I 'Effin Love You Too 31

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-Summer's POV-

This was just great. My daughter was missing, my nephew was drunk, AND my psychotic ex-boyfriend was here somewhere probably enjoying all of the chaos. Suddenly I felt like this was Déjà vu. Grace being gone like when I was kidnapped by Flor- Angie, Owen being drunk like when Jay and Jimmy both got drunk when they first got here all those years ago, and Josh being here like when....well like when he showed up at the Governor's ball. I ran my hands through my already messed up hair and looked around the room frantically, knowing that Grace wasn't in here. It didn't hurt to hope that I missed her and that she was really standing with Leslie, laughing away at some Aurora joke she told. Unfortunately, that's not what I saw.

"Sum," Jay rushed up to me. "Josh has her."

"Where is that son of a-"

"He left already," he said. "I tried to keep up with him, but too many dang people got in the way and Tommy and me lost him."

"And we have no idea where he's staying," I said. "That's wonderful."

"Let's just check the motel and see if they've seen him," he said.

"No one's going to be there," I told him.

"No one's going to be where?"

"Chuck, thank god!" I exclaimed. Chuck was the manager of the motel, he would know if Josh was there or not. "Did you check anyone in by the name of Josh, by any chance?"

"Um....no, no Josh. There was a....a Luther toward the end of last month."

"Luther?" I asked. "Luther what?"

"Daniels. Luther Daniels." Figures, I thought.

"Is he still there?" I asked.

"No, he checked out last week."

"Did he happen to mention where he was going after that?"

"He did mutter something about going to try and get along with his kid," he answered with a distracted look. "It was actually kind of disturbing the way he was talking to himself about that."

"Kid?" I whispered. Josh didn't have a kid. He couldn't have. Unless...... "Oh my god."

"What?" Jay asked me. I grabbed his hand.

"Thank you, Chuck. You've been a big help," I said gratefully. I walked away, dragging Jay along with me.

"What was that?" he asked me. "And who is Luther Daniels?"

"Luther Daniels is Josh's dad's name. He probably used his name to avoid us finding out he was in town sooner than he wanted us to."

"Oh. Well, how would Josh have a kid if he's been in prison for most of the time and before that, he was obsessing over you."

"It was probably a one night stand," I said.

"With who?" he asked in disgust.

"Who was his partner-in-crime when school started up again that summer?" I asked. His expression remained confused, then it turned to realization.

"Emma," he said.

"Yes," I said. "And if he's here to get along with his kid-"

"Then that means his kid is here."

"And if Josh is here...."

"Emma must be too," Jay finished. "So you're thinking that Josh and Emma are working together, yet again, and are responsible for taking Grace?"

"That's exactly what I'm thinking. I'm also thinking that since Josh was the one staying in the motel and he checked out, he and Emma must have a house somewhere here. But who would their kid be?"

"I don't know," he said.

"Me neither."

-Josh's POV-

"Now I don't understand if you wanted her so bad, and she was the one you came here for, why you didn't just get her tonight instead of the girl," Emma ranted. I rolled my eyes and continued driving back to the house.

"Danny had the chance to snatch her and he took it. I didn't have my chance."

"Well that was a waste of time in my opinion."

"I thought you liked Grace."

"Are you kidding? I hate that little brat. The only reason I had Danny go out with her was because I wanted to know about her parents."

"Why do you hate her?" I asked, ignoring everything else she said.

"Because she's HER daughter. I mean she looks just like her for god's sakes!"

"She doesn't have the same eyes," I said. "She has HIS eyes."

"That's not enough for me," she muttered shaking her head. "I just don't understand why he chose her and not me. What does she have that I don't?"

"Where do you want me to start?" I scoffed. She growled at me and narrowed her eyes. "What are you? A dog?"

"Shut up you arrogant little-"

"Would you two just shut up?" Danny asked with an irritated edge to his tone. I completely forgot he was in the car for a minute. Proves what a great dad I am, eh?

"Don't talk to us that way," Emma snapped at him. "We are your parents and we deserve your respect." Well, I wouldn't say that.

"Yeah right," he scoffed. "This dude hasn't been around my whole life and you...well you just flat out don't care about me."

