I 'Effin Love You Too 11

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Josh is a dang creep. I'm sure you all knew that already, but I just wanted to hint that he was in this chapter. He's not until the very end of the chapter, though. His thoughts are crazy and everything, because he's crazy and everything and...yeah. He's not..all...there...in the head. ANYWAY, I REALLY like this whole Owen love story that I'm going to start up here. I hope you all like it too!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Owen's POV-

Allison. The name ran through my head for the rest of Physics class. She was the prettiest girl I've ever seen with chocolate brown eyes on a soft face surrounded by thick dirty blond hair, but she seemed like the thought never occurred to her. Maybe she was just shy or something. It was her first day here.

"For the love of- stop drooling and just go talk to her," Max said just as the bell was about to ring. When it did, everyone stood up and gathered their things. I noticed, not that I was staring or anything, Allison take out a map from her backpack. Most likely a map of the school.

"Dude, just found the perfect opportunity to talk to her," I said, patting Max's shoulder. "I'll see you in class."

"Yeah, yeah," he waved. I went over by her and looked over her shoulder at the map.

"So," I began. She jumped. "You're new here."

"Y-yeah, I am," she said shyly, blushing lightly. She was probably still embarrassed by that sarcastic comment she made earlier. Little did she know that she didn't have anything to be embarrassed about. I really liked that she didn't know me and she still had the guts to say that.

"I'm Owen by the way," I said. "Owen Day."

"Nice to meet you," she said. "I'm Allison."

"Very nice to meet you Allison," I said. "What's your next class?"

"I have uh..." she took out her schedule and checked it. "I have History with Mr. Turner."

"What do you know? I have that next too," I said.


"Yeah, do you want me to show you the way?"

"That'd be really nice, thanks," she smiled. God she was so pretty. Her eyes especially. Looking at her triggered Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars to play in my head.

"Right this way then, milady," I said, holding out my arm for her to take. She smiled wider and hooked her arm through mine. I put my nose in the air in a teasing way like Leonardo DiCaprio did in Titanic and she giggled at that.

"So where did you move here from?" I asked as we trudged through the somewhat crowded hall way.

"I just moved here a couple days ago from Ohio," she said, looking sad about something.

"With your parents?"

"Um...no...they died when I was five years old. I've been bounced around from foster home to foster home for most of my life. I was recently adopted," she said. THAT'S why she looked sad when I asked her where she moved here from.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said quickly. Now I felt bad for making her sad.

"It's okay," she said, giving me a small smile. "I barely remember them."

"That must suck."

"It does. It's all I've ever wanted. To just know them, you know? But I can't. And the foster parents I have had in my lifetime aren't exactly people you would want to call role models," she said.

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