I 'Effin Love You Too 10

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I'm finally going to be uploading on this story more often! I'm SO happy about that tiny piece of information. I had planned on putting this up tomorrow, but I'm an impatient person and I flat out didn't feel like doing that. Besides, I had planned on uploading something else, so yeah.

Enjoy this part!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Grace's POV-

"Don't go to track practice after school," Mom's voice said. "Your dad is going to be picking you up right after school in the parking lot, so make sure you go there."

"That's weird," I mumbled, closing my phone and stuffing it in my pocket.

"What is?" Leslie whispered, leaning across the table.

"My mom left me a message telling me not to go to track practice and that my dad would be picking me up after school," I whispered back. We had resorted to whispering not too long ago after the librarian gave us a dirty look telling us to keep it down. Honestly, we weren't talking all that loud. And it's not like anyone was doing their homework in here or anything.

"So you aren't going to practice?" she asked. I shook my head.

"Guess not," I said.

"Girl, I don't even KNOW how you're on the team," she shook her head. I smiled.

"It's not that hard."

"All that running and all that sweating. That's hard," she said.

"God, you're so lame," I teased.

"You know me," she said. "I'm more diva than tomboy."

"That is true miss fashionista," I said, gesturing to her designer jeans, pink tank top with a cardigan over it, and her matching ear rings and necklace.

"That's not all," she said, lifting her foot. "Check out the heels."

"Very nice," I said. They were black with pink bows in the front- the kinds of shoes that I would never be able to keep my balance in, thanks to my mother's amazing 'I can't keep my balance for squat' trait.

"Wanna try them on and go for a walk?" she teased. I gave her a look that made her quietly chuckle.

"Ha ha," I said sarcastically.

"So, Owen told me something," she said.

"What did Owen tell you?"

"He said that there was a little misunderstanding with Danny around the end of lunch today," she said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, he thought that he hit me when he hit the wall," I said.

"Why did he hit the wall? That's kind of stupid."

"He was thinking that me and Cory were....yeah."

"Are you still?" she asked seriously. I love how I didn't even have to explain to her what I meant. That just goes to show how well she knew me. I sighed and bit my lip, thinking seriously about all of this. When I decided on an answer, I looked around to make sure that no one was around. You would be surprised at how many eavesdroppers there were in this town.

"I don't know," I whispered honestly. Her eyes widened slightly, but she didn't look very surprised. In fact, she looked happy.

"You SO are!" she whispered.


"I am going to talk to the boy and see how he feels about you and then, I can hook you guys up just like I was going to last time!"

"No, you can't."

"What? Why not?"

"Because it's different this time."

"How is it different? I'm sure he still loves you-"

"It's not just the fact that I'm sure he DOESN'T anymore, it's different because I have a boyfriend now."

"Dump him," she said simply. I tilted my head and pursed my lips at her.

"It's not that simple," I said.

"Of course it is. You don't even like him that much anymore. Not like you did at first," she fought. I pressed my lips together and laid my head down on the table, knowing she was right. "Yeah, that's right. Lay your head down."

"Oh, shut it Leslie," I groaned. She snickered and went back to her homework. Even though I didn't love Danny like I used to, I still didn't want to hurt him. I don't even think that he felt the same way about me as I did him all those months ago, but he was showing clear signs of jealousy of Cory. I don't want to hurt Danny and I do love him, but I love Cory too. The thing was, Cory was my first love and Danny was someone I really cared about for some reason. Now I'm starting to realize more and more that the love I feel for Danny isn't anything more than sisterly. What did he feel? What the hell were we even doing together?

-Owen's POV-

"This class is so boring!" I groaned, throwing my head back. Max laughed at me.

"You're just mad because you suck at this stuff," he accused.

"Well, come on! When the hell are we going to use physics in life if we don't become freaking scientists?"

"I think that you, sir, would be surprised," he replied.

"Jeez, motion map. I hate these things. The arrows always have to be so accurate and crap."

"God," he said. "So you actually have to do...work?" He said the last word with a terrified tone to his voice. I flipped him off.

"Just help me with this," I said.

"And this is the kid who told his cousin and her best friend that he was going to help someone with their Trig homework."

"Hey! I understand that stuff, it actually makes sense."

"So does this."

"Does not!"

"It does if you pay attention in class and you aren't sleeping on your desk," he said. There were a couple of "ooh's" from people around us who were eavesdropping on our conversation. I smiled sarcastically at them and nodded.

"Laugh it up," I said. "At least I get a good sleep."

"You can tell from all the drool that ends up on your desk."

"Who said that? You want some of this?" I challenged.

"I want some of that," some girl whose name I don't know said sarcastically. Obviously it wasn't supposed to be said aloud, otherwise she wouldn't be looking down with a tomato red face. There were a couple laughs from people and others just whistled.

"Ah, shut it," I waved them off, still looking at the girl. I didn't recognize her at all. She must have been new or someone that I didn't really pay attention to. She was the type of girl who you could just tell was the quiet type, I mean after all she hadn't said a word in class today. Or the day before that, if she was here.

"I'm telling you, Patriots are going to win," some loud mouth from across the room said.

"Nah, Packers all the way," his buddy said.


"Patriots suck," I said. The dude, Kyle, stood up and pounded his chest like Tarzan, but he only did it once.

"Them's are fighting words, Owen!" he said, trying to sound serious but he failing epically at it.

"Yeah, what ever," I brushed his teasing off. "Parking lot after school, we'll go then."

