I 'Effin Love You Too 18 re-post

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This was originally posted on Wednesday but due to the website being out for a couple days, I guess they lost it or something. So if you already read it when I first posted it, then nothing has changed. The next part after this will be out tonight. Lol. BTW, song on the side doesn't really have much to do with the chapter, I just put it up because I thought these two sounded absolutely amazing together and I really liked the music. So yeah.

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Grace's POV-

There was a knock on my door just as Owen was about to look back outside to see if Danny was still there. Dad poked his head in and looked over at me.

"He's gone, hon," he said. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Did he say what he was doing?" I asked.

"Just that he was coming to see you."

"It didn't look like he was planning on coming in at any second," Owen mumbled.

"He probably wasn't. He's just like HIM," Dad muttered. I gave him a weird look. What did he mean by that? Who was HIM?

"What?" I asked. Dad looked back at me and shook his head.

"Nothing," he said. "Don't worry about it. By the way, he's probably going to try to talk to you on Monday when you get to school or something."

"I'll make sure he stays away if you want," Owen offered. I smiled.

"Thank you, Owen. But I should probably talk to him."

"Suit yourself," Owen shrugged. "Just know you can call me if you need me to beat him up."

"Thanks, Owe," I said.

"Alright, I'm going to go back downstairs. Let me know if you see him again," Dad said.

"Okay, Daddy," I said. He closed my door again and Owen plopped next to me on my bed.

"Tell me why your ex boyfriend is such a creeper slash douche bag," he said. I gave him a look, but smiled and shrugged.

"Your guess is better than my answer, trust me," I said. "I don't know how I didn't see how he really was before! I mean, I could tell he didn't really like me all that much when we first started going out...and then the further we got into our relationship, the more it felt...like a brother sister relationship. Not even that! It felt....it felt..."

"It felt what?"

"Forced?" I said. "I guess would be the word for it."

"Forced? Forced by who?"

"That's what I really don't know," I admitted. "It felt like he felt he HAD to stay with me. Or...do you know what I mean?"

"Yes and no," Owen said. "What do you mean by he felt like he had to stay with you."

"Like someone or something was forcing him to stay with me."

"Who would do that if it was someone forcing him? Why would they...I'm just really confused with all of this."

"So am I," I said thoughtfully. Couldn't be his dad- he was WAY too nice to do something like then, but then again it tends to be the nice one a lot...not his mom, she hated me.....I couldn't think of anyone else who had that much power over him. He couldn't want to date me for my parents because they hated him and I'm sure he wasn't all too fond of them either.

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now