I 'Effin Love You Too 5

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So sorry for taking so long guys! I was buried in stuff for finals and then last night I was just exhausted. I got this up as soon as I could, next up is NMAP. Btw, that's Danny on the side there.

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Grace's POV-

I couldn't believe my eyes. Cory was standing right in front of me. The very same guy who managed to break my heart- unintentionally, of course- was standing in front of me. What was he doing here? I thought he moved away a long time ago.

"Why are you here?" I asked him, unable to mask my happiness and suprise.

"To eat dinner, what do you think ya noob?" he said in that teasing voice that I missed so much. I laughed at his old nickname for me. Whenever I asked something, where the answer was incredibly obvious, he would call me a noob. And I would call him the same thing if he did the same.

"No, I mean HERE. Are you visiting?" I laughed.

"No, no, I wanted to surprise you with this," he said.

"Surprise me with what?"

"We're moving back!" he said. My eyes widened.

"What? Really?!"

"Yeah, we're moving back into the old house."

"Oh my gosh! I am...I don't know what to say! I'm so happy you're back!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him. He laughed and hugged me back.

"Cory, what's taking so long?!" a feminine voice I recognized very well behind him called. I pulled away from Cory and looked over to see his Mom, Linda, walking over.

"Linda!" I smiled. Her expression went from confusion, to recognition, to happiness.

"Well, well, well if it isn't little miss Grace," she smiled. We hugged and laughed.

"Cory tells me you guys are moving back," I said, stepping back by Cory. Naturally, we held hands. Don't ask why, it just came naturally after a while. We spent so long being sweethearts and holding hands that I guess him moving didn't change anything between us. I still loved him. I didn't know if he loved me still or not. There was one problem. Danny.

"Yes, we are. Back into the old house," she nodded as I slowly slid my hand out of Cory's. "Are you're parents here too?"

"Yes they are. Here, I'll take you to them," I said. I led them back to the table where my parents and Danny were sitting in an awkward silence.

"Look who I found," I sang out. Mom was the first to look up and when she saw Linda, her eyes widened and a smile appeared on her face.

"Linda!" she exclaimed.

"Summer!" They embraced each other and talked over each other about how good it was to see the other and how good she looked. Dad stood up next to greet Linda while Danny just watched Linda and Cory with a confused expression. He looked over at me, but I really wasn't paying attention to him. I was too busy watching my parents having a happy reunion with a friend of theirs.

"Where are you sitting?" Mom asked Linda.

"We are sitting over there in that corner," she said, pointing across the room.

"That's just not going to work, now is it? Here, pull a couple chairs up," Dad said, pulling one chair up. Cory pulled up his own chair and set it on the other side of my own. Yikes, that might be a little awkward. Sitting between my old childhood sweetheart and my present boyfriend. We all sat back down.

"By the way, happy birthday Grace," Cory said. I looked at him.

"You remember my birthday?" I gasped.

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