I 'Effin Love You Too part 37

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Before we get to the story I just want you all to know that I cried while writing this. Not only is it the first thing I worked on since I came out of writers block, but it's the end of the sequel and I really had fun writing it. It's super cliché, I won't lie, and it's probably not my best work but whateves. Lol.

Thank you all fans who love this story and the first one. Thank you for sticking to the story even though it wasn't all that good and the uploads took like three years. I'm gonna miss all the characters, especially Owen, and yeah...thanks guys.

Okay here we go. The last chapter.


<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Grace's POV-

Life is a game. Sometimes it's a game of cat and mouse, sometimes it's Sorry, sometimes it's something else; any way you look at it, it's a game. That creepy Josh guy, that witch Emma, and that douche Danny all found it amusing to play the cat and mouse game. I didn't understand what was so entertaining about it to them, then again that could be because I was the mouse while they were the cats. At least now they won't be able to play that game anymore with me or my family or anyone else I care about. I would think that's hard to do from behind bars.

"YEAH BABY!" Uncle Jimmy shouted out after the judge read the jury's verdict.

"Mr. Day please control yourself," he pleaded.

"Sorry," Uncle Jimmy said quickly. He sat down just as quickly and Aunt Myla smacked the back of his head. He flinched and held the back of his head, staring at her in shock. She stared right back at him and tried her best not to start laughing, but to no avail. She began laughing her butt off as soon as he flipped her the bird.

"You two are mature," Dad said sarcastically. Aunt Myla stopped laughing abruptly and looked over at him.

"Look who's talking!" she retorted. The judge shushed them before looking back at the animals who had just been sentenced to prison.

"Sentencing will take place next week Monday, thank you jurors for your time and service. Court is adjourned," he said. After he pounded his gavel, the jurors stood up almost instantly and filed out of the room while my family and I stood up and stretched. Uncle Jimmy, Dad, Cory, and Owen watched with smug smiles as Danny and his parents were handcuffed and escorted back to wherever by the bailiff. I could feel Cory's gaze on me, trying to catch my eye, but I refused to look at him. As of now he is nothing but a ghost in my past and I will never ever think of him again. Cory looked at me after the three were out of sight and smiled sincerley.

"How do you feel?" he asked me.

"Safe," I said my eyes meeting his. "I know where they're going and I'm not going to have to look over my shoulder every minute wondering if one of them is following me or something. I also know that Aunt Myla and Uncle Jimmy are going to be safe from that freakazoid ex-girlfriend of Uncle Jimmy's."

"Yeah and I can take a break from planning Danny's death," Owen butt in. I looked over my shoulder at the butt munch and stuck my tongue out at him. "Now that was uncalled for!"

"No it wasn't," I said.

"You- I- Mom!"

"Whatever it was, you deserved it," Aunt Myla said without even glancing over.

"I am OUTRAGED!" Owen said dramatically.

"Guys, I don't know about any of you but I'm starving," Dad said.

"Let's go get food!" Uncle Jimmy exclaimed. "I want food! I want a steak! Or lobster works too."

"I was thinking of burgers," Mom said. Uncle Jimmy sighed and looked down like a child.

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