"Ah, good. I want Dairy Queen like really bad dude," he said, sitting back down. Half the class laughed, including the girl who I was still looking at- but hers was softer than everyone elses. Was that how she always laughed? If it's not, I wonder how she really laughed then. Max's snapping fingers made me pay attention to the world again.


"Are you back to earth yet?" he asked. I gave him a confused look. "You couldn't be more obvious that you were staring, dude."


"At her," he said, pointing with his pen to the girl.

"Was not."

"Were too and you know it, so don't deny it," he grinned. I opened my mouth to fight, but he beat me to it. "Bull crap!"


"Send him to the principle's office!"

"Mind your business!" I yelled out.

"Eavesdroppers," Max muttered under his breath.

"It's a hobby," Kyle told us.

"Who asked you?" Max said, patting his face a few times. "Get back to work young man." I looked back at the girl to see her looking down at her work, looking like she was trying to make herself smaller or something.

"Max," I said.


"Who is that girl?" He looked over at her.

"I think the teacher said her name was Allison or something like that."

"The teacher introduced her?"

"Hence why I said pay attention in class," he snickered. I looked away from him back to the girl, ignoring his comment. Allison, I thought. Pretty name.

-Jimmy's POV-

"Josh actually went to see Jay?" Tommy asked me again. I nodded.

"Yep, talked to him and everything," I said, getting myself a cup of water. I needed a migraine pill badly right now.

"Bro, what do you want do with him?"


"We gonna whack him or...."

"Tommy! Man, come on! Those days are over for us."

"They aren't for Bobby and Paulie."

"How do you propose we get them over here?"

"They're out of jail."

"Shut up, how did they make bail?"

"Da boss," he said with a fake Jersey accent.

"He actually bailed them out?"

"Yep. And they would have no problem performing a hit for free for us. Especially if it was on him."

"I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem with it either. But look at the dark side."

"Dark side? What the hell? Am I going to go looking for Darth or something?"

"Let me finish. Look at the dark side of things, if he's found dead on the streets here, then people are automatically going to be looking at us."

"No, because no one knows about us being apart of that damn mob."

"No one knows about us BEING in the mob ourselves, but people are well aware of the fact that we have connections to the mob."

"I'm failing to see how this would be a bad factor to my master plan."

"He's found dead in the streets here, some people are more than likely aware of our disliking him and we would be suspects number one and two," I said.

"Eh, guess you're right. And you don't want to beat the crap out of him again, do you?"

"I might put him in the freaking hospital or kill him if I do that. Besides, I got a kid. I wanna be a good role model for him, you know?"

"Psh, please! Jimmy! When are you going to freaking admit that Owen is just like you when we were in high school?!" he laughed. I shrugged. He was right. I saw so much of myself in Owen, it was scary. I mean, not only did he look a lot like me, but his personality was like me too. He had a few of Myla's traits, but mostly mine.

"So what ARE we going to do?" he asked.

"I don't know," I sighed. Summer was right. Fifteen years ago, she was afraid that Josh was going to come back. When I told her that he couldn't come near her or Jay due to the restraining order, she said that it was only a piece of paper and that it wasn't going to stop him. Now, it looked like she was right. He was back, Angie was here. All we needed was for that crazy chick Emma to come back, then we could have a freaking most eventful summer reunion here. And really, I didn't like that thought all too much.

-Jay's POV-

I pulled into the school's parking lot after dodging some careless high school drivers. Grace came out right on time and got into the car.

"Hey Dad," she greeted with a smile.

"Hey hun," I returned. "How was school?"

"Eventful," she said thoughtfully.


"Well, a lot happened. Besides Cory being back and stuff," she said, looking down.

"Guess what?" I said. She looked up at me.


"Your mother told me something VERY interesting."

"Oh god, she told you about Aurora!"

"Of course she did!" I burst out laughing. "You punched the girl in class Grace!"

"She deserved it!"

"I'm sure she did, sweetheart," I said. "But right in front of the teacher?"

"I didn't know he was standing right there," she said, folding her arms and scowling forward.

"When are you supposed to do your detention?"

"I went to Mr. Long's room after I got Mom's message and told him that I would do it tomorrow after school," she answered.

"Is there any chance you could do it at lunch?" I asked nervously. "Because I wanted to pick you up after school tomorrow, too."

"Um, I could...I guess. If it's okay with him."

"You know what? I think I'll pick you up all this week after school."

"What? Daddy you know I have track practice."

"Not this week you don't."

"What's going on?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Something's going on, I can just tell."

"Nothing is going on."

"Why are you acting so nervous then? Like something's wrong."

"That's not at all what I'm doing."


"Alright, it's what I'm doing."


"Honey, this conversation is just going to have to wait until we get home, okay?"

"Okay," she said suspiciously. We pulled into the driveway of the house not too long later. We got out of the car, walked up to the door, and entered the house. Summer rushed over from the kitchen as soon as I closed the front door.

"Hey Mom," Grace greeted.

"Hi sweetie," Summer returned. "How was your day other than punching Aurora?"

"Just fine," she replied. "Now tell me what's going on with you guys, please?"

"Not right now," Summer said. "Maybe when we don't have a visitor."

"We have a visitor?" Grace asked. I looked out the window to the front of the house. There were no cars parked there.

"Yes we do," Summer said. "And he took a taxi, Jay."

"That explains it," I said to myself.

"Who is it?" Grace asked. Summer looked at me.

"It's your dad."

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now