I 'Effin Love You Too 4

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CORY ON THE SIDE!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

-Summer's POV-

Grace and I left the house and made our way to the restaurant. Jay was going to be meeting us there and Grace told me that Danny would be meeting us there too. Although, I can't say I'm completely excited about him coming. I saw my husband at a table for four in the corner and Grace and I went to sit with him.

"Excuse me, sir? Are these seats taken?" I teased.

"I'm afraid they are. I'm expecting my gorgeous wife and daughter soon," he smiled. I leaned over and kissed him as the hostess brought the menus over.

"We don't have to tell them. Especially not your wife," I said.

"Uh, not in front of me please," Grace begged, hiding behind her menu.

"As long as you promise us the same thing," Jay told her. She didn't say anything, but I didn't need x-ray vision to see that she was smiling like a villan. After a couple minutes, our waitor came and asked what we would like to drink- his gaze lingering on Grace longer than it should have. Jay looked at me with an annoyed expression. He hated men staring at his daughter like that as much as he hated men staring at me like that. Grace was denser than ever and didn't really notice when there was a guy drooling over her, who she got that from I didn't know- note my sarcasm.

"Should we order anything? Danny's not here yet," Grace said.

"Eh......do we really have to wait for him?" Jay groaned. I gave him the 'look' and he quieted down right away. The 'look', I love the 'look'. It always works for me with him.

"Daddy," Grace began, but Jay interrupted her.

"I'll have a coke," he told the waitor. He jumped, dropping his gaze from Grace, and started scribbling down what Jay ordered. Grace looked at me for help and I just simply shrugged.

"We can't wait forever," I told her. She sighed and ordered a Mr. Pibb. I ordered Dr. Pepper. The waitor disappered and came back quickly with our drinks and took our orders. Now, I know it seems like it's only been a short while since we got here, but it wasn't. It's been long enough to see that Danny wasn't coming or was going to be incredibly late. It was long enough to see how hurt Grace was about him either being super late or not coming at all. It was too long for Jay to plot an attack on a seventeen year old boy.

"Jay," I warned.

"I know, I know. I'm not planning."


"I'm plotting."


"Alright!" he whispered.


"I'll get Owen to do it," he said quickly.

"You are not going to have our nephew beat up our daughter's boyfriend," I said.

"Look at that face," he said, pointing at Grace while she wasn't looking. She was watching the parking lot outside through the window with a hurt look etched on her face. I sighed.

"Make sure Owen does a good job," I said. Jay snickered.

-Danny's POV-

"Come on," I begged her.

"I told you not to forget, and what'd you do? You forgot! How are we supposed to make this work if you're forgetting something as small as her birthday? First your anniversary now her birthday? What's up with you Danny?!"

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now