I 'Effin Love You Too 36-1

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Sorry to leave you guys with that cliffhanger for so long. Yikes, really didn't mean to do that. Anyway I'm having a happy new year so far- let's hope it lasts- and yeah. Hope you all have a happy new year! Never fear just because it's 2012! You never know, maybe the Mayans got lazy and decided to stop with the writing and such. It could have happened!


Eh, anyway about the story....I WAS going to post earlier, but certain events occurred such as my wisdom teeth being yanked out while I was unconscious. So! This chapter is going to be split up into two parts. It's mostly just filler, depicting how things are sort of looking for our favorite characters here now that all the psychos have gone bye-bye and hopefully stay bye-bye.

Never know, hee hee!

THE END IS NEAR THOUGH! No, not the end of the world- although if your world revolves around this story, it may just be the end of your world- but the end of the story is near! You read right folks, it's near. So beware! Lol, just kidding. It is near though. Just saying. Okay, that's enough from me.


<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Grace's POV-

I gasped at the scene before me, unable to believe that Cory actually remembered this place when I hardly did. I looked around, flashbacks of Cory and I as little kids and middle schoolers dancing through my mind. The field was once apart of a lavender farm, but it was abandoned before we were born. Cory and I were five when we found this place while riding our bikes. We said something that day that I don't remember exactly. Something about taking this place up when we were all grown up.

"What do you think?" he asked me. I turned toward him, still speechless about this whole surprise. "Good?"

"Good? This is freaking amazing!" I exclaimed. "I can't believe you remember this place."

"Of course I remember," he said. "It was our special place, remember? We used to come here all the time when we wanted to hang out just you and me."

"Yeah, I remember," I said. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I can't believe that it's still here. They're all still alive, still healthy."

"It's almost surreal," he said. "In a good way though." I smiled and put my hands on top of his.

"You're such a dork," I mumbled to him. He sighed and buried his face in my shoulder.

"Are we really going to start with that again?" he asked. "I thought we've established that the dork here is you, missy."

"Nope, definiately you."

"Oh yeah?"


"Well guess what?"

"Chicken butt."

"Hah! That never gets old, but no seriously guess what."


"You're it," he whispered in my ear. Then he took off running out into the field, leaving me behind stunned. He just tagged me!

"Oh that's real mature!" I called after him. He paused for a minute to laugh loudly and turn around.

"Grace, when have you ever known me to be mature?!" he called back. I rolled my eyes, but smiled. He had a point.

"True," I said mostly to myself. I took advantage of the fact that he was still laughing with his head thrown back to run quietly toward him when he least expected it. I quickly walked up to him and poked his shoulder. "Now who's it?"

"Oh that's not fair at all," he said. "I wasn't paying attention." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Too bad," I mocked.

"You're gonna get it now girl," he said. I giggled and ran in the opposite direction as fast as I could, feeling his presence close behind. At the moment, I didn't care about anything. Not the cast on my arm, not the psycho ex boyfriend I had locked up in a jail cell right now at the police station along with his parents, not the fact that we had to go back to school in a couple days, not the weird thought of Aurora apologizing to my best friend after treating her horribly for so long, not the fact that Leslie and Max were now likely together, nothing at all! I was enjoying the time I was spending with Cory because it felt like old times. Only it was different this time because now Cory and I were together and I was so much more blissfully happy this way. Nothing- knock on wood- could ruin this.

-Owen's POV-

"So you're telling me the truth?" I asked Max. Allison was sitting in the middle of my bed while I was sitting in front of her on the edge facing my best friend on the computer chair who had just told me that he and Leslie were now together. Of course, he had been known to play pranks on me and tell me that he was with a various amount of girls; I had to double check with this one too.

"Nothing but," he said. "I don't even know how to explain how it happened. It just did, man, it just did."

"That's...." I trailed off because I wasn't able to find a word for what that was. It wasn't strange or weird or anything like that. I was happy for the two of them, I really was. I just wasn't sure what word to use to describe it to Max right now.

"Great," Allison said simply for me. I nodded my head and thanked her.

"I was at a loss for words, but that was simple enough," I confirmed. "I'm happy for you, Maxie."

"Thanks Owie."

"I should kill you."

"I should kill you."

