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   It's almost summer holiday, and everything is lovely. The birds are chirping while the flowers on campus are bloomed. Everything is so lovely now. My relationship with Draco has been a smooth ride, and my relationship with the rest has been good. Adelph and I are not the same as we used to be; however, we have been enjoying each other's company. Pansy Parkinson has been trying to sabotage Draco and I's relationship, but Draco and I just ignore it.

I am looking out of Draco's dorm window as I sip on my morning tea. It is roughly six am, but I am wide awake. Draco is still sleeping right now, he isn't really a morning person. The bed that he is sleeping on is a couple of inches behind me as I gaze out the underwater window.

"You're up?"

Draco mutters groggily as he squints his eyes towards me.

"No, I'm clearly sleeping."

I reply before looking behind my shoulder to catch a glimpse of him.

"Come back to bed."

He says in his morning voice as he moves towards the edge of the bed that is the closest to me.

I shake my head with a smile as I look at the window again. I sip the last bit of tea that is still in my mug before walking over to the bed side table that is only two steps away. I place the mug down, and before I can walk back in front of the window, a cold hand grabs my wrist from behind and pulls me down to the bed. I let out a surprised gasp as my back lands against his chest. He snakes his arms around my waist as he rests his chin onto my shoulder.

"Come on, Carmen, come back to bed."

He says into my ears in his slightly husky morning voice.

My face heats up as he kisses my upper neck. His hands are so cold, yet his body is so warm.


I mutter.

I feel him smile against the skin on my neck after I said that. His arms around my waist loosens, allowing me more freedom to move around. He sets his two hands onto my shoulders before turning me around. My chest is now against his stomach as we begin to fall asleep again.


It is now in the afternoon, and Draco has been acting slightly weird. He had gotten a letter from his father later in the morning, and ever since then he has been acting slightly cold. I know that he gets cold when he's stressed, but it's my pet peeve. I'm here for him, why can't he just talk to me? Distancing himself away from me will only result in two broken hearts. I'm sure that whatever is on his mind is irrelevant. It probably won't matter in the long run.

I am sitting on his bed, waiting for him to come back from the library. He has been in there since class ended, and it is making me weary.


I call out, my tone slightly high pitched as I smile.

The door closes and he comes in. He is not smiling, though.

"Get out."

He says, making my smile drop.


I ask, not sure if I heard him right.


He yells, causing my entire body to flinch.

I stand up from the couch to walk over to him. His knuckles are white as he grips onto himself.

"Draco, what is happening?"

I ask as I grab onto his arms.

"Get out, we're done. I don't want to see you anywhere around me anymore."

He says in a sneer like tone.

Tears begin to spill as I stare at him. His eyes are cold and unreadable. My hands begin to shake as I look into his eyes.

"Y-You told me that you would never hurt me. Why?"

I sob out.

"Don't make it anymore harder for me, just leave."

He mutters underneath his breath.

"I'm not going to leave until you tell me the reason, Draco. Why are you doing this to me?"

I choke out.

He pushes me away, towards the door. I look at him through my blurry eyes.


I sob out as my tears drip onto the floor.

"I'm fucking bored of you, that's why. Just get out."

He says, making my heart feel cold.

"You told me, Y-you told me that you-"

I begin to choke out through the lump in my throat, but he cuts me off.

"I didn't mean it, so leave."

He says before pushing me out of his room.

I stumble out into the boy's hall. Nobody is there, but I would still be shamelessly crying even if they were here. I slide against his door as I sob out the sorrow that he has left me with.

"I love you, why?"

I whisper as I lay my forehead against the door.

"You said that you wouldn't fucking hurt me!"

I yell out in anger before slamming the palm of my hand against his door.

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