I 'Effin Love You Too 30-2

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So....me thinks this part took a little while longer than I hoped it would. Then again....yeah, no it took a while longer than I hoped it would. Oh well, at least I got it up.

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Summer's POV-

"I think it looks nice," I insisted. "Jay wrinkled his nose as looked down at his mask for the thousandth time.

"I don't," he said.

"Well, I do."

"Fine," he sighed. "If only you just let me get the mask I wanted to get."

"There was no way in hell that you were wearing that mask," I told him. "It gave me the creeps and I probably wouldn't have talked to you the entire time you wore it."

"Well that's enough to make me happy I didn't get it."

"And I'm happy you didn't," I told him.

"And I guess that this one's just fine."

"It better be."

"Hey you two," Tommy said to us. We greeted him back and I stole a sip from his champagne. "Hey!"

"Oh relax, I just took a little sip," I told him.

"But now I have Summer germs," he fake whined. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Where's Kari?" I asked him.

"Oh yeah, she asked me to tell you that she was going to her sister's house to watch the kids."

"She's leaving her husband again, isn't she?"

"It's a possibility," he admitted.

"Shame," Jay said. "Shame."

"It is. Anyway, I have not seen Grace at all tonight. Where is she?"

"She's....over there," I said pointing out my daughter talking to Leslie.

"Ah, I see her. Damn good thing she's got really red hair. I think it'd take me forever to find her if she didn't. Well....I could also confuse you for her."

"Yes because I look a lot like a seventeen year old girl in high school."

"I don't think you've changed much since the day I met you," Jay said. "You're still just as gorgeous."

"Aw," I said. "What do you want?"

"A kiss," he grinned. I smiled and kissed his lips.

"Ew!" Tommy exclaimed. "I'm going by Grace!"

"Bye," Jay waved. Tommy rolled his eyes and made his way toward Grace. I smiled and shook my head, then someone caught my attention. Someone wearing a mask with the long nose, similar to the one that Jay wanted for himself. He gave off a familiar bad feeling, but I didn't think that he would come here. He didn't do anything unless he wanted something out of it. That's when I noticed what he was doing. Just standing against a wall, staring off straight in front of him. I followed his gaze toward....Grace. My head snapped back in his direction. My first instinct was that it was Danny, but he looked a little older than that. So that left me with my second instinct.

"Josh," I whispered.

"What?" Jay asked. "Where?" he asked as he began looking around desperately.

"Right over there." I slyly pointed him out to Jay. He right away began walking toward him. "Jay! What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I just want to talk to him."

"Jay, please!" I whispered loudly. "Not here." He groaned-slash-sighed.

"Fine," he said. "I'll get someone to lure him into a dark alley and I'll take care of him then."

"There," I said. "Just wait a little bit, okay?"

"Fine," he said glumly.

"Thank you," I said. I sent a glare over in Josh's direction even though he wasn't looking over here. He better stay away from my daughter, or else he was going to wish he was never born.

-Owen's POV-

Allison and I were near the center of the dance floor and a slow song had just started. I stepped back and held my hand out to her in a very gentlemanly way.

"May I have this dance, beautiful miss?" I asked her. She really did look beautiful tonight. Her dress, her mask, everything suited her perfectly. She smiled and nodded, taking my hand.

"You may, handsome sir," she said back. I smiled and pulled her gently to my chest. I put my hands around her waist while she wrapped her arms around my neck. It felt good having her this close to me. I loved it. We danced for a while before I finally mustered up the courage to ask her.

"Allison," I began.


"I have to ask you something. Something....really important."

"What is it?" she asked, her face growing serious. Almost like she was afraid of something. I brushed away my confusion and asked her.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked. I heard a gasp behind me, but by the time I looked the person was gone. I turned back to Allison. She looked like she wanted to cry.

"You're not kidding?" she whispered. I shook my head slowly.

"Nope," I said. "I really like you Allison and the time I've spent with you has been.....amazing. I would love it if you were my girlfriend." She suddenly pulled away from me. "What's wrong?"

"I....I can't," she cried. "I- I should go!" She ran off the dance floor and out of the room. I followed her with no hesitation.