"That is not at all true! I do care-"

"Just shut up and stop fighting with the kid when you know he's right, Emma," I groaned. Seriously, if I had to listen to her voice any longer I was going to have an even worse headache than I already had. She huffed and folded her arms over her chest. Grace moaned in her sleep and flinched slightly when Danny stroked her hair.

"Must you keep touching her?" Emma mumbled.

"Shut up, Emma," I said harshly. She flipped me off and looked out her window like a spoiled little girl who didn't get her own way. I rolled my eyes at her behavior and finally pulled into the garage of the house. I closed it before telling Danny to get Grace out of the car. He carried her inside bridal style and closed the door behind him, leaving Emma and me alone.

"Why her?" she asked stiffly.

"What do you care?" I nearly groaned.

"I'm curious. If Summer is the one you're so in love with, why take her daughter instead of her?"

"None of your business," I told her before going in the house. She just shook her head and followed me in, not bothering to push the matter further. Like I would tell her about my desires to have a family with just me, Summer, Grace, and maybe Danny. I was beginning to have second thoughts about him. He was getting on my nerves. Which kind of sucked because he was my son. Oh well. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

-Jimmy's POV-

There wasn't anyone in our family who got any sleep last night, seeing that we were all looking for Grace. The only exception was my child, who was too drunk out of his mind to even know his own name. Summer, Jay, Myla, Tommy, Cory, Dad, Uncle Fred, and I were all in Summer and Jay's kitchen when Owen came stumbling down the stairs.

"Ow," he groaned.

"Look who's up," Myla said. "How's that hangover treating you?!"

"Do you have to?!" he asked irritably with his hands covering his ears. I moved them and looked at him seriously.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in, young man?"

"I think I deserve a warning," he said.

"Why is that?" Myla asked him.

"Because I was troubled."

"Troubled how?" I asked him.

"I asked Allison to be my girlfriend and she basically ran out on me," he told us. I made a face and looked back at Jay, remembering the time WE got drunk at the local bar because of our girlfriends dumping us the day before. Jay blew up his cheeks and shrugged his shoulders while Summer looked down at the ground. Yeah, I think Myla was going to have to handle the punishment on this one. I gave her a look telling her so and she led Owen into the living room.

"Like father, like son," Dad said.

"Wouldn't that mean you got drunk over a girl?"

"I was underage too," he admitted. "In fact, your uncle here was with me when I got wasted."

"I remember that," Uncle Fred said. "Who was the girl? Nancy Saunders, I think?"

"Yeah, it was Nancy Saunders."

"She sounds old," I said.

"Probably because she is," Jay muttered.

"Oh and like you're not?" Dad teased him.

"Hey! I'm not old," Jay said.

"That's what you say."

"If I'm old, Tommy and Jimmy are old too!"

"Whoa! We're not old!"

"Hey Nina," Summer said. "Anything?" Nina, whoever she was, must have said no because Summer looked down at the ground sadly and sighed. She thanked her, told her to call her if she found anything out, and hung up the phone.

"Nothing?" Jay asked her.

"No," she said. "No one has seen Grace since last night when she was looking for Jimmy and Myla."

"We'll find her, babe," Jay assured her wrapping his arms around her. She put her face in his chest and nodded to herself. I went out into the living room just in time to see Myla standing up from the couch. Owen stood up abruptly and walked quickly to me.

"Has anyone found her?" he asked me. Myla must have told him about what was going on. I shook my head sadly. He looked down. "This is all my fault. If I hadn't gotten drunk, she never would have wandered off on her own to find you guys and just-"

"This is NOT your fault," I told him fiercely. "Don't you believe for a second that it is."

"We're going to find her, aren't we?" he asked. I thought for a moment. There was a time when Summer was missing. I doubted be able to get to her in time, but I did. I knew that the same was going to happen for Grace. We were going to find her. I put a hand on Owen's shoulder and nodded.

"We'll find her," I said strongly. "We'll find her."

-Allison's POV-

I had stayed in the same dress all night and was still in it when the morning came. Around noon, I finally got up from bed and went over to my vanity mirror. My makeup was smeared and my mascara was running down my cheeks from crying all night. My curled hair had fallen out of the up-do it was in and was messily slumped over one side of my head. I looked a mess.

"Allison, are you planning to get out of bed today?" 'Mom' asked as she came in my room. She took one look at me and gasped. "Did something happen?"

