I 'Effin Love You Too 27

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-Grace's POV-

"Come on, tell me!" I begged Leslie. I had been bugging her all week, asking her to tell me the truth about her feelings for Owen. I wasn't going to be mad. She couldn't help how she felt.

"I'm not," she said stubbornly. The Starbuck's guy handed her her caramel frappuccino and a little piece of paper and walked away with a wink. I looked at her with a big grin. She looked at me, then rolled her eyes. "Don't start that."

"Start what?" I asked, my grin getting bigger.

"You know what," she said as she looked at the paper.

"Is it his number?" I asked.

"Shut up."

"It's his number isn't it?!"

"Shut it."

"It is!" I laughed. "I knew it!"

"Hush Grace."

"Oh come on, that's funny."

"Not that funny."



"You're just saying that because you like Owen."

"I do not!"

"Don't lie to me," I said. Did she really think that I didn't notice the blush rising in her cheeks? If she didn't tell me now, I might be so bold and mean as to ask her right in front of Aunt Myla when she got here.

"Fine!" she groaned. "Just....a tiny crush."

"I knew it," I stated. "I knew it, I knew it, I knew it."

"Don't tell anyone please?"

"Did you forget who you're talking to? I still haven't told anyone about that time in second grade where you-"

"Okay, I got it!" she shushed me. I snapped my mouth shut and noticed that the Starbucks guy who had just given Leslie her coffee was now holding my iced caramel macchiato out to me, a curious look on his face. I took the coffee from him and smiled.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem," he said. "Do you think I could get your number?" he asked.

"What? Didn't you just give my friend your number?" I asked, jabbing my thumb at her. I looked and she was looking down at the ground in humiliation. I looked back at the guy and he was holding back what seemed to be a hysterical laugh.

"Yeah right," he said. "Like I'd actually give my number to a negro like her."

"I see then," I said through gritted teeth. I really hated people like this. No doubt he hung out with Aurora's brother. Only that family and the people they were friends with were like that in this town. Everyone else tended to keep their distance from them.

"So, how about your number?" he asked with a smirk. I raised an eyebrow at him. He just insulted my best friend and yet he had the audacity to ask for my number again. Fine. He'll get it.

"Right," I laughed, much to Leslie's surprise. "Got a pen?"

"Right here," he said handing me a red pen. I took it with a smile and wrote big on his hand.

"555-GO-TO-HELL," I said aloud as I wrote it down. I put the cap back on his pen and set it on the counter. "You have a nice day now." I took Leslie's arm and led her away from his surprised and embarrassed face. Leslie was laughing her butt off.

"You didn't have to do that," she said.

"Oh yes I did," I insisted. "No one who insults my best friend is getting my number."

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