"Allison!" I called after her, following her into the gardens. She slowed down as she came to the water fountain that was in the dead center. A water fountain in the middle of a garden. How cliche, I thought. She took deep breaths and twirled her dress around her fingers nervously a bit. I stepped in front of her and bent my knees a little to get a good look at her face.

"Allison, what's wrong?" I asked her placing my hands gently on her shoulders. She shook her head.

"I'm sorry," she said. "You shouldn't see me like this." Tears were escaping her eyes and disappearing underneath her mask now.

"It's fine. Just tell me what's wrong. Was it what I asked you?"

"No," she said quickly. "Well....I just....."

"You just what, Alli?"

"I can't! I just can't! You don't deserve me!"

"What do you mean I don't deserve you?"

"That came out wrong. I meant.....that you deserve better than me. I don't deserve YOU."

"What are you talking about? Of course you deserve me, I want to be with you and not anyone else."

"Oh god," she sobbed when I told her that I wanted to be with her. "You're really making this hard."

"Well I hope that it's not easy. Look, just tell me what's on your mind. Tell me what's wrong."

"I'm sorry, Owen," she cried while shaking her head. She began stepping backwards, away from me. "I'm so sorry." She turned and began running away from me then. I followed her back inside, but a crowd of people got in the way and by the time they passed, she was already gone. I blew the air out of my cheeks and stuffed my hands in my pockets. Suddenly I don't feel like being her so much anymore.

-Grace's POV-

"I can't believe this," Leslie whispered to herself. I really didn't know what to tell her anymore. I know that her heart was broken, but....Owen couldn't help it. He wanted Allison to be his girlfriend and....that was that. I really wish that I could make Leslie's pain go away and have her fall in love with someone else, but it is what it is.

"I'm sorry, Leslie. I really am. I know how you must be feeling-"

"No you don't! You don't know what it's like to have the person you love not love you back! And what's worse, having that person ask another girl to be their girlfriend right in front of you!"


"You get everything Grace! You got the guy you love, you have the perfect parents, the perfect little family, the perfect grades! Hell you even have a perfect body and face! Everything about you is perfect! Your life is PERFECT!"

"You think that my life is perfect?" I asked her. "Well you have no idea how wrong you are there, Leslie. My life is NOT perfect."

"Whatever Grace, I don't need your pity right now," she said bitterly. With that, she turned on her heel and walked away from me. I curled my hands up into fists and took deep breaths to calm myself. Leslie was upset. That's the only reason why she said those things. She didn't really mean that. I looked across the dance floor and made eye contact with Cory. I had left him to talk to Leslie and now I really needed him. He made his way across to me when he was stopped by some girl. She put her hand on his chest flirtatiously and smiled at him, showing off her pearly whites. She said something, I'm assuming asking him to dance, when he peeled her hand off him and shook his head. He began walking back over to me and stopped a couple feet in front of me. He held his hand out to me. I took it and let him lead me out onto the dance floor. I saw the same girl cross her arms, stomp one foot, and storm away. Wow, someone needs to grow up.

"What happened?" Cory asked me. I loved this guy. He always knew when something was wrong.

"Just...Leslie had a little outburst. Nothing that won't be better in the morning," I sighed as I laid my head on his chest.

"Was it about Owen?"

"You heard that, did you?"

"Yeah. Allison didn't answer though."

"What?" I asked, lifting my head up to look at him.

"She didn't answer. I didn't hear what happened after that, but she didn't answer him."

"I wonder why. I'll have to ask Owen tomorrow."

"Or you could ask him now," he said. He was looking behind me so I looked too and saw my little cousin sitting glumly in a corner. I took Cory's hand and walked over to him. I sat down on the chair across from him and Cory sat down on the chair next to mine.

"What's up?" I asked Owen. He shook his head and drank from....a champagne glass? "Owen!"

"What?" he asked sloppily. Oh god, I thought.

"How many of those have you had?" Cory asked him.

"Well let's see," he turned to the wall and looked down at the floor. I looked down there as well and my mouth fell open at what I saw. There were at least nine champagne glasses there! "I think thats this ones....mmm.....makes.....twenty seven."

"Oh good god, he's drunk," I said mainly to Cory. Owen snickered and shook his head.

"Me no drunk."

"I'm going to go find my aunt or uncle, please stay with him," I told Cory. He nodded.

"Got it," he said. I stood up and quickly went to go find Uncle Jimmy or Aunt Myla.

