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"God, they embarrass me."

I groan out as I watch Ezra and Cyrus dance on the yule ball dance floor.

Ezra and Cyrus dance like kittens on cocaine as a pop song plays. I only saw them have three shots of fire whiskey; it must have been a strong batch. Adelph giggles as she watches the two idiots dance from our table. My eyes wander towards Draco and Delphine as they laugh and have fun. Ernie is gone, he went to go get a drink for us.


Adelph says, making me turn to look at her.

"Ernie is my friend, please don't hurt him."

She says.

"I don't want to seem involved or anything but please, he's my friend."

Adelph pleads.


I reply.


She says.

I look out at the dance floor again. My eyes wander towards Draco and Delphine as they dance with smiles on their faces. I am so lost with my own eyes that I do not even notice Ernie coming back with two cups of punch.

"Fred and George spiked it, go easy on it."

Ernie jokes as he places the punch in front of me.

I thank him before taking a large sip. The tangy taste of punch mixed in with alcohol bleeds into my tongue, even though I swallowed it a minute ago. Feeling vengeful, I grab Ernie's wrists and lead him towards the dance floor.

"When did you first notice me?"

I ask, talking for the rarest time.

Ernie and I waltz to the beat, making my flowy dress wisp through the air like a phantom. His eyes are bright and shiny as he smiles.

"When you were smoking in the courtyard."

He answers.

"I smoke on the courtyard all the time."

I say.

"Yeah, I know."

He says with a chuckle.

"I remember how it was your first week back at Hogwarts. I remember how you lit up your cigarette before looking up at the sky."

He adds, taking me back to October.

"What did you think of me?"

I ask.

"I thought that you seemed kind and gentle. I don't know, the way you looked up at the cloudy sky was pure."

He explains shyly.

I smile as I look down.

Draco's eyes lock onto Carmen and Ernie as they both waltz.

"Draco? Are you listening?"

