I 'Effin Love You Too 3

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BTW, that's Owen on the side. Just thought I'd let ya know in case you didn't know that. If you did know that, then good for you bud. Lol.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Owen's POV-

"Hey dad?" I said.


"Hypothetically, if I were to do something like put seven crappy hours of owen's life as an acronym for school, would I get in trouble?"

"Owen!" Mom scolded me.

"What?!" I said. "I didn't say that I was going to do it! It was hypothetical!"

"No, that's a terrible idea, son," Dad said. "Use 'our lives' instead."

"Jimmy!" Mom scolded him, slapping his arm. He snickered. Oh that father of mine, always teasing that mother of mine. The phone rang and Dad got up from his chair to answer it.

"Hello?" he answered. Pause. "Hey, Sum!" Aunt Summer.

"Tell her I said hi!" I said.

"Owen says hi," he told her. "She said hi back."

"Tell her to have a nice time with Grace and Douche Bag," I said. Mom gave me a 'look'. One that said shut your mouth, keep your opinions to yourself. I snickered and looked at the t.v.

"Did you hear that Sum?" Dad asked.

"Disregard that comment, Summer!" Mom called.

"She said Jay agrees with Owen," Dad told us.

"SCORE!" I shouted, pumping up my fist. Mom gave me a death glare that made me sink back in my seat and look 'shamefully' down. Haha, whatever. I had Uncle Jay on my side. And, even though he didn't say anything and she didn't say that she agreed too, I was one hundred percent sure that my dad and Aunt Summer were on my side too. So was my mom, but she had to pretend she wasn't. After all, she was the lady of the house. But, overall, no one in the family but Grace liked her boyfriend.

"You said what now?" Dad asked Aunt Summer. He casted a worry glance over at Mom and she tilted her head at him. "Are you sure?"

"Jimmy, what?" Mom asked. He held up a finger.

"Yeah, I'll look out," he said. "Okay, I'll talk to you later. Love you, little sis."

"What was that about?" Mom asked right after he hung up.

"Uh, it was....tell you later," he said, side glancing at me. I narrowed my eyes at both of them. What were they hiding?

-Grace's POV-

"Really?" I asked Mom. She smiled.

"That's what he said," she sang.

"God, Owen. He's got Leslie brainwashed too, you know?"

"What do you mean?"

"She called him a douche bag in the hallway too," I told her.

"Oh well...."

"Mom, please, not you too," I begged.

"From what I hear about him from Jimmy and the last time Leslie was here she told me some things too and what you just told me....he just....I don't know. Something about him just....is off. I mean, how come we never met his parents before?"

"Well.....I don't think he really likes his dad and his mom......" I trailed off, thinking. I had absolutely NO idea why he didn't want his mom to meet my parents. I mean, she was a little...off....too, I guess. I should be happy that my parents weren't around her as much as I was and.......just....I don't know. There was a lot to this situation that I wasn't too sure off. Gosh if only.....if only....HE was here still. My childhood sweetheart. Childhood years all the way to seventh grade, until HE moved. And I missed HIM. Everyday I missed HIM. HE didn't know it, but HE was my first love. And HE didn't know that I knew that I was HIS first love. HIS best friend, Sam, told me about how HE felt about me and then I told Leslie, all through giggles of course, and she encouraged me to tell HIM how I felt. But then HE said that HE was going to move. Not just to a different house on a different street, but to a new town altogether. I was heart broken and I cried myself to sleep the day HE actually moved. I didn't tell HIM how I felt and HE didn't tell me how HE felt. In a way, I was glad we never told each other. It would just complicate things.

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