"Yes, something did," I said bitterly. "Owen asked me to be his girlfriend."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"It's a terrible thing, especially when I was supposed to be killing his mother yesterday."

"I take it that means you didn't do it," she said while she looked in the mirror and fixed her hair.

"How could I?! How could you even tell me to do something like that?!"

"How could you not do it?" she asked me.

"I'm not a killer," I said matter-of-factly. "And I never will be."

"So what did you do?"

"I ran from him."

"What did you do with the poison?" she asked calmly.

"I got rid of it," I told her. "I'm not doing anything else you tell me to do. What do you even have against her?"

"It's a long story," she sighed boredly.

"You know what?" I asked her. "I thought this was going to be a good home for me. I thought that you would be the perfect parents for me, but I was entirely wrong about that wasn't I?"

"I wouldn't say it like that."

"Did you adopt me just so I could get close to them?"

"Now you're making it all sound like it's a really bad thing."

"So you used me?" I asked hurt. She didn't answer me. That was all I needed. I stormed toward my door and yanked it open.

"Now where are you going?!" she called after me.

"To see Owen!"

"Why? I thought you were done with him!"

"I'm not!" I stated. "I'm going to tell him the truth."

"I don't think so," she said.

"Oh yeah? Try and stop me."

"Austin!" she called. I ran out through the hall and down the two flights of stairs, through the family room and the dining room, then finally to the front hall toward the door. By the time I got there, though, 'Dad' had already locked up the door and was guarding it. I tried getting past him, but my advances only earned me a trip down to the floor. 'Mom'....Annie walked in the front hall and shook her head at me.

"You're not going anywhere."

"What? Are you going to keep me locked up in here?"

"If that's what it takes to keep your mouth shut, then yes."

"You really think that's going to work?!"

"Please, Allison," she sighed. "Try to understand. We're only doing this for your own good." I looked from her to 'Dad'- Austin. He nodded gruffly and stayed rooted in front of the door. I stood up and bumped past Annie to go back to my room.

"We had a feeling you were going to do this so we took the liberty of disconnecting your phone!" Austin called after me.

"Oh and I have your cell phone!" Annie called. I let a couple tears flow from my eyes down my cheeks. There wasn't anyway that I was going to be able to contact Owen unless by some miracle I was able to get a hold of a phone. I knew that their room wasn't an option since they could lock it from the outside. I also knew that I wasn't going to be able to email him because one, he might not check it for a while and two, there was a good chance they took my computer since they took my phone. I slammed my bedroom door closed behind me and leaned against it. I had to come up with something to get out of here so I could warn Owen about my adoptive parents. I just had to. I couldn't let them hurt Mrs. Day. I looked down at my attire. First things first, I thought. Shower.

-Jay's POV-

The doorbell rang and I ran to the door, hoping it was someone who knew where Grace was or had her. It was Leslie.

"Hey, Mr. Night," she said. "Is Grace here? I really need to talk to her and apologize for what I said last night."

"Oh, hey Leslie," I said. "She's not here. I'm surprised your parents didn't tell you."

"Tell me what?"

"She's missing. We don't know where she is."

"For one thing, they're still hungover from last night so they haven't been answering the phone and for another, I KNOW who's involved with this."


"Danny. Danny is all out obsessed with her and he at this point, I'm sure, would do anything to get her to be with him. He's insane."

"Well come on in. We're working on finding out where she....." I trailed off. Leslie just said that Danny might have taken her. I knew for a fact that Josh had her, but what if...Summer suggest last night that Josh may have a son. Danny always reminded me of Josh in some way whether it was his face or just his aura. There was ALWAYS something about him that I didn't like. What if Danny was Josh's son and Josh was staying where Danny lived with his "parents"? That is, if they were even still there. I rushed into the kitchen after I let Leslie in and went in front of the refrigerator.

"What are you doing?" Summer asked me while I read down the piece of paper pinned by a magnet on there. I found the address I was looking for and grabbed my keys.

"I think I know where she is," I said.

"What? Where?" everyone asked.

"I need some of you to stay here in case someone calls or shows up with her!" I said instead of answering them. Summer, Cory, and Owen quickly followed me outside to the car and got in. I started it right away and pulled out of the driveway fast.

"Mind telling me what's going through your mind?" Summer asked me.