"I should smack you both upside the head," Allie said. We both looked down at the floor like puppies who had just gotten scolded. I nearly fell forward on my face when Allie wrapped her arms around my neck and put all her weight on my back- which wasn't very much to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Entertaining myself," she answered simply.

"And that's my cue to leave," Max said as he stood up and walked to the door.

"You don't have to leave," Allie told him.

"Nah it's okay," he said. "I've got a girlfriend's house to go to this time."

"That's right you do!" I encouraged him. "Go get her tiger!"

"Go, go, go!" Allie chanted. Max beat his chest like Tarzan and took off to go to his new girlfriend's house- the same girl he had been crazy about for....a long while. "I'm really happy for him."

"Yeah, I am too," I said. I decided to lie back on my bed, taking Allison down with me when I did. She put her head down on my chest.

"Hopefully now Leslie can stop glaring at me so much and be happy. Maybe she and I can be friends."

"I'm sure you will be. You two would get along great."

"That's a comforting thought," she sighed. "I really want her to like me."

"Even if she doesn't, just remember I do."

"You like me?" she asked.

"No," I said. She raised an eyebrow. "I love you."

"I love you too," she smiled. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her while she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me back. I couldn't imagine being with any other girl but the one with me right now.

-Summer's POV-

"Don't tell! Don't tell!"

"Tommy, you're acting like a five year old," I told him. He scoffed.

"For your information, miss Summer, I just turned SIX yesterday. How you like them apples?"

"They're a little rotten," Jimmy said.

"Butt out, Jimmy!" Tommy said to him. I rolled my eyes and put the last of the dishes from the chicken wings we had in the sink. Owen was over at Jimmy's house so everyone got at least two chicken wings before Tommy, Jimmy, and Jay inhaled the rest. I walked back toward the table and sat down in my seat next to Jay while Tommy sat across from me.

"Relax," I told him. "I won't tell Kari."

"I will," Myla piped in.

"No you won't," Tommy said quickly.

"Tom, what's so bad about your wife finding out anyway?" Jimmy asked him.

"Yeah seriously Tommy. Don't be afraid of your wife, I'm not," Jay said. I gave him a look and he glanced away quickly. "All that much..."

"Yeah and I'm not-"

"Don't even think about it Jimmy," Myla said to him as she picked up her cup of water to take a sip. Jimmy looked down at his lap.

"Fine," he huffed.

"It's really not that bad," Russ told Tommy. "I'm sure she won't get mad about it."

"Oh sure," Olivia scoffed. "Not at all."

"Did you hear what he said?" Samantha asked Russ.

"He heard," Tyler grumbled. "He's just being optimistic."

"Who's being optimistic about what?" Kari asked as she walked in the house. We all greeted her with open arms, then she sat down next to her husband. "What did he say now?"

"Nothing," Tommy said quickly.

"Tommy," Kari warned just as quickly.

"Hey you guys, I have a real brain teaser question here!" Jimmy said. He recomposed his face so he actually looked serious for once in his life. "How much wood....could a woodchuck chuck....if a woodchuck. Could chuck. Wood?"

"That...." Tommy began. "Is a very deep question. You have to look in your soul for the answer to that one."

"What did he say?" Kari asked me.

"He wanted to by a super big, expensive flat-screen television and since was the man of the house he could do it, no matter what the old lady said," I told her.


"You said you wouldn't tell!" Tommy said to me. I shrugged while everyone backed away in their seats slowly. "Baby-"

"OLD lady?!"

"I knew you would overreact about that-"

"Do I look old to you?!"

"Not at all-"

"Proud of yourself?" Jay whispered in my ear. I snickered and nodded.

"Let this be a warning to you," I whispered back before I kissed his cheek. Men. Whether they wanted to admit it or not, we were totally in control of them.

-Cory's POV-

Grace and I were laying down in the middle of the field, arms around each other and her head on my shoulder, looking up at the stars of the now dark night sky. It was early night, but you would never guess that by how dark it was.

"How many stars do you think are up there?" she asked me. I shrugged.

"No idea," I said. "Way too many to count, that's for sure."

"Take a guess," she said.

"Hm....four?" I teased. She half scoffed and half laughed.


"Okay....two million."

"I was thinking closer to two billion," she mumbled.

"There's probably way more than that to be honest."

"Yeah true," she sighed. "Is this for real?"

"Is what for real?"

"Are we really here now? Together? Safe?"

