I 'Effin Love You Too 21

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-Grace's POV-

~Night before~

I rushed through the emergency room with Leslie in tow and my parents not far behind us. Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Myla had told us that Owen was still with the doctors being checked for anymore injuries than the ones they had already found. I was nearly running at this point and I looked over my shoulder to see if Mom and Dad were still right behind Leslie and me.

"Grace!" Leslie warned. I looked forward just in time to smack into my uncle. I fell back onto my butt with a grunt and looked up at him.

"Slow down there, girlie," he said, holding out a hand for me to take. I took it and he helped me up.

"How's Owen?" I asked. Aunt Myla sighed.

"He's still unconscious. The doctors won't let us in to see him yet."

"And Allison? How is she?" Leslie asked. Her voice went a little hard when she said Allison's name.

"She's out too," Uncle Jimmy said. "Her parents are actually on the way."

"Jimmy," Mom sighed, putting her arms around his neck. She hugged him and he hugged her back. Mom looked at him when they parted. "How is he?"

"He's still out, but the doctors said that he should be okay," Uncle Jimmy answered.

"That's a good thing," Dad said. "They're both okay, right?"

"Yeah," Uncle Jimmy said. "Her parents are on the way over here now."

"Where's my daughter?" I heard a frantic voice asking down the hall. I turned around to see who it was coming from and saw a woman who was about my parents age talking to a couple doctors. One of the doctors pointed in our direction and that's when I guessed that th woman was Allison's mother. She nearly ran down the hall right past us to the doctor who was just coming out of the doors. No one but me noticed her yet.

"Doctor, how's our son?" Aunt Myla asked him. The woman who had rushed up to him looked over at Aunt Myla and back at the doctor.

"He's just fine. He's not awake yet, but you can go see him now," he replied. I let out a sigh of relief and looked at my uncle, who was staring strangely at the woman right in front of the doctor.

"Uncle Jimmy?" I nudged him. He kept staring at her.

"Jim," Mom said, following his gaze. "Wha-"

"Oh my god," Dad said.

"What?" Aunt Myla asked. Now all four of them were staring at the woman while Leslie and I exchanged a confused look. Who was she?

~Present moment~

I still didn't know who Allison's mom was. At least not to my parents and aunt and uncle. They knew her, but they didn't tell me about her and they didn't give anything away about her last night. It was really weird, but if I picked anything up it was that they didn't have a good history with her.

"Owen," I said after his parents left the room to get him food.

"Yeah?" he said. I looked over at the bed to the left of his and made sure that Allison was still sleeping. She was and her mom wasn't in here, neither was her dad. I was in the clear.

"Do you know who Allison's parents are?"

"I met them last night," he said. "Other than that, not really."

"So you don't know who her mom is to our parents?"

"Our parents know Allison's parents?" he asked. I sighed and sat down on the bed next to him.

"Apparently they do," I said, remembering the night before. "They wouldn't tell me how, though."

"So you think that I can convince them to tell me?"

"You could if you wanted to. You're SUPER convincing and you know it."

"Yeah, I am pretty good at that," he admitted with a smug smile. "Alright, I'll find a way to bring it up and get it out of them."

"Thank you," I said.

"You're welcome, nosy," he teased. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You're nosy too."

"Not NEARLY as nosy as you."

"No, you're nosier."

"I- fine," he admitted. I nodded my head and smirked.

"You can't deny the truth," I said.

-Allison's POV-

My eyes fluttered open and the first thing I saw after everything became less of a blur was the crappy TV hanging on the wall in front of me. I turned my head to the right and saw light coming in through the blinds on the window. I blinked and tried to remember where I was. The last thing I remember was getting in the car with Owen and....and being run into by this other car. Oh my god. Were we in a car accident? Was I in the hospital right now? Where was Owen? Who hit us? What was going on? Was I okay? Was Owen okay? What about-

"Allison?" a tired voice said. I looked to my left and saw my new mom look at me with wide eyes, tears welling at the bottom. "How do you feel?"

"Confused," I said honestly. She let out a shaky breath.

"Are you in any pain right now?" Now that she mentioned it, I thought. My side really freaking hurts right now. So does my wrist. And my right index finger.

"Kind of," I said, keeping some details out of it. I didn't need her to worry.

"Do you remember what happened?"

"The accident?"


"Yeah, I remember."

"Did you see who did this to you?" she asked, hope peaking in her voice. I shook my head sadly.

"I didn't see their face," I said. "I barely saw the car."

"Well, I think...Owen saw the car so you should be okay there at least. I think he even saw the guys face," she said. I wanted to ask her why she hesitated on saying Owen's name, but I was more concerned about how he was right now.

