I 'Effin Love You Too 2

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-Jay's POV-

"I don't know," I sighed, answering Russ' question.

"I mean, I knew he wasn't the NICEST person around, but this is low."

"He was probably in it for the money," I mumbled.

"Does he NEED it?"

"I don't know. If he does, he didn't mention having money problems to me."

"Well, Josh is out now. And it's thanks to your dad defending him," he said. "How's Summer?"

"You mean how is she handling it?"

"Does she know?"

"Of course she does. She's not taking it well, as one would imagine. Her abusive ex just got out of prison, god knows how he got in and no one really cares how he did, and she's worried about Grace."

"Does Grace know?"

"She knows about him. She doesn't know his name or what he looks like, though. We didn't feel like she had to know."

"Yeah, you have the restraining order on him, don't you?"

"Me and Summer do. Grace doesn't. Hell, he and Emma stayed away for three years before Grace was born. We thought we wouldn't have to get one for her because they didn't even know she existed," I said. Russ sighed.

"Do you think he's going to come here?"

"After twenty years of staying away? Hopefully not," I answered honestly.

-Owen's POV-

Just a quick question here, why isn't homework illegal? Better yet, why isn't school illegal? I hate english class. Just hate it. And now, the teacher was giving us homework. I swear, who gives homework with a topic of acronyms to sophomores? It's just......she should be teaching third grade! Oh wait, I have an acronym for school. S-C-H-O-O-L, Seven Crappy Hours Of Owen's Life! I wonder if I would lose points if I actually put that on my homework. The bell rang and I burst out of that class room, not bothering to listen to when the homework was due. I'd get it in.......eventually. If I feel like it, maybe.

"Owen!" I heard my name being called down the hall and I looked to see Leslie waving her hands in the air at me like a mad woman. She ran to me, raven black hair flying out behind her.

"What's up?" I asked her.

"Not much," she huffed. "Have you seen your cousin? I can't find her anywhere."

"You're her best friend, aren't you supposed to know these things?" I teased. She pursed her lips at me.

"And you're her cousin. You have blood connections, you should know."

"Fine," I sighed. I put my hand up to my forehead and acted like it was a sattelite. "Tracking Grace. Cousin instincts tell me that she's giggling her butt off by Douce Bag's locker."

"How do you know all that?" she asked me, truly shocked.

"She's right there," I said, pointing down the hall at a giggly Grace and Douche Bag.

"Oh, she's with HIM."

"I really don't like him at all. You should call him a douche for me."

"Why? I always call him one behind his back. And sometimes to his face because I've got the best friends with his girlfriend privilage."

"He forgot her birthday."


"He forgot it."

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now