I 'Effin Love You Too 22

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Kay, yeah. It's been a while, I know. Sorry guys. But on the bright side, summer is here so there's no more school! Happily, I will have more time to upload.

Sadly, it's just for this week. In about a week, I'm going to have to go stay in dorms for three weeks where I'm not going to have any Internet access. I'm going to be home for the fourth of July weekend though, so I'll try and upload then when I'm here. Other than that, yeah I'm not going to be able to. So I'm going to try and upload like crazy this week! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

BTW: Thanks for staying with me and the I 'Effin Love You, Too cast!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Grace's POV-

The following Monday I got to school twenty minutes early. Owen was still in the hospital- to be released along with Allison today, Leslie most likely wouldn't be here for another ten minutes, Cory barely ever got here five minutes before the bell rang so I was here on my own for a while. I stopped at my locker to get a couple things I needed for my first class. I pulled my binder out and just as I was about to reach back in for a pencil, a hand slammed the locker door shut on me. I looked over to see Danny.

"Not now, Danny," I begged.

"Why haven't you answered my calls?" he asked in a very irritated tone. He blew my phone up all yesterday while I was at the hospital of Owen and I never answered, partly because I was with family and partly because I just flat out didn't want to speak to him considering that he had been creepily standing in my back yard the day before.

"I was at the hospital," I answered, spinning the dial on my lock to open the locker again.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because Owen got into a car accident the night before," I said matter-of-factly, opening my locker door. "I thought it would be rude to answer my phone while I was talking to him and my aunt and uncle and parents."

"You couldn't take five minutes?"

"Christ, Danny! Didn't you hear me? I said my little cousin got into a car accident! He almost died!"

"But he didn't, did he?" he pointed out. I slammed my locker door shut after I got my pencil.

"What do you have to talk to me about that so damn important anyway?" I snapped. Man, I thought. I just swore. I hate swearing and now I hate Danny for making me swear.

"You and me," he said. "What's going on?"

"There is no you and me anymore, that's what's going on."

"Come on, Grace," he said. "Be real. You know you don't mean that."

"Danny, it's over. Just deal with it and leave me alone, please?" I begged.


"I believe the lady asked you to leave her alone," a very angry voice said from behind me. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that it was Cory.

"This doesn't concern you," Danny growled.

"Grace is one of my best friends," Cory stated. Man way to stab my heart, I thought sarcastically. "I think anything that concerns her, concerns me."

"Wanna bet?" Danny challenged, getting closer. I put a hand on his chest to push him back. These two were squishing me between them now and it wasn't fun.

"Back off, Danny," I said.

"Yeah," Cory said. "Back off Danny."

"You're really asking for it, you little scum bag."

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