"So he's okay? Owen's okay?"

"He's got some injuries, but other than that the doctors say he's going to be just fine."

"Well that's a good thing, then," I said. "Where is he?"

"He's in the bed on the other side of the room," she said softly, looking down at the blanket on me. I looked down at it too and that's when I saw the brace on my wrist and the finger splint on the very finger that was in pain.

"What the-"

"You sprained your wrist and broke your finger. Considering how badly the car was banged up, you and Owen were lucky to get out of there alive and with such minimal injuries." I sighed, lifted my arm, and observed the brace.

"Did they say how long I was supposed to keep these things on?"

"No, the docotor's going to come back to talk to you and Owen."

"Can I talk to Owen right now?"

"Of course," she said, standing up quickly. She drew back the curtain that divided the room in two and that allowed me to see Owen. He looked over at me and smiled weakly.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I returned. He had a cut up in the left corner of his bottom lip, a black eye, a small cut on his right temple, and he had a cast on his arm. "God, look at you."

"Hey, at least I'm still good looking," he teased. I couldn't help but smile and mentally agree with him.

-Jay's POV-

I looked up at Summer across the table from me. She still looked shaken up.

"Sum," I said. "It's okay. She's not here to hurt us."

"I never said that she was," she said. "For god's sakes, I didn't think that at all. It's just....it's been so long since I last saw her."

"I know how you feel," I said, sipping at my soda. "I didn't think we'd see her again either."

~Night before~

"Oh my god, Jay. What is she doing here?" Summer whispered to me after Annie, Jimmy, and Myla had started talking to the doctor. Grace and Leslie were paying attention to what the doctor was saying, too.

"Calm down, Sum. It's not like we have to talk to her."

"We don't have to talk to her- Jay, she's Allison's foster mom!" she whisper-yelled.

"Jimmy and Myla have to talk to her, not us."

"Oh that's much better!" she whispered sarcastically. "My brother went out with this girl. He had feelings for this girl. Then out of the blue, she dumped him for her crappy ex-boyfriend and convinced me to break up with you too. She was my best friend, Jay, and I haven't spoken to her since....since....in twenty years!"

"Summer," I whispered, grabbing her shoulders gently. "Breathe."

"How can I breathe when someone I thought I'd never see again is standing not ten feet away from me?"

"You knew you'd see her again someday. This is a small town, after all."

"I obviously got that thought out of my mind after I didn't see her for twenty years."

"Kari did."

"No, Kari talked to Tommy who works with Austin who is married to Annie. That's not seeing each other, that's hearing about each other because their husbands talk to each other every now and then, only when they're bored!"

"Alright, alright," I gave in. "You don't have to speak to her."

"And have my daughter wonder why we're not speaking to her, no thanks."

"Act like you're just meeting her in front of Grace and then later, talk to her."

"Jay I don't want to talk to her, we discussed this-"

"Guys, we're going to see the kids. Are you coming?" Jimmy asked Summer and me. Without looking away from my wife, I answered him.

"Yeah," I said. "We're coming."

~Present moment~

"Poor Jimmy," she said. "Poor Myla. Do you think she knew that Allison was going on a date with Jimmy's son?"

"If she heard his last name she did," I said. "I just don't think that she thought it was a big deal. It's not like she's Emma or anything."

"You've got a point," she sighed. "It'd be worse if it was Emma. Thank god that woman's not here."

"Um, we'd have issues if she WAS here."

-Jimmy's POV-

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. So let me get this straight, you're ex-girlfriend- Summer's former best friend- is the new adoptive mom of your son's new girlfriend?" Tommy asked me.

"She's not Owen's girlfriend," I said. "They just went on a date."

"Ergo, girlfriend."

"It was their first date."

"Fine. Soon-to-be-girlfriend, whatever."


"Jim, relax. I'm sure she's not here for revenge or anything."

"What would she want revenge for?"

"Exactly. Nothing to worry about. Now, if it were that Emma chick who was the mom of the girl, then we'd have something to worry about."

"Don't put that idea in my head," I said. "I went through enough worrying about Summer when she first left. I thought that she was going to pop up at the most random moment on the street and attack Summer then and kill her or something."

"You had thoughts about your sister dying?"

"Shut up, I was worried about her."

"Now you have nothing to worry about, everything's fine."

"Not everything's fine. That lunatic Josh is back."

"Oh, besides that. By the way, Paulie is in town for a while on business and he said that he saw Josh going by his hotel."

"Was he sure that it was him?"

"He was positive. Said that he'd never forget that face."

