I 'Effin Love You Too 29

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I have a feeling you guys are going to like this part. Why? You'll figure it out :)

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Leslie's POV-

I was walking back home when I felt something hit the center of my back. Something small and hard. I'm guessing it was a rock and, since I was guessing it was a rock, I knew it had to be Aurora. What luck, I thought as she strutted faster so she was by my side now.

"Hey Leslie," she said in a very fake friendly voice.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"Nothing," she smiled. "Just walking home."

"Your house is on the other side of the street we just crossed."

"I don't need someone like YOU to tell me where my house is," she snapped. "For your information, I have other business to attend to."

"Your first botox appointment? Of course," I said. She looked appalled at my comeback.

"I don't NEED botox!"

"Are you sure? You seem to be getting a lot of wrinkles."

"Why don't you just go back to your master's house. I'm sure he's looking to whip you already," she spat. I stopped walking and sucked up a majority of my anger.

"You know what Aurora," I said. "I am so sick of you. I've dealt with you since first grade, and guess what! I'm done! Done! I'm not taking any more crap from you."

"People of your color can get arrested for talking to me like that. I'm superior to you, if I may remind you."

"You're not superior to anyone."

"I am to you disappointments."

"This is NOT the early twentieth century! It's not the nineteenth century and it's not the eighteenth century! It's the TWENTY FIRST century and the only disappointments I see is you and your STUPID, RACIST family!"

"Whoa!" I heard another voice behind me call out. "What's going on?"

"Hi Cory," Aurora said too flirtatiously for my taste.

"Hi Aurora," he said warily. He turned to me and asked me if I was okay, to which I didn't reply.

"Oh, she's a little miffed because of the truth I told her."

"What truth?"

"About her being superior to people like me," I answered sourly. Cory looked from her to me.

"Okay," he said. "Come on, Les."

"There's no need to try and make HER feel better. Quit wasting your time Cory. Come with me. We can hang out," she said.

"No, I've got somewhere more important to be," he said. "Let's go." He led me away from the female dog, the one I was about to pound into the ground, and led me in the direction of Grace's house. I forgot all about Aurora as a slow grin spread across my face.

"Somewhere more important to be, huh?" I asked him. "You wouldn't happen to be going to Grace's by any chance, would you?"

"Um...perhaps," he said. I smiled wider.

"Well, I'll leave you to it then," I said.

"Where are you going?"


"You don't wanna go to Grace's?"

"Do you really want me there?"


I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now