I 'Effin Love You Too 32

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You know I do believe that I said I was going to upload on this.....two weeks ago. And here we are, September 24th. Most of you guys are probably pretty upset that it's taken me so long, for that I apologize and you have every right to hate me. For those of you who AREN'T so mad, thank you but you still have the right to be mad.

I have been.....REALLY busy with school and such. I have an honors math class with a teacher who LOVES giving out homework and I also happen to have an AP class this year, well at least it's English. I've always been an ace at that. :P

Anyway, sorry. I've been busy. Thank you for being patient. If you hate me, you have every right to be. I'm sorry again! Alright, here we go. Peace!

BTW; song on the side, totally randomly there because it's hilarious!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Grace's POV-

I groaned groggily after sunlight streamed into my partly open eyes as I lazily began opening them. Remembering the events from last night, my eyes flew open and I and sat up abruptly in bed. Looking around, I realized that I wasn't in my room and that I was still in my dress from last night with my mask on my head like they were sunglasses I just pushed up. I was in Danny's. Why the hell was I- oh yeah. He didn't knock you out to take you to your house, Grace. Jeesh, I knew he was psycho but I didn't think he was THIS psycho. And how exactly did he plan on keeping me hidden from his parents in here? I don't think this kid really thought this one through, to be honest. I slid down the side of the bed when I saw his door open and I rolled underneath so I could get out when he was distracted.

"Grace?" he called. I watched as his feet stepped to the side of the bed and listened as he moved his bedsheets around. "What the hell- Grace?" I bit my bottom lip as he kneeled to the floor. He was about to look under the bed when, thankfully, the door swung open and his mom came in.

"Danny, what the hell are you doing?" she asked. I silently thanked god and prepared to get out from under the bed. She may not like me much, but she would HAVE to help me out after she realized what a psychotic move her son made last night. Just as I was about to roll out, Danny's feet appeared right in front of me. Okay, maybe not right now.

"Nothing, Mom" he said too quickly. Oh, she had to know he was lying now. I began sliding over to roll out from the other side, but her cold response made me freeze in place.

"You lost her didn't you, you idiot?" she said. I gaped at her feet and stayed where I was. "I knew we should have kept her in my room."

"I went to the bathroom for just one minute-"

"And you couldn't tell me this? Did it occur to you that maybe, just MAYBE she would wake up while you were in there and maybe, just MAYBE she would decide that she should get the hell out of here?!"

"Sorry things aren't going your way, EMMA! I'm not trying to make her feel like a dangerous prisoner who has to be on watch twenty four-seven."

"You don't understand that she does have to be. She HAS to be watched. Grace is a smart girl, Danny. She could get out of here, no problem, if we didn't keep a close enough eye on her!"

"What the hell is going on in here?" a new male voice asked. I didn't know who it was, but I recognized his voice......I just couldn't place my finger on it....

"Nothing, Josh," Emma said. Emma.....Josh.....WAIT! These were the creeps who were obsessed with my parents! He was the guy who used to date and abuse Mom and she was the chick who was obsessed with Dad and tried to convince him she was pregnant with his kid! THAT'S why she never like me! That's why he gave me that weird look the first time I met him! People are always telling me how much I look like my mom and even she says I remind her of me when she was my age. Josh must have recognized me right away. And Emma....I'm my mother's daughter. She hates my mother and that's why she hates me. She's Danny's mother.....why did she allow him to date....unless....this ALL makes sense now! I quickly covered my mouth before the gasp that was coming came. Thankfully, I caught it just in time.

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now