Family/friend trees. Or lists. Whatever you wanna call them.

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At request, here's a little family table thing to explain who's related to who. I know it's a little confusing and for that I'm sorry. I hope this helps though. :)

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Night Family

*Jason (Jay) Night- husband to Summer and father of Grace. Brother-in-law to Jimmy and Uncle to Owen.

*Summer Night- wife to Jay and mother of Grace. Sister to Jimmy, sister-in-law to Myla, and Aunt to Owen.

*Grace Night- daughter of Jay and Summer. Niece to Jimmy and Myla and cousin to Owen.

*Melvin Night- father to Jay, father-in-law to Summer, grandfather to Grace. Lawyer who got Josh out of prison recently.

Day Family

*Jimmy Day- husband to Myla, father of Owen, brother of Summer, Uncle to Grace, and brother-in-law to Jay.

*Myla Day- wife to Jimmy, mother of Owen, sister-in-law to Summer, Aunt to Grace.

*Owen Day- son of Jimmy and Myla, cousin to Grace, and nephew to Summer and Jay.

*Fred Day- Summer's "father"/biological uncle. Uncle to Jimmy, great uncle to Owen and Grace.

*Mark Day- Fred's brother, Jimmy's father, and Summer's "uncle"/biological father. Once married to Flora/Angie, divorced twenty years back. Grandfather to Owen and Grace.

The Kids' Buddies or "Buddies"

*Leslie Johnson- Grace's best friend who has a crush on Owen

*Cory Ryan- Grace's other best friend who is in love with Grace and she returns the feeling.

*Max Thomas- Owen's best friend, has a crush on Leslie.

*Allison Webber- New girl in school, has a crush on Owen that he returns.

The Parents' Buddies

*Tommy Gordon- Jimmy's best friend, "big brother" to Summer, husband to Kari, "Uncle" to Grace and Owen.

*Kari Gordon- Summer's best friend, wife to Tommy, "Aunt" to Grace and Owen.

*Russ Underwood- Jay's best friend, close to Summer and Jimmy, "Uncle" to Grace, husband to Olivia.

*Olivia Underwood- Russ's wife, good friends with Summer, "Aunt" to Grace.

*Tyler Smith- Jay's good friend since elementary school, also good friends with Jimmy and Russ. "Uncle" to Grace.

*Samantha Smith- Married to Tyler, "Aunt" to Grace. Good friends with Summer and Jay. Also close to Myla and Jimmy.

Mobster "Family"/Friends

*Bobby Reyes- Works for the Corinthos mob family, the mob who is enemies to the Marcellos and the mob Jimmy and Bobby used to be apart of. Best friends with Jimmy and Tommy, "big brother" to Summer, "Uncle" to Grace and Owen.

*Paulie Wilcox- Also works for the Corinthos mob family. Best friends with Jimmy, Tommy, and Bobby. "Uncle" to Grace and Owen and "big brother" to Summer.

Outcasts, Weirdos, and Just Don't Talk To Them People

*Annie- Summer's ex best friend, ex girlfriend to Jimmy. Dumped Jimmy for her present husband, Austin, and adopted Allison a little while after the sequel started. May still be in love with Jimmy.

*Angie/Flora/whatever the hell else she calls herself- Jimmy's Mom and Summer's ex stepmom/ex "aunt". Attempted to have Summer killed twenty years ago and actually killed Summer's sister April. Girlfriend to leader of the Marcello mob, enemy to the Corinthos'.

*Aurora- Racist, snarky female dog. Hates Leslie with a passion- feelings mutual there- due to her race- maybe not so mutual for that reason. Got punched by Grace. HA!

Flat Out Freaky People

*Josh Daniels- Summer's abusive ex-boyfriend. Dated Summer and came back twenty years back after being gone for a year. Still obsessing over Summer and is now harboring a small obsession for Grace, the girl he believes should have been his daughter and not Jay's. Tends to be crazy as s***.

*Emma Who-The-Hell-Cares- changes her name a lot int the present to keep her presence in the town hidden from Jay and Summer. Obsessed with Jay and hates Summer and Grace. Forced her son with Josh, Danny, to pursue a relationship with Grace in order to get close to that family. Recently had her husband killed. Is a crazy female dog.

*Danny- son of Josh and Emma. He's a FREAK.... Went through a break up with Grace, her being the dumper and him being the dumped, but is currently in love with her and trying to work up a way to get her back. Used to date Aurora's best friend, Keely. Enemies with Owen.


*Keely- not overly important to the story. Used to date Danny and still has feelings for him. Is incredibly gossipy and is also Aurora's little slave and........I don't know how else to explain her.

*Caroline- again, not incredibly important to the story. Well, she has a big, shining moment in one of the future chapters, but that's about it. She's pretty ditzy and....she can be nice. When she wants. Compared to her friends she's nice when she wants to be, at least. And....that's it. I have nothing else to say about her.

Dude! No One Knows You!

*Random Hobos Who Are Soon To Be Wandering The Streets- they're funny as the hot and fiery place down below.

*Random-Chick-At-The-Ball-Who-Asks-Cory-To-Dance-Only-To-Be-Snubbed-By-Him-For-Grace- um....yeah. She's just there, but no one knows her. So...yeah.

*Creepy Drunk Dude- hits on Summer, Myla, and Grace only to be "escorted out" by Jay and Jimmy. Tee hee! He's in the future.

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