-Danny's POV-

This is my chance. She's all alone right now. Here I go, I thought. I followed her as she began wandering the house, looking for her aunt or uncle. I knew that they were dancing right now, so she wasn't going to see them unless she went back to the room she just came from. She went outside onto a conveniently empty patio. This is it.

"Grace," I said. She gasped and whirled around.

"Danny?" she said. "What are you doing here?"

"I was following you," I said simply.

"What?" she asked. "Why were you...why were you following me?"

"Just keeping an eye on you Grace," I said. "I was making sure you're okay."

"Well, I'm fine," she snapped. "Now please leave me alone."

"You look beautiful tonight."

"Thank you," she said. She walked back toward the door, but I stepped in her way. "What are you doing?"

"I just want to talk to you."

"Well, I don't want to talk to you right now. I'm busy, I have to find someone."

"Your aunt or uncle, I know."

"Okay, that's really creepy," she stated. "Stop following me."

"Grace, come with me," I said.

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

"You have to. I need to talk to you."

"Danny, just leave me alone!"

"Grace just let me-" The rest of what I was going to say was cut off when Mom came around the corner and slammed a vase into the back of Grace's head, sending her straight to the ground. I glared at the woman who called herself my mother. "What the hell?!"

"What? It's not like you were making any progress with getting her to come with you!"

"You had to slam that thing into her head though?!"

"I didn't really see another option!"

"What the hell was your plan from here?"

"I'm going to climb over the side, you're going to pass her to me, then you're going to climb over and you're going to carry her to the car."

"What car?"

"Your dad-"

"He's not my dad."

"FINE, JOSH brought the car not too long ago."

"The messed up one?"

"The other one."

"When are you going to tell me what happened to the messed up one?"

"When you stop asking questions, now let's go before someone comes!" I rolled my eyes and did as she told me to do.

-Cory's POV-

"So like....a dime is more than a penny?"

"Yes, Owen. A dime is more than a penny," I said again. He looked thoughtful for a moment before he looked confused all over again.

"Run it by me again."

"Where's your cousin?" I asked myself. Suddenly, a sparkly purple butt was in my face. "Really?"

"Oh, Danny! I didn't see you there!" There's only one person I knew with a voice like that.

"Hello Aurora," I grumbled. She grinned down at me.

"How are you? You look so good tonight."

"Thanks a lot."

"So what do you think of the mask? I had it custom made."

"It's one of a kind," I said. Really, I didn't see anyone else with peacock feathers sticking out of their mask like that. Apparently, Owen hadn't either because he was staring at the feathers out of curiosity.

"So do you think you'd like to-"

"Is there a bird in your mask?" Owen asked her. She looked at him with an annoyed expression.

"No," she said to him rudely. She turned back to me with the same grin on her face.

"Really? Cause it kind of looks like it," Owen insisted. I held in a laugh and turned my head toward the wall.

"Look you little brat," Aurora began.

"Aurora!" Caroline called her. She rushed over by us and grabbed her arm.

"What do you want?" Aurora snapped at her.

"Let's go. Just leave them."

"I was trying to have a conversation with these two and you so rudely interrupted-"

"Would you just shut the hell up and come on?! Keely's drunk out of her mind and you're busy being your usual jerk-self. Some friend you are!" My jaw dropped because I had never heard Caroline talk to ANYONE like that, much less Aurora. I didn't even think she would dare to talk to Aurora like that just because she was Aurora. Aurora appeared to be shocked by Caroline's outburst as well because she was staring at her in shock and didn't even fight when Caroline dragged her away. Caroline looked over her shoulder at me and winked. I smiled at her. I knew that she was nicer than the other two.

"Look pal, that's the last straw," I heard a very familiar voice say behind me. I looked over and there was Mr. N along with Mr. D and some dude who appeared to be drunk. "You flirt with his wife, then you flirt with my kid and now you're flirting with my wife? That's it!" Mr. N told the guy.

"That's not it! They're pretty ladies! Come on bay-bay!" the dude said to Mrs. N and Mrs. D. "Let's go! Room for both of you and the other girl! We can go to some motel or something or a nice hotel if you want!"

"Let's go," Mr. D said. He and Mr. N began practically dragging the dude out while the wives shook their heads with their arms crossed. I looked across me at Owen and then back at Mrs. D.

