I 'Effin Love You Too 14

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-Grace's POV-

It was a fine cloudy day in Marshall. A day that was meant to be spent indoors, but instead I was stuck going to school. At least I got to see Cory. When I entered the doors to my school, the first thing that happened was that I was attacked by Leslie.

"There you are!" she exclaimed. "Cory has been looking for you."

"Where is he?" I asked.

"He left me to find you not too long ago."

"Oh I see," I said. "Well I should probably go find him."

"Yes you should," she grinned. I hooked my arm in hers and we went off together to find him. She suddenly stopped and looked back at the doors.

"What's up?" I asked her. She looked at me with curious eyes.

"Where's the douche?" she asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Danny is not coming to school today," I said. "He messaged me last night and said that he had to stay home and help his mom with something so he wasn't going to be able to come at all today. No big loss."

"Did those words just leave YOUR mouth in the same sentence?" she asked with wide eyes.

"What words? What sentence?"

"No big loss?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Oh," I said. "Yes they did. Well actually, come to think of it...it is a big loss..." I said thoughtfully.

"Why?" she asked with disgust. "He's...ugh."

"I was going to break up with him today," I frowned, looking at the floor. Her hands flew to my shoulders and I looked up at her wide eyes.

"You were going to do what?!" she said, trying to hide her excitement. She didn't do such a good job with it.

"I said that I was going to break up with him today, but I can't now. I want to do it in person."

"So go to his house now or after school! Or during lunch! Anytime today, don't wait until tomorrow!"

"You seem fairly excited about this," I observed.

"Well how many hints do I have to drop before you come to terms with the fact that I hate the guy."

"Hate is a strong word."

"Fine. Dislike with a passion then," she rolled her eyes. "But still, do it today! Go to his house! Or call him! Call him, call him call him!"

"Les, calm down!" I said, putting my hands on her shoulders. "You really are excited about this whole thing."

"Oh, my god," she said, ignoring my comment. "Did you know that there's a masquerade dance coming up soon? You and Cory could go together."

"There's a masquerade dance coming up?"

"Yeah, for Founder's Day," she said.

"Oh," I said. Founder's Day. Technically, Marshall became a village on January twenty fourth, but the area was actually founded in June. So we celebrated Founder's Day in between the two months. Ergo, the first Friday before spring break. And this year, the first Friday before spring break happened to be April Fool's Day. Joy. Just freaking joy.

"So what are you thinking?" she asked me.

"I'm thinking I want to go with Cory, but I don't need people thinking I'm a hoe or anything."

"Why would people think that you're a hoe?"

"Because I would be going to a dance with Cory two weeks after I break up with Danny."

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