I 'Effin Love You Too 25

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  • Dedicated to All of the I 'Effin Love You fans! You guys are the best!

Yay! Another part for I 'effin love you too! Hey guess what? I love you all! This one is dedicated to all I 'Effin Love You fans! I 'effin love you all!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Grace's POV-

Cory was sitting in my computer chair while I was sitting Indian-style on the center of my bed. He was thinking of how to say whatever he was going to tell me while I was watching him. What could he have to tell me that he had to think this much on how to put it? Surely it couldn't be anything horrible, right? Like he wasn't going to move again, was he? I just got him back, I didn't want to watch him leave again. He was like my best friend....I wanted him to be more than that so badly, but I didn't think he felt the same anymore. I just didn't think he did. He took a deep breath and looked at me.

"Ready?" I asked him. He nodded.


"What's bothering you?" I asked him again.

"Are you sure that you don't have any feelings for Danny anymore?" he asked right after I asked him. I shook my head.

"I already told you that I don't feel anything for him. I wasn't even that upset when I broke up with him. I wouldn't care if he got a new girlfriend right now. I mean, the only way I would care is if he started dating Leslie because she deserves WAY better than that."

"So you don't love him anymore."

"No Cory," I said, beginning to be a little irked. "I don't know how to make that any more clear."

"Okay, okay," he said holding his hands up in surrender. "I was just checking."

"Now please tell me what's bothering you," I begged. He opened his mouth to speak, but he was cut off when Mom opened the door to my room.

"Hey Grace," she said.

"Hey Mom," I said.

"Hey Mrs. N," Cory said. Mom looked at him in surprise.

"Oh, Cory. I didn't even see you there. How have you been?"

"Good. And yourself?"

"I've been better," she admitted. "It'd be nice if the cops caught the maniac who almost killed my nephew."

"I agree," Cory said. "Do they have any suspects yet?" She bit her lip and looked down.

"That's....what I wanted to talk to you about," she said. I straightened up.

"What is it, Mom?" I asked her. She looked behind her and called for Dad. Cory looked at me while she did and gestured to her with a questioning look on his face. I shrugged in response and looked back at the door just in time for Dad to come in.

"Hey Cory," he greeted.

"Hey Mr. N," Cory said. "What's going on?"

"You know how Owen was in that accident, right?" Dad asked us. Cory and I both nodded.

"Well we think we have an idea on who's responsible. We also want to tell you more about who we're thinking did it," Mom said. I cocked my head a bit.

"Who do you think did it?" I asked.

"You remember the stories I told you about my ex-boyfriend from high school?" she asked me. I stiffened a little and nodded. I remember what she told me about him. That he was abusive and even went as far as stalking her and Dad two years after he left her when she dumped him. She didn't think...she didn't think that HE did this to Owen, did she?

"You think he did it?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do," she said. "There's a good chance that he did that to get back at your uncle Jimmy."

"Why would he do that to get back at Uncle Jimmy? What did he do to him?" Mom and Dad exchanged glances and looked at Cory and me.

"Grace, Cory....I think it's time we tell you the full story about Josh Daniels and Emma whatever her last name is," Mom said. Dad snorted. The full story? What could they have left out? And who the hell was Emma?

-Owen's POV-

I want out. Now. I hate this. I hate my life. I hate my life so much right now.

"It could be worse," Allison told me.

"Trust me, this can't be worse."

"Yes it could."


"Well...you could be a vegetable." Hmm, I thought.


"Besides, we're getting out of here on Wednesday. That's tomorrow. We could be here until the the end of April."

"Oh god, I don't want to be here until the end of April. Don't get me wrong, I love not being in school right now and stuff...I just don't like that the work I miss piles up."

"And you think I do?"

"No, I think you hate it just as much as I do."

"You think correctly," she said. Max jogged into the room then.

"Hey! My buddies!" he said.

"Hey Max," we both greeted him. He and Allison got to become good friends and that made me happy. It made me happy to know that the girl I really liked could get along with my best friend. He plopped on the end of my bed and grabbed the TV remote from me.

"Do you get Boomerang on this thing? The Flintstones are on and I LOVE watching that show," he said.

"I love it too, but we don't get that channel here," Allison said. He groaned and gave the remote back to me.

"Stupid hospital," he murmured. He flipped over onto his stomach and propped his chin on his hands. "So, you guys going to the Founder's Day ball together?"

"Yeah," I said. "We're going together. Did you get Leslie to agree on going with you?"

"No," he said glumly. Allison looked confused.

"You like Leslie?" she asked him. He nodded.

"I'm working on getting her to go out with me, but...it's not going so well. I'll admit, I'm being a little chicken."

"Are you sure that's it?" she asked. He and I exchanged confused looks with each other before looking back at her.