"Hey! Mrs. Day?!"

"Hi Cory," she greeted me. "What's up?"

"Um....." I trailed off and looked at Owen. She looked at him and gasped.

"Owen!" she scolded as she took the champagne glass from him.

"There's another Owen?! Where?! I wanna.....wanna.....fight!" he said. "Where are the pigs?!"

"Oh god," Mrs. Day groaned. "This is great."

"Where is Grace, Cory?" Mrs. N asked me. I shrugged.

"I don't know. She went to look for Mrs. D or Mr. D and she asked me to watch Owen for her. She left about....ten minutes ago."

"Well, I'm going to start looking for her," she told me.

"I can help you, if you want."

"Thank you Cory. Alright, I'm going to look around here and you look in the hallways for me."

"You got it."

"Thank you," she said. She went to look around the room while I looked at Mrs. D.

"Are you going to be okay here?"

"Yeah, Jimmy should be coming back in a little bit. You go ahead and look for Grace."

"Okay," I said. I went out into the hall and looked around in the groups of people. Where was she?

-Jay's POV-

"I'm tired!" some hobo in the street whined.

"Well go to sleep!" some other hobo told him.

"I can't! I can't sleep walk!"

"Go to sleep!" some hobo woman told him.

"I wanna ride the magical fairy to Planet Pig."

"There IS no Planet Pig, only cow."

"What the hell is a cow?!"

"Turn here!" another one yelled out. There was a small crowd of hobos walking down the middle of the street and they had just come to crossroads. The one was pointing in to the left. "Let's go!"

"No! The dragon is down there!"




"Who's attacking?! Who?!"

"THE FLYING MONKEYS!" the first hobo screamed out. They all began screaming and began walking back the way they came from. I shook my head and headed back inside the building. I'm going to pretend like that wasn't the weirdest thing I've ever seen. When I stepped inside, I ran straight into Cory.

"Hey Mr. N, have you seen Grace?"

"No, wasn't she with you?"

"She was, but then Owen got in a little situation so she went to go look for his parents and she asked me to stay by him. Well, his mom showed up and she's with him right now and Grace didn't come back."

"How long was she gone?"

"She was gone for like ten minutes. Mrs. N is in the ball room looking and she asked me to look out here."

"Well, you keep looking out here, I'm going to look in the gardens."

"Okay," he nodded. I went past him and went straight to the gardens.

"Grace!" I called. No answer. My little girl would have answered me. I looked around anyway in case she was hurt or something and couldn't answer me, but she wasn't out there. Okay, something didn't feel right at the pit of my stomach now. I ran my hands through my hair like a mad man and looked around the garden. I groaned out of frustration and went to ask around to see if anyone saw her.

"Excuse me sir, have you seen-" I stopped when I got a good look at the guy I was talking to. This was the same mask that....

"Hello Jay, how are you this evening?" Josh asked me.

"Peachy keen," I said sarcastically. "Where is she?"

"Where is who?"

"Don't play dumb. Where's my daughter?!"

"All in good time, bud," he said patting my shoulder with a slight smirk on his face. "All in good time."

"If you don't tell me where my daughter is right now, I'll-"

"You'll what? I hardly think you'll do anything in public."

"You think I won't? Try me."

"Look, Jay. Just get this straight in your mind and stop obsessing. Summer and Grace are MY family. Not yours. MINE. Especially Summer."

"You want them. You can't have them."

"Well, I already have one now, don't I?" he said smugly. I nearly tackled him there, but a pair of arms held me back from doing so. He smirked again and walked away, disappearing from my view.


"As much as I'd like to kill him too, we can't do it in public."

"He has Grace, Tommy."

"He what?"

"He has Grace," I repeated. He looked at me blankly before looking in the direction Josh had just went in and then back at me.

"I take back what I said. Screw being seen, let's go," he said. I led him out in the same direction Josh had gone, but we were at a dead end when we came outside. "Where the hell did he go?!"

"I don't know!"

"Do you know where he lives or where he's staying?"

"No," I said. "Come on. We're calling the cops."

"Should have just killed the little butt munch when I had then chance," he muttered. I got my cell phone out of my pocket and called 911 while we ran back inside to find Summer and the others. If he did anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to hurt my little girl there was going to be hell to pay!

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now