"Is he keeping tabs on him?"

"Do you think he's an idiot?"

"Twenty years ago? No. Now? Kind of."

"Least you're honest," he sighed. Myla kept picking at her food, paying no attention to anything Tommy and I were talking about. I put an arm around her and pulled her closer to me.

"Hey," I said softly to her. "He's fine."

"I just can't help but think that that asshole could have done this to him."

"He's going to pay for what he did," I told her. "When I find him, I'm going to make that monster wish he was never born. For what he did to my son, my sister, and my brother-in-law. He put us through hell and I'm going to return the favor." She leaned her head on my shoulder.

"What about her?" she asked. I looked down at her face, then followed her gaze over across the room at the table where Annie was sitting by herself. Huh, you'd think that if their daughter was in an accident, her husband would be here too. Or maybe he was just up in the room. Ugh, good thing Grace was up there otherwise I'd be running up there. No way I was going to leave some guy alone in there with my son when he was sleeping. He could be a perve or something. Summer had told me that he was a real jerk before.

"She's nothing," I said, answering Myla's question about Annie. "She's just someone from my past who has no part of my future." I meant that too. The girl broke my heart when she broke up with me out of nowhere twenty years ago and now she was here again, in my life again. The only part she could possibly play in my life would be the mother of my son's possible future wife. That. Was. It.

-Owen's POV-

I waited and waited with Grace sitting on the chair right next to my bed and Allison laying down on the bed on the other side of mine for my parents to come back so I could talk to them about Allison's mom. Grace said that they acted weird about it and that was really making me curious.

"Hey, Allison?" I said, getting impatient with waiting for my parents. She looked over at me.


"Do your parents know my parents?" I asked.

"Owen," Grace scolded. I held up a finger to her.

"If they do, I don't know about it," Allison answered slowly. "Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering," Grace said before I could open my mouth. "Just the way they acted around each other last night kind of made me curious."

"Did they act like they didn't like each other or something?" Allison asked, getting worried. I didn't blame her for getting worried. If our parents didn't like each other, then it was going to be very difficult to have a relationship with her. I didn't know if I could handle some Romeo and Juliet thing, it was enough hearing about Aunt Summer and Uncle Jay's hard time being together- but they stayed together even though they went through a lot and I guess that was a good thing. Maybe Allison and I could have the same thing they had. God, I hoped I had the same thing they had with a woman- specifically Allison.

"No," Grace shook her head. "They just seemed surprised to see each other."

"Huh," I said.

"I don't know," Allison said. "They never mentioned anyone to me before. Well, except some members of their family but that's about it."

"So nothing about my parents or Grace's parents?" I asked. She shook her head.

"No, I would remember if either of them said anything about your parents."

"I guess I'm going to have to ask my parents, then," I sighed.

"Same here," Allison said. "I wonder if they really do know each other. And where from, if they do."

"If who do what?" Allison's mom asked, coming into the room. Grace looked over at her and met Allison's mom's intense stare on her. Grace nervously looked back at me and I shrugged at her confused look.

"Can I ask you something?" Allison asked her mom. She nodded and started walking toward the window on the side of Allison's bed. "Wait, close the curtain thing." She did as Allison asked and closed the curtain to give them some privacy.

"What the hell was with that look she gave me?" Grace whispered to me. I shrugged yet again.

"The hell if I know," I said. "I just met the woman last night."

"What was that?" Mom asked, sitting down on my other side. I jumped slightly. When the hell did she get here?

"You didn't hear or see us come in, did you?" Dad asked with a smug little smile.

"No, we didn't," Grace breathed.

"What's up, hon?" Mom asked her. Grace shook her head.

"I don't really know," she said. Mom sent me a worried glance.

"Allison's mom came in a few seconds ago and she gave Grace a really weird look," I said quietly so that neither her or Allison would hear us. Mom looked up at Dad who had his hand on Grace's shoulder and was looking back at her.

"What kind of look?" he asked without looking away from Mom.

"I don't know," I said, looking at Grace. "It was just...weird. Kind of like she hated her, but she didn't. That doesn't make sense, I know, but that's kind of the vibe I got."

"Yeah, same here," Grace said, looking up at Dad. "It weirded me out a little bit."

"Is she something we have to worry about?" I asked both of my parents. Neither of them answered right away.

"Is she?" Grace asked.

"No," Dad answered finally. "She's not something we have to worry about." I looked at Grace to see if she was thinking the same thing I was. The look on her face said that she was. Something in my dad's voice said that that wasn't true. I felt like we didn't have to worry about her, but at the same time she did. What I really wanted to know was who she was to my parents.

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now