"What do you mean?" Max asked. She shook her head.

"Forget it," she said. "I'm probably wrong anyway." I furrowed my eyebrows and watched her. What was that girl thinking?

-Allison's POV-

Max liked Leslie, Leslie liked Owen, but Owen liked me. That's what I was thinking. I was thinking we had like a love square type thing going on here, but maybe I was wrong. The reason for Leslie not being so friendly toward could have been for some other reason, not because she liked Owen. Maybe she just flat out didn't like me, I don't know. I'm not a mind reader. If Leslie really did like Owen, he didn't have any idea about it. He was so confused when I asked Max if he was sure that the reason he couldn't ask Leslie out was because he was chicken and implied that there could be another reason behind it. Hence, he didn't think she liked him. I didn't like this whole situation. I didn't like being in the center of a complicated love plot. I liked Owen, I really did, but Leslie....I wanted her to like me too. I could tell that she was an awesome person and fun to be around, but she just didn't want to talk to me all that much. When she did talk to me she would be so snarky to me, giving me the idea that she didn't like me. Max hung around with us for a while and left when his mom called his cell phone, telling him to come home for dinner. Owen's parents were down in the cafeteria getting food for themselves and us while my parents were doing god knows what at home.

"So," Owen said. "What was that about?"


"That whole 'are you sure that's it?' thing."

"Oh, that was nothing."




"Fine," I sighed. "I think Leslie likes you and that's the reason why she pays no attention to Max's attempts-"

"You think Leslie likes me?"


"What would make you think that?"

"I don't know. The way she looks at you sometimes, the way that she looks at ME, the way she talks to me, and just....I just think she does."

"You don't think she likes you?"


"And you think that this is because she likes me, but I like you."

"Yeah," I said ignoring my fluttering heart when he told me he liked me.

"That can't be it," he said more to himself than me.

"It could be," I said.

"She can't see me as anything more than a friend. Her best friend's cousin."

"Things happen," I told him. "She could like you." He stared off into space and I decided to just leave him be. It's best to let people in shock just take some time to think for themselves and embrace whatever just happened. I could tell that he was in shock because I knew the look on his face. I knew it all too well. Flashbacks of my Mom's face when she found out what happened for the first time played in my mind like a movie. When the doctor first came in to the waiting room to tell us that Daddy hadn't been revived from his heart attack. She was sad and she started crying her eyes out with me. Then she just stopped and stared off into space. I didn't know it then, but she wasn't coping well with what happened. She couldn't deal with living the rest of her life without him, so she hugged me one last time when we got back home from the hospital that day and went to the bathroom and locked the door. The last thing I remember about that day was hearing her sobbing, a gunshot, and then total silence. I was only five.

-Josh's POV-

"What happened to the car?" Danny asked me again.

"Nothing," I told him. "Why? Something wrong with it?"

"Other than the damage to the one side, no. Nothing," he said.

"I don't know what damage you're talking about. Maybe your mom knows."

"You know she's not talking to me," he said.

"Maybe you shouldn't have made Grace dump ya, then."

"I didn't make her dump me, she did that on her own."

"Maybe you should have been a better boyfriend."

"Maybe you should just leave," he snapped. I held up my hands.

"I'm only saying. You wouldn't be so upset if you had been a better boyfriend. She wouldn't have dumped you then and she would actually love you still." For some reason, I felt that those words that just exited my mouth were more meant for me to hear than him. I felt like a hypocrite when I said them.

"So this is my fault?"

"Of course," I said. He rolled his eyes and stormed upstairs to his room. I sighed and took a sip from my soda can. Emma came into the room.

"What's with him?" she asked.

"I pretty much just blamed him for Grace breaking up with him. Oh and I wouldn't tell him what happened to the car," I told her. She folded her arms across her chest.

"What DID happen to that car, anyway?" she asked me. I shrugged.

"Beats me," I lied as I took another sip of my soda. She snatched the can out of my hand and glared at me.

"If THEY know that you're in town, you're going to be the first suspect on their list. Exactly how is that supposed to help us in anyway?"

"I don't know, how is forcing your son to go out with their daughter help you in anyway?"

"I thought it would work at the time. I'd know about their lives and their schedules and then I could just work up what to do and how to do it from the information I got from him. Clearly, that was a mistake seeing that he couldn't make an effort to be a decent boyfriend for the girl. Eh, what can you do? Like father, like son."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked as she started walking away back into the kitchen.

"Oh you know exactly what that means," she said, stopping and turning back to me.

"Are you saying that I wasn't a decent boyfriend?"

"No, I'm sure that every decent boyfriend beats the hell out of his girlfriend," she said sarcastically.

"I didn't lay a hand on you."