"Danny," I said. "Leslie said that Danny would probably do anything to make Grace be with him."

"I thought you said Josh said he had her."

"You know how we think Josh has a kid?"


"What if his kid is Danny?" I said without taking my eyes off the road. She was quiet then.

"Josh is that creepy dude you used to date, right Aunt Summer?" Owen asked.

"Yeah," she whispered slowly. "And we're thinking Danny is his son."

"I don't know much about that situation, but I can tell it's bad," Cory said.

"It is," I said. "It really is." I pulled the car to a stop when we got to the house and I took my seat belt off. "Stay in the car, Sum."


"If he's really here, I don't need him trying to grab you too," I said. She kissed me quickly then and sat back on her seat.

"Okay," she sighed.

"Cory, Owen, you two stay in the car too."

"Uncle Jay-"

"This guy is dangerous," I said. "I can't risk you two getting hurt." I got out of the car and closed it, never taking my eyes off the creepy house. Creepy house for creepy people. Perfect.

"We kicking some as-"

"What the hell are you doing here, Jimmy?"

"Did you really think I was going to let you go in this alone?" he asked. "Tommy came too." I looked to my left and, sure enough, there was Tommy with a smug little grin on his face.

"Let's go finish this," he said. With that, the three of us walked up the front sidewalk to the front door, knocked loudly, and waited for someone to come.

-Danny's POV-

Someone pounded on the door and I, guessing that neither of my "parents" were going to answer it, went downstairs and opened it without checking to see who it was. I probably should have done that.

"What can I do for you Mr. Night? Mr. Day? Mr. Gordon."

"You can start by telling me where the hell my daughter is," Mr. Night said coldly. I faked a confused look and tilted my head slightly.

"Um...I haven't seen your daughter since the beginning of the ball last night," I lied. "Why? Is she missing or something?"

"Yeah, she's missing. You already knew that though, didn't you?" Mr. Gordon snapped.

"I already told you that I don't know where she is."

"And we're supposed to take your word for it?" Mr. Day asked.

"Who's at the door?" I heard a calm voice ask behind me. I turned and looked at my mother, who was cut off from their view.

"Someone," I told her. She walked over and stepped in front of me at the door, looking at the three men. I stepped to her side and got to see Mr. Night's expression go even colder.

"Jay," Mom smiled. "Long time no see."

"Emma," he said curtly. "Not long enough." So she DID know Grace's dad! I wonder if she knew her mom too.

"May I ask why you're bothering my son?"

"Ah, so he IS your son?"

"Is there a problem?"

"It's just that I never thought you would have betrayed me in such a way-" Mr. Night's words were cut off when Mrs. Night stormed up screaming.

"You spoiled, psycho bitch!" she screamed at Mom. Mom kept her face calm, though you could see the hatred in her eyes. I think that's a yes. She DOES know Grace's mom.

"Summer," she said. "It's great too see you too."

"Where is my daughter?!" Mrs. Night screamed at her. I'm sure if it weren't for Mr. Night holding her, she would have attacked my mom by now. Not that I would have minded, but.....you know.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Mom lied. "Now I'm going to have to ask you to leave now. Danny's father is going to be home soon and he's not going to like seeing a bunch of lunatics screaming on his front yard."

"Don't think we're giving up," Mr. Gordon said.

"If you did something to her, I'm going to make you wish you were never born!" Mrs. Night shouted as she was pulled away by her brother and friend. Mr. Night stepped up to my mom and looked right at her.

"If you do anything to hurt my daughter, I will make you pay," he said threateningly. Mom looked up at him and smiled sadly.

"It's too bad she's not our daughter, Jay," she said. "Things could have been so much simpler if she was."

"You're crazy," he said, stepping back. "Out of your mind."

"That's what you've always said," she said.

"Don't think this is over," he warned before leaving. Mom closed the door and walked past me without a word.

"You're not even going to bother telling me what that was about?!" I called after her.

"It's none of your business," she told me. "Go make sure your girlfriend's not trying to get away."

"She's still unconscious."

"Well go make sure she stays that way. At least for a while," she hissed. I went up stairs begrudgingly and slammed myself down on the chair next to the bed we had Grace on. Why did her parents call my mom crazy? It's not that I didn't think she was, I just wanted to know how they knew. I was going to find out whether she liked it or not.

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