I kissed her forehead. "Let's go," I sighed. We went out to the car and drove to the cafe where I would meet my doom. Okay, that was a little over-dramatic, but still. We arrived at the cafe and I just sat in the car, right in front.

"You planning on coming in?" Myla asked after a while.

"You know I don't want to see her," I sighed.

"I know you don't. You know you don't. But in the end, it all comes to whether or not we want her to hunt us down and come to our house and know where we live after that," she said.

"Fine, let's go in," I said, opening my door. We got out of the car and went inside. I looked around and saw her sitting alone at the table in the corner by the window. I sucked in some air, took Myla's hand, and walked over to her. She looked up at us and smiled.

"Jimmy," she said.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Anyone hate Aurora? I do! She's a horrible person, isn't she? That word that was blanked out? Didn't it piss you off that she said that? It's like, that's her on the side btw, what the heck! But she said it! She's a little bitch. I dislike her. And Josh. And Flora/Anige. And now I'm rabbling on and on and on. I'll shut up now. Get to my other story. Okay bye. Thank you for reading! :)

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now