"Yes, yes, and yes," I said kissing her head. "Danny and his crazy, crazy, crazy parents are going to go away for a long time and we won't ever have to worry about them ever again. We're together and I'm here to stay as long as you want."

"The thing is....I don't know anymore."

"What do you mean?" I asked her worried that she was changing her mind about us. I sure hope she didn't. I loved this girl more than words could say, I didn't know what I would do with myself if she dumped me.

"Being in a small town," she said. I mentally sighed with relief. "Don't get me wrong, it's nice and everything but...."


"Don't you wonder what else is out there? Don't you ever want to see the rest of the world and just...travel?"

"Of course," I said thinking back to the many times I've pretended to board a plane to France, China, England, or Australia. Travel was always something that I wanted to do when I was younger and I even planned to do a lot after school, but I haven't been thinking about it a whole lot lately obviously.

"Where would you want to go?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "Anywhere. Everywhere. I just want to explore the world, you know?"

"I know what you mean," she said. "I do too." I thought about what I was going to say for a minute, then I asked.

"Grace, tell me something. You want to go to college right?"


"I do too, so here's what I want to know; do you ever want to get married?"

"You know that I do, Core. You of all people know that I do."

"Okay," I said. I took a piece of lavender from next to me and tweaked it a little bit so it was in the shape of a ring- a good sturdy one too. "Will you become engaged to be engaged to me?"

"Did you really even have to ask?" she cried. I smiled and placed the ring on her left ring finger.

"I'll get you a legit one later, I swear," I said.

"You do that, but I'm still keeping this one," she said. I kissed her forehead and sat up with her.

"After we get married, we'll go see the world together. We'll go anywhere we feel like, anywhere we want! We'll even get married somewhere else if you want."

"You would do that all for me? Even though you talked about getting married here like our parents did when we were kids?"

"I want you to be happy," I told her. "I want whatever you want." She smiled at me and kissed me gently.

"I want us to be together," she said. "And to be happy with you." I smiled again.

"That's exactly what I want," I said. "I love you Grace."

"I love you too Cory."

-Allison's POV-

"You're cheating!"


"I thought you said you haven't played this game in a while!"

"I haven't."

"Then how-"

"Years of practice, young one," I teased Owen. He and I were currently in the middle of a round of Call of Duty Black Ops and he really didn't want to face the fact that I was killing way more zombies here than him. He got knocked down- again- by a zombie and I had to come back over and save his butt- again- but this time the zombies all had me cornered and had managed to kill my character. I sighed and looked at our results. Let's just say that this wasn't a game for Owen to brag about.

"That's just not right," he stated as I stood up and pulled my tank top down.

"Oh suck it up," I said kissing his cheek. He grabbed my wrist gently and pulled me down so I was sitting on his lap. "Really?"

"Really," he confirmed.

"You're such a child sometimes," I told him.

"Well, I am only fifteen years old."

"What a surprise! So am I," I said.

"Good, now I don't feel like a pedophile or like I'm dating a pedophile."

"Would you still love me even if I was fifty?"

"That depends.....are you a wrinkly fifty year-old? Like so wrinkly you look seventy instead?" he asked. I slapped his shoulder and he chuckled. "I'm kidding, of course I would still love you. Would you still love me if I was a forty year-old dude?"

"That depends," I said. "Are you a pedophile?"

"Well if I'm in love with a fifteen year-old girl and I, myself, am forty then yes I would say I am a pedophile," he informed me.

"In that case I MIGHT still love you."

"You're teasing me right?"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. There's just no way to tell."

"There is a way," he said raising his hand and waving his fingers like Freddy Krueger does.

"Don't even think about it," I warned.

"Are you teasing or not?"

"I'm not telling."

"Then I have no choice!"

"Don't do it! Spare me please!" I begged, but it was too late. He had already begun.......tickling me. I laughed and laughed, unable to stop due to his tickling. "Please! Mercy! I'll talk, I'll talk!"

"Thought so," he said.

"Hm," I said tapping my chin with my index finger. "I think....I can't remember if I was or not."

"You were," he nodded.

"Of course I was," I said. I leaned forward and kissed him, laying back on his lap while pulling his head down with me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and eventually I found my back on the floor and him hovering over me as we came out of our make out session.

"Seriously about that wrinkly old lady stuff," he said. I rolled my eyes and slapped his shoulder again while he chuckled with a big grin on his face.

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now