I 'Effin Love You Too 16

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Quick note to all, I don't know if there is actually a Founder's Day in Marshall. I just thought 'hey a masquerade dance sounds fun' and then I saw they this Founder's Day thing on Pretty Little Liars and I just tied them together. So yeah. The dance isn't in this chapter, it actually won't come up for a while, but yeah...enjoy!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Summer's POV-

"I'm getting impatient," I said for the fifth time.

"Of course you are," Kari said, rolling her eyes. "Come on now you know Jay can't get here in two seconds."

"I wish he could," I groaned, plopping down on the couch. "I want to know!"

"And I want to know just as much as you do, but we have to be patient."

"Kari, how long have you known me?"

"Since first grade."

"Then you should know by now that I don't do patient."

"I know you like the back of my hand so of course I know- when did I get a scratch on my knuckles?" she asked, staring down at her knuckles. I snorted and hid my smile. "What? I'm serious! I didn't see that there before!"

"I love how we still act like children," I smiled.

"Psh, you still act like a kid. I act my age," she said. It was my turn to roll my eyes then.

"Yeah, okay," I said. "Last time I checked you were thirty eight not eight." She looked at me through narrowed eyes.

"Seven, actually," she said. I balked at her then went back to pacing. When I heard a car pull into the driveway, I bolted to the door. Kari's eyes widened and she jumped slightly. "Jeesh!"

"They're here!" I exclaimed.

"Well, no duh!"

"I can't wait for her to tell me!" I jumped with excitement right in front of the door.

"Yeah make it obvious you're excited by the fact that she may have broken up with him."

"You hush!"

"Make me!" she said playfully. I stuck my tongue out at her and she just rolled her eyes. "That's mature."

"Isn't it?" I asked, stepping back away from the door so Grace and Jay could come inside. Jay was the first inside the house. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He embraced me tightly and kissed my neck, rocking us from side to side. I giggled a little.

"Was I missed today?" I asked him teasingly.

"Yes especially this morning when Russ came in and tried some pills and ended up having to get a special kind of shot," he explained. I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion and pulled back to look at his face.

"What? What kind of shot?"

"Believe me, you don't want to know," he sighed. It suddenly popped in my head. Pills and then a 'special' shot. I made an 'o' shape with my mouth.

"I get it," I said.

"I didn't need to see it," he said, pressing his forehead on mine.

"That's what comes with being a doctor," I teased.

"Eh," he said taking his hands off my waist and going into the kitchen, most likely for food knowing him. I looked at my daughter who was taking her shoes off.

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now