I 'Effin Love You Too 6

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I said that this would also be up soon yesterday. That was.....exactly one day ago right now. Well, I really need to work on getting this up when I say that I'm going to have it up. I hope you guys don't hate me! Oh and that's Leslie>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Danny's POV-

I hated him. I hated him since the second I found out he was best friends with Grace. Why that was, I don't know. I shouldn't care that he was best friends with Grace, I didn't see her in that light....did I? No, of course not. I was being forced to be in this relationship by my mom, I didn't feel that way about Grace. I shouldn't. There was already someone else who had my attention and it wasn't her.....I didn't know. I simply didn't know anymore. But it was really bugging me that this douche bag Cory was trying to call me out on not knowing Grace. I've known her for a whole year! I knew everything about her. Well, except her favorite flower, obviously. And what she does when she's uncomfortable, what her favorite color is, who her favorite author is, who her favorite band is, and what her favorite book was. Man, I really didn't know her did I? All these simple things that a boyfriend should know when he's had a girlfriend for as long as I had, I didn't know. Besides the fact that this guy was being a total douche bag, he was able to call Grace's parents by their names! They, especially her dad, didn't tell ME to call them by their names. This was.............

"Grace, can I talk to you for a second?" I whispered.

"Why?" she asked. Frustrating.

"Because I have to talk to you," I said. She sighed and excused us from the table. We walked to the back of the restaurant by the restrooms.

"What is it?" she asked me.

"Who is he?"

"What do you mean 'who is he?' That's Cory, I told you that."

"I mean WHO is he? What is he to you? Friend, not a friend."

"Oh! We told you he was my......."

"Your what, Grace?" I asked. She inhaled.

"You know what? Don't worry about it. It was a long time ago when we last saw each other and what ever we may have had is gone now," she said.

"What do you mean 'what you may have had?' What did you have with him?"

"Cory and I were just best friends in middle school and I may......oh don't tell me you're jealous."

"Don't change the subject."

"Isn't that the subject, though? Aren't you interrogating me about him because you're jealous?"

"That is NOT why I'm asking."

"That is SO why you're asking."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Dammit Danny, I'm not going to do this now. He was my best friend, that was it! Now if you'll excuse me, I would like to get back to my birthday dinner. You know, the one YOU forgot about," she said, glaring at me. I rolled my eyes and led us back to the table.

"Everything okay?" I hear Cory mumble to her after she sat down.

"Yeah, fine," she said. "Tell you later," she mumbled. I bit my tongue. She didn't mean for me to hear that, but I did. We were just finishing up with our dinner when I heard her giggling softly while Cory's mom and Grace's parents were talking. I looked over and saw Cory smiling and whispering to her. That was it. He was just getting too damn close to my girlfriend. I took her hand in mine and squeezed it.

"Ow," she whispered to me.


"You're squeezing my hand like you're giving birth or something."

"Oh, sorry sweetie," I said. The shock from my apology was shown clearly on her face. I rarely apologized for anything, my pride was far too high for that and she knew it. The only time I could willingly admit that I did something wrong was in my own mind. Never to my mom, never to my friends, and especially never to Grace- which I should work on with her if I want to keep this relationship going. I honestly don't know why she kept dealing with me for this long, even.

-Grace's POV-

Danny was acting really strange. It was kind of freaking me out a little bit. Normally, he really wouldn't pay too much attention to guys who were talking or flirting with me. Now Cory was talking, and asking me if I remembered the one time we played ding dong ditch on his street and the one lady came out and had the funniest reaction ever- it was a 'you had to be there' moment- and Danny was losing it. He freaking squeezed my hand so hard that I was beginning to lose feeling in it.

"Danny, what's wrong?" I asked him again.

"Nothing," he muttered quickly. I rolled my eyes. Sometimes this kid REALLY aggravated me. The rest of dinner went by quickly after that, with Danny keeping to himself and with my parents chatting with Linda and with Cory and myself reminiscing on our past. After we were all done, we went outside to the parking lot.

"Well, we should do this again sometime," Linda said, hugging Mom.

"We definitley should," Mom confirmed.

"Be sure to give us a call," Dad told Linda as she hugged him.

"Of course I will, Jay," she smiled. She hugged me. "Happy birthday, Grace."

