I 'Effin Love You Too 34

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-Grace's POV-

It's a darn good thing Miss Congeniality was one of my favorite movies so that I had the whole SING defense memorized. Solar plexus, instep, nose, and groin. Oh yeah, I was gonna enjoy this. I attempted to get Danny to let me go without doing it first, but when I realized that it wasn't going to happen I just went for it. I brought my elbow forward and yanked it back as hard as I could against his stomach. He grunted from the impact and loosened his grip before I stomped as hard as I could on his foot.

"What the hell?!" he groaned. I elbowed his nose and then his groin. He went down in an instant and I seized that opportunity to run over him and out of his room. I kept running like my life depended on it, which it probably did, and got to the front door before I was yanked back by my hair.

"Where do you think you're going?" Emma growled at me as she slammed me down on the ground.

"Out of here," I said through my teeth. I kicked her shin as hard as I could, sending her down as I had Danny, and I scrambled up and began running toward the back door. I yanked it open and ran to the right. When I realized that the stupid fence didn't go all the way around the house, I jumped and gripped the top of the boards, praying that I wouldn't get a splinter from this. I pulled myself up and then swung one leg over. I was about to swing my other over when a hand clamped around my ankle. I let out a surprised scream and tipped to the side, falling out of Emma's grip. She swore loudly and attempted to climb over to retrieve me. I didn't waste any time and got up quickly, then began running to the front yard. I went between the hedges around the house and tripped over my own feet when I got into the front yard. To my relief, my parents and two of my uncles were there. To my dismay, Danny's stupid father was there also.

"Grace!" Uncle Jimmy called out. Dad's head snapped in my direction, as did everyone else's. He rushed over to my side, helping me up. Uncle Jimmy and Uncle Tommy were by my side in no time while Dad went toward the front door.

"Josh, this is all over now. I have proof that you kidnapped my daughter. You're going to go back to prison."

"Yeah right," Josh said darkly. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife, putting it to my mom's throat. I gasped and gripped on to both my uncle's arms, fear of my mom getting hurt running through my veins. "I'd rather die than go back there. And if I die, Summer comes with me."

"Grace! Get back in this house dammit!" Emma's creeper voice screamed from the side of the house. I shrank back as my uncles both stepped in front of me while Josh rolled his eyes, annoyance plastered on his face.

"Emma she's out here, you idiot!" he called to her. She stomped through the hedges I had just jumped through not two minutes ago and glared coldly at me.

"What did I tell you brat?" she asked me rhetorically.

"Don't you dare call my daughter a brat you psychotic bitch!" Mom snapped at her. Emma flipped her off and went back to glaring at me.

"Do you have any idea how much pain you've caused my son?" she asked me.

"You know, I really think you need to get your priorities straight because I thought you hated me and you were forcing Danny to go out with me so you could find out information on my parents," I snapped at her. "Besides, your son is a creep like you and he deserved every second of hurt he got."

"Go Gracie," Tommy said quietly. I could tell that mostly everyone who knew me here was surprised because of the way that I, little miss unable to be rude or unkind to anyone besides Aurora, had just told Danny off. Not to his face, of course, but given the chance I would go off on him to his face. I would actually quite enjoy that.

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now