"No you didn't. Then again, you weren't really my boyfriend, were you? You were a one night stand." I thought back to that night were we did it and agreed with her. She was a one night stand. A one time thing. I didn't mean to cheat on Summer, but I was so drunk and it just happened. I wasn't a bad boyfriend...was I? No, of course not. I was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. I just needed Summer to listen to me once in a while and have her respect me. We would still be together if she just listened. We'll be together soon Sum, I swore mentally.

-Danny's POV-

So that's what Mom's plan was. She WAS using me to get to that family. Now, I only wanted to know why. What was her big obsession with the Nights? And did Josh have a history with them too? If he did, what was it? And what was Mom talking about with that whole "I'm sure every decent boyfriend beats the hell out of his girlfriend" thing? Did Josh abuse one of his girlfriends, or all of them? If one, then which one? Who? So many questions were running through my mind and I was beginning to get a pounding headache. I needed to find out what these two were doing and see how bad it all was. Then, I could either stop them or help them. I didn't know which one right now.

-Cory's POV-

After Grace's parents were finished telling their story, Grace and I just stared at them for a moment. Grace opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I wanted to say something too, but I didn't know what. Grace finally opened her mouth again after a while and this time, words came out.

"So...you're saying that the guy I ran into on my birthday is your ex-boyfriend?" she asked her parents. They looked at each other, then back at Grace and nodded their heads.

"That's the impression I was under when he talked to me," Mr. Night said.

"Why didn't you tell me about this before?" she asked.

"We thought we were protecting you, but now we realize that you need to know exactly who he is and what he's capable of to protect yourself when we're not around," Mrs. Night replied. "Honey, I am so sorry for not telling you the whole story sooner."

"I could have pepper sprayed his eyes or kicked his shin or where the sun doesn't shine!" Grace said. I couldn't help but snicker when she said the last part. "I could have called the cops on him for violating the restraining order!"

"Yeah, about that...." her dad said.

"What?" she asked. He didn't say anything. "Daddy, what?"

"The restraining order's...kind of expired."

"What do you mean it's kind of expired?"

"That's what I mean. It's expired."

"That and we never got one for you," Mrs. N said.

"What?" Grace asked.

"Well, when you were born it had been years since we last seen or heard from him in such a long time and we thought he was finally backing off," Mrs. N said. "The idea of getting a restraining order for you against him just seemed ridiculous to us at the time, but now it doesn't." Grace nodded slowly. I guess that made sense. I mean, I probably wouldn't get my kid a restraining order against someone whom I hadn't seen in a long time. BUT I WOULD PROBABLY TELL THEM ABOUT THE PERSON SO THEY COULD STAY AWAY FROM THEM!

"Now I'm working on seeing if your grandfather can get us all a restraining order against both him and Emma. Then, we'll be fine."

"I still can't believe you never told me about that psycho Emma chick," Grace said. I couldn't believe it either. Faking that she was pregnant and telling Mr. N that he was the father when he would most likely remember not doing anything with her to break the couple up was just crazy in my book. She was CRAZY. Both of them were.

"Yeah, we just tried to forget about her. The both of them really. Thinking of them doesn't really bring up memories worth reliving," Mr. N said. Grace sighed and looked at her parents.

"Thank you for being honest with me," she said. They hugged their daughter while I sat in the chair. What the hell was I planning on telling Grace? I knew I wanted to tell her something...oh yeah. Um...I don't think it was the best day to do that.

-Jimmy's POV-

"Jay's going to kill you," Myla said as we watched the two enter the cafeteria.

"No, he won't. He'll be happy to see them," I told her.

"Are you sure about that?"


"Why are they here Jimmy?" she asked me.

"To see..Owen," I said in a very 'duh' manner.

"Uh huh, why else?"

"That's it?"

"No it's not. Why else, Jimmy?"

"Don't tell Jay."


"We can't take care of him on our own anymore. We have families and we have a past with him. These two have an unknown history with him. Unknown to this town, at least."

"You're not going to have Bobby and Paulie kill Josh," she scolded me.

"Aw, why not? It'd be fun?" Paulie complained. He and Bobby were both leaning forward on the table, begging Myla with their eyes.

"Three reasons. First of all, because there's no proof that he did anything," she said.


"Second is because if you guys get caught, you get into even bigger trouble than he would if he was busted."

"We never get caught."

"Tell that to the years you spent in prison," I told them. They both flipped me off and looked back to Myla for her third reason.

"And third," she said holding up three fingers. "If that douche bag did anything to hurt my baby, I want to be the one to kill him." Bobby and Paulie's jaws dropped and I stared at her in awe and shock. Myla was never really the violent type and we all knew this. She looked from face to face. When she looked at me, she raised an eyebrow. "What?" she asked.

"I love you so much right now," I told her with a smile.

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