I 'Effin Love You Too 23

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My first Leslie's POV. Hm..... Eh, let's see how this goes. If you guys like it, I'll keep writing in her POV and if you don't, then I'll probably stop. That, of course, depends on whether or not I like writing in her POV. If you don't and I do, then- not to be mean or anything- that kind of sucks. We'll see how this works out first.

On with the story!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Leslie's POV-

At lunch, Grace and I went to look for Cory. I told her that he told me he had something important to tell us and we had to hurry up and find him. Technically he did have something important to say. Just not to me. He already told me. He just needed to tell HER.

"Calm down Leslie! Is it really that important?" Grace asked as I shoved through crowds of people to get to the cafeteria.

"You never know, Grace," I said. "It could be life or death."

"Always the drama queen," she mumbled as I dragged her through the crowds. We finally reached the cafeteria and I spotted Cory at our usual table.

"Hey Grace," some chick, I'm pretty sure her name was Tamela or something like that, greeted.

"Oh, hey Pam," Grace said back in her kind voice. See? Told you it was something like Tamela.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend," Pam said in a flirty tone. Oh god, not only does Grace have guys chasing after her, but she's got girls coming now too.

"Oh uh...." Grace looked at me for help. She never really liked being mean to anyone.

"Sorry toots," I said to Pam, wrapping my arm around Grace's shoulder. "She's mine." Grace bit her lip to keep herself from laughing.

"I see," Pam said through gritted teeth. She glared at me before looking back at Grace. "I'll just see you tomorrow then."

"Yeah, see ya," Grace said nicely. Pam walked away, glaring at me still, and Grace burst out laughing after she turned the corner.

"Thank you for that," she said. "Girlfriend."

"Hey no one hits on my girl in front of me," I said jokingly. She rolled her eyes and I took my arm off her. "Let's go, Cory's waiting." We walked over to Cory, who was looking down at the table nervously.

"Hey Cory," Grace greeted. His head snapped up at the sound of her voice and he smiled at her.

"Hey Grace," he said back.

"What do you have to tell us?" I asked innocently, like I had no idea.

"Oh! Well, uh...er...." he struggled to find a place to begin. This wasn't going to work with me here, I could just tell. I looked around the cafeteria quickly to think of something. Ah ha! Got it. I lifted my wrist and looked at my watch.

"Oh look at the time!" I exclaimed. "I completely forgot I have a club meeting in like two minutes!"

"What club?" Grace asked, furrowing her eyebrows. Crap, I didn't think of that.

"You've probably never heard of it."

"Every one knows every club in this school, please."

"It's a new one. For....Oprah Winfrey worshippers," I lied. Not a bad idea for a club.

"Oprah Winfrey worshippers?" she asked, not exactly believing it. I nodded.

"Yeah, it's brand new," I lied again.

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now