I 'Effin Love You Too 8

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-Grace's POV-

Well this was a first for me. Sitting in the principle's office, waiting for him to come talk to me, was a new experience and I would do it again if it were for the same reason I were in here right now. Aurora totally faked that bloody nose thing. I punched her jaw, not her nose, and there were witnesses to prove that. She's so much of a teacher's pet all other times that he just took her word for it. Didn't even ask to see her bloody nose. Just told her to go to the bathroom and fix it up and that I would be taken care of. Whatever. I didn't even like Mr. Long. He wasn't a very good teacher. He sucked in all ways. I sighed at my sudden burst of attitude toward Mr. Long. It wasn't his fault that he had to follow school rules and send me to the office and bashing him in my thoughts was definitely not going to help any. Then again the least he could do was check her dang nose. My punishment, whatever it was going to be, would probably be much less severe if there weren't any blood- real or fake. As I was tapping my foot impatiently, he came in followed by Cory, who didn't look surprised to see me sitting in his office.

"Cory, just have a seat outside there, will you? This should only take a second," Mr. Wells said to him. Cory nodded and gave me one last look before going to sit. When he was gone and the door was shut behind him, Mr. Wells sighed.

"Why are you in here, Miss Night?" he asked me. OH! He didn't know! I could lie and....and.....eh, he would probably talk to Mr. Long later and then I would be in even bigger trouble for lying. I should probably tell him the truth then. Sigh.

"I-" I began, but was cut off by him.

"Save it. I know why you're in here," he said, sitting in his chair on the other side of his desk.

"You talked to Mr. Long?"

"No, I talked to Aurora before I met up with Cory outside. She had a paper towel held up to her nose and told me that you punched her and gave her a bloody nose. Is this true?" he asked. I said I was going to tell the truth, didn't I?

"No, that's not true. Not entirely true, at least. I mean I DID punch her, but not her nose. I punched her jaw!" I said quickly. He tried to look serious, but I could see how amused he really was by this.

"Well I know that you two don't entirely get along all too well, but I don't think that punching her is a way to solve things. Remember what you guys were always told in elementary school, violence is never the answer. And I know that you're mother has told you that once or twice, seeing that there was no need to tell you any other time. You were always a calm girl, Grace," he said, leaning back. "You're a good student, you get good grades, you're honest, and you've never broken any rules in you're life."

"Yes I have."

"You have?"


"When? What rule?"

"I ran with scissors when I was six years old after my art teacher told us not to," I admitted. This time, he made no effort to hide his amusement. He started snickering, gradually bringing his head down on his desk. After he stopped and looked back up at me, he gathered his serious face back.

"I just want to know where this sudden burst of violence came from," he said.

"It was something that the little- that SHE said," I said, catching myself before I swore in front of him.

"What exactly did she say?"

"I'd rather not repeat it, just know that it was a racist remark."

"Directed at Miss Johnson, I presume?"

"You presume correctly," I said. He sighed, shook his head, and mumbled something along the lines of 'only in my school'.

"I'm going to have a little chat with her later, but right now I have to deal with you."

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now