I 'Effin Love You Too 17

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When you guys read this, you're going to be all 'OH! Danny's a creeper!' Of course, most of you kind of already think that, but this is going to be the icing on the cake. You know how I said eariler that Owen is JUST LIKE Jimmy in several ways? Yeah...well Danny's going to turn out to be JUST LIKE Josh in several ways. Eh, I'll let you guys get to reading now.

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Owen's POV-

"YOU DID IT!" I cried out like someone would to a little kid who just used the toliet for the first time. Grace rolled her eyes and nodded.

"I did it," she said. "Yesterday. He wasn't too happy about it, but it's officially over now."

"How did he react? Did he cry? Please tell me he cried," I begged. She smiled slightly.

"No, he didn't cry. He did punch the wall though," she said thoughtfully. Whoa!

"He punched the wall? Are you kidding me right now?" I asked. She shook her head no.

"He did. Right in front of me," she said. I stared at her with wide eyes. "I told you he wasn't happy about it."

"Yeah but I didn't think you meant he was so mad that he punched a hole in the wall!"

"Well he did."

"I can't believe that."

"Neither could I."

"Was his mom there? Or his dad?"

"His mom heard and she came into the living room to see what the noise was all about. When she saw the hole, she started screaming at him and told him to start fixing it."

"I bet that was awkward for you to be in."

"It's just his mom," she shrugged. I gave her a look. "Okay I was terrified. Only because it was his mom and I'm more than certain that she doesn't like me."

"She has no reason to not like you."

"For some reason she doesn't, though."

"Well she's stupid then," I said quickly. Seriously, Danny's mom had issues if she didn't like Grace. I mean, only a crazy person wouldn't like her. Aurora didn't even not like her, she just wasn't entirely fond of her because she was friends with Leslie. An extremely stupid reason not to like her, I know. But then again, this was Aurora we were talking about. Everything about the girl was stupid.

"I don't want to talk about Danny anymore," Grace said. "Why don't we discuss Allison?"

"Allison," I repeated. Oh, she wanted to know what was going on between us. I get it, she was being nosy.

"Yes, Allison," she confirmed. "What's going on there?"

"Nothing," I said. "I guess we're friends."

"You sound like you don't really like that."

"I never said I didn't like it."

"Owey, you don't have to lie to me."

"Gah! Don't call me Owey, Gracie!"

"Don't call me Gracie and I won't call you Owey!"




"Owey! You'll never win!"

"Eh, fine," I surrendered to her. "I like her, okay?"

"Ooh, that's so cute!" she cooed. "That's really cute! She's really pretty and she seems nice."

"She is nice," I said, looking out Grace's window.

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now