I 'Effin Love You Too 33

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FINALLY! I FINALLY got the chance to post this chapter. Let me give you a word of advice, having three advanced classes at the same time....not a good idea. I feel like I come home with a boat load of homework each night and I HATE it. Eh, at least I got the chance to post tonight :D

Anyhoozer, if that's a word, here's the next part and hopefully I'll get the chance to post again this weekend. Fingers crossed!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Grace's POV-

"So uh....where are you from originally?" I asked Danny.

"Stop watching Easy A," he mumbled.

"Can't do that. It's my favorite movie."

"Well then stop quoting it. I can't stand it."

"What do you expect me to do? Sit by the window and be bored to death? I've got news for you, buddy! I've already got it covered!"

"Grace stop yelling."

"God you suck," I huffed. I started kicking my heels around. Yes I was still in my dress from last night. I had taken my shoes off since they were hurting my feet even though I wasn't standing or walking in them. My mask was propped up on my head like sunglasses and my hair had fallen out in stray pieces of hair.

"I've got clothes if you want to wear some," he offered.

"Yeah, wear your clothes? I think not."

"Grace," he sighed. "Stop being so difficult."

"Oh!" I said throwing my hands up. "I'm sorry! AM I being difficult?! Well that's funny. What did you expect me to do, exactly huh?! Be all polite and accept any offer you throw my way?! Is that what you want me to do Danny?! Do you want me to be more pleasant for the people who kidnapped me?!"

"Alright, you're upset I understan-"

"I am SO far from upset!"

"Alright, I'm sorry for that-"

"You're SORRY?! You KIDNAPPED me! You or your mom, I don't really care who at the moment, smacked the back of my head with GOD knows what-"

"A vase."

"A vase, whatever! I got smacked in the back of the head with a VASE, blacked out, and woke up in the house of my crazy ex-boyfriend and his far more psychotic PARENTS!" I vented. I wasn't usually like this but....well being kidnapped can really change a girl's attitude.

"You done throwing a hissy fit now, brat?" Emma asked with a bored edge in her tone. She was leaning against the door frame of Danny's room with her arms crossed looking more bored than ever. I glared at her and huffed.

"For now yes," I said with venom. She rolled her eyes and tossed the bag in her hand to me.

"I got you some clothes seeing as though I assume one doesn't enjoys sitting in the same dress all the time."

"You assume correctly," I muttered as I dug around in the bag. "Did you go on a shopping spree or something?"

"You need clothes."

"Yeah but you bought me enough to last-" I froze then and looked up slowly at Emma and Danny. "How long were you planning on keeping me here?"

"As long as it takes," Emma answered. She left after that, leaving me with Danny. I switched my eyes over to Danny.

"What?" he asked.

"You're not keeping me here for long."

"What makes you think we're not."

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now