I 'Effin Love You Too 28

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It's been a while. Sorry about that guys. I promise, no more! I want to say this before I begin, though; Josh is ONE CRAZY MOFO! That is all!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Jimmy's POV-

Should I feel sad right now? Should I be in mourning right now? Should I wish that it was me instead of her? Should I feel bad that I'm more 'thank god!' than a 'oh my god, that's horrible!' feeling? I mean, because that's what I was feeling. The sooner, not the latter. I sat slowly down on one of the dining room chairs and took in what Dad just said. Mom.....Flora....Angie, whatever the heck her name was, was dead. Gone.

"How?" I asked. He sighed and suddenly became very interested in his shoes.

"She uh....." he trailed off, as if he was unable to find the words. "She...." I began to rise up out of my seat.

"You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to-"

"No, I should tell you. You should hear it from me before you hear it from anyone else," he insisted. "She was in an accident."

"What kind of accident?"

"Car accident," he said. I held back a snicker. Summer told me about her confessing to pushing April in front of the car that killed her twenty years ago, and now she died in a car accident. Oh the irony.

"What happened?" I asked trying my best to sound sad. I sounded like I was in pain, which I guess worked too.

"Well....it's like what happened to Owen really," he admitted. I froze up. "Except she wasn't so lucky."


"Someone rammed her car off the road, Jim. They smashed into the side of her car and...it fell into a ditch not too far outside of town. She was stuck there for hours and by the time she was found and taken to the hospital, she had already died from too much blood loss." Ouch. I guess it's not a totally bad thing for me to feel a little sad right now. She was my mom and I am human, not some cyborg being with no feelings or emotions.

"Do they know who did it?" I asked.

"Another hit-and-run."

"It's probably the same maniac who tried to kill Owen, then," I said. I had a pretty good idea on who it was, but I didn't know how he would have a problem with my mother. Well....that was a stupid thing to say. A TON of people had a problem with my mother, but I wanted to know WHAT that problem he had with her was. Did it have something to do with Summer? Most likely, but....what?

"I have to get going, kiddo. I gotta tell Summer," he told me.

"Yeah, okay," I said standing up. I walked him to the door, hugged him goodbye, and shut the door after he left. I let out a huge sigh after I locked the door. At least I didn't have to worry about Angie coming after Summer or anything.

"What did Grandpa want, Dad?" Owen asked poking his head in the front hall. I took a couple steps into the dining room and put a hand on my chin.

"Sit down, Owe," I said. He looked a bit confused, but he sat down anyway on the chair I was sitting in not too long ago.

"What's up?" he asked.

"You know....you're grandma? The one I told you about?"

"Angie-Flora-whatever?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah. What about her?"

"Well son......in plain words.....she's dead."


"Yeah," I said. I think I need a drink. I walked into the kitchen while my three idiot best friends walked into the dining room. Bobby looked at Owen and then at me.

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now