"Thank you, Linda. It was good to see you again," I said.

"See you in school tomorrow?" Cory said to me while Linda was telling Danny how nice it was to meet him. Psh, you don't have to lie to him, I thought.

"Yeah, you will," I smiled at him.

"Good," he winked. I smiled wider and looked down, trying to hide my blush. There was always something about him that made me feel like a little school girl with a crush. "And it was......good to meet you too, Danny," he forced out with a smile. I hid my own smile.

"You too," Danny forced out as well. Cory and Linda said good bye one more time to all of us and then walked off toward their car.

"So, see you tomorrow," I said to Danny quickly. He grabbed my arm, harder than necessary, and stopped me from walking away.

"I need to talk to you," he mumbled. "Nice seeing you, Mr. and Mrs. Night!"

"Yeah," Dad mumbled.

"Don't take too long, Grace," Mom said.

"We won't," I assured her. They walked away to the car and then I was aware of the pain in my arm. "Danny, you can let go now. That hurts."

"What hurts?" he asked.

"You're squeezing my arm with- OW!"

"Sorry," he said quickly, letting go. I rubbed where he was squeezing.

"What is WRONG with you? Why are you acting like this?"

"Why am I acting like what?"

"Uh, let's see, shall we? You were getting all pissed off because Cory joined us for dinner and then you were getting all mad because I was talking to him or something. What was making you so mad?"

"It was obvious you two were a little more than friends! And, hello! Were you paying attention or was I the only one who noticed how much of a douche he was being?"

"You were being a douche to him too and no, we weren't friends. We were BEST friends. I told you that, or were you not listening as always?"

"What do you mean? I always listen to you!"

"What's my favorite flower, then?"


"Exactly. Danny, Cory asked you that SAME question at dinner and you didn't know!"

"Well, Grace you never exactly TOLD me your favorite flower," he argured. And I hated to admit this, but he had a point. That was something that I never brought up. It was also something he never brought up. Why, you ask? Because he never bought me a flower. A whole damn year we've been going out and he's never gotten me any flowers of any type. No real flowers, no false flowers, no paper flowers, and no chocolate flowers. Just no flowers in general.

"You know what? I don't want to deal with this right now," I said. "My parents are waiting for me. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Fine," he said. I walked past him to the car where my parents were waiting for me. They asked me if everything was okay, of course. And, of course, I told them that Danny was just a little jealous of Cory- nothing serious.

"I know a little something about jealous boyfriends," Mom said to herself. "And jealous husbands."

"Hey, I'm telling you that guy was flirting with you," Dad said.

"Alright, that was ten years ago, get over it, hun," she teased. He only rolled his eyes and I smiled. Someday I hoped to have a marriage like theirs.

-Cory's POV-

"Mom, he was a total douche bag! I have no idea what she's doing with him!" I vented out.

"Yeah, I caught that drift too. I also caught the drift that some two people were a little more than happy to see each other again," she smiled slyly at me.

"Mom," I sighed. "She's with him."

"So, you do like her?"



"I love her, Mom. I always have," I said.

"I knew it!" she exclaimed.


"But what? What's the problem?"

"I don't think she felt that way about me."

"Yes she did! Summer told me that she cried herself to sleep the night we moved and that she loved you."


"Yes, really. So now there's no problem."

"Yes there is."

"What problem is there?"


"Eh, like you said he's a little douche bag- you tell someone I said that, you're grounded for a week- and yeah," she said.


"What is with these but's?"

"But now, she's got him and she's....happy. And that's all I want. For her to be happy."

"Do you really think that she's happy with him? I mean, did you see the way she looked at him?"


"And did you see the way she looked at you?"

"Yeah..." I said slowly, unsure of where she was going with this.

"Now compare them. Who do you think she would be happier with? Judging by the comparison you're doing." I thought about it.

"I know what I'm going to do," I said after a while.

"What are you going to do?"


"Oh stop doing that and just tell me!"

"I'm going to do it."

"Do what?" she asked me excitedly.

"I'm going to try and win her over. I'm going to try and take her from Danny."

"Jeez that sounds like a cheesy romance movie thing to say, but it's still sweet!" she cried out. I smiled to myself. Grace, soon you'll know how I feel. Soon you'll know how I always felt.

-Josh's POV-

It's such a small town here. It's so easy to find someone's house here that it should be illegal. I mean, being here IS kind of illegal- for me at least- but I'm here anyway. They weren't home or anything, probably out to dinner. I went around to the backyard and looked in the first window I came across. It looked like the living room.

"Nice place," I whistled, impressed. There was the sound of a car pulling into the driveway and I jumped away from the window and snuck around to see who it was. It was them. I stayed hidden in the bushes by the side and watched them walk up the sidewalk. There was Grace first, always shocking me with how much she looked like Summer, then there was HIM- Jay, the very man I wanted to kill for taking MY girlfriend away from me- and then there she was. Just as beautiful as she always was. I had to fight back the urge to jump back and just grab her then. It would catch them by surprise, no doubt. I did still have that restraining order on me from them, but that was not going to stop me. Not that stupid piece of paper, not Jay, and not Jimmy. Nothing and no one could keep me from her.

"Crap, I left my key in the car," Jay said.

"I'll get it," Summer said to him. What the- she didn't volunteer to get my keys from the car! I would always have to FORCE her to go get them.

"No, sweetie, I'll get it quick," he said. He kissed her cheek and ran back to their car. This could be another chance. Jay was by the car, leaving Summer and Grace alone. There wasn't really much that Grace could do to stop me, honestly I might have ended up taking her too. She was the kid that I was supposed to have with Summer. She was supposed to be MY daughter, not HIS. Jay ran back up the sidewalk, with his key, and unlocked the door.

"Ladies first," he said, holding the door open for Summer and Grace.

"Thanks, Daddy," Grace said.

"Thanks, honey," Summer said in her sweet voice. The one that I had missed for twenty years. I wanted it back. I wanted all of her back. And I'll be damned if I let anything stop me from getting her back.

-Anonymous' POV-

I drummed my fingers against the table while I waited for Danny to get home. I swear to god, he was just like his father when it came to keeping me waiting.

"Hey Mom! I'm home!" I finally heard him call out from the front door.

"In the kitchen!" I shouted. He came in and blew the air from his cheeks.

"So, how did it go?"

"Huh? Oh, it was fine," he said. I could tell that he was lying to me.

"How did it REALLY go?"

"I just told you."

"You seem mad about something. Did they get all mad that you were late or something?"

"Of course they did, wouldn't you?"

"Then tell me what's bothering you."

"This kid who Grace ran into. Apparently they were best friends a few years back."

"I'm guessing this kid is a boy."

"Yep and I could tell that he had a little bit more than friendship on his mind. Grace lied to me."

"And that bothers you?"

"Yeah it bothers me!"

"I thought you didn't even like her all that much. I got the idea that I was this horrible mother who was toturing you by making you go out with her."

"God Mom, just whatever," he snapped. I raised an eyebrow. "Sorry," he said quickly.

"You're beginning to feel something more for her, aren't you?"

"No, why would I?"

"Danny, I know you better than you think I do."

"What is it to you?"

"I don't want you feeling anything for her. You're only going to end up getting hurt."

"I promise you that I don't feel anything else for her."

"Good," I said, knowing that he was still lying to me. But oh well. His mistake would cause him heartbreak, then he'll know that he should have listened to me.

-Jay's POV-

"OW!" I heard Grace cry out.

"Grace, what happened?" I called, about ready to run up the stairs.

"I stubbed my toe!"

"Are you okay?" Summer asked her.

"I'm fine!"

"She made me think she was being attacked for a minute," I mumbled. Summer chuckled.

"Stop being so overprotective," she said. I stuck my tongue out at her. Yes, we grew older and we were parents now, but that didn't ever stop us from acting like we did twenty years ago. The phone rang and I picked up off the table and answered it.


"Jay, it's Jimmy."

"Is it now?" I said sarcastically. That's kind of what caller i.d was for.

"Is Summer there? I've got something to tell you both," he said.

"Yeah, hang on. Summer!" I called. She came into the living room from the kitchen.


"She's right here."

"Put- wait, is Grace there?"

"She's upstairs in her room."

"Okay, put me on speaker. Not too loud, though," he said. I put him on speaker.

"What's up Jimmy?" I asked him.

"My mom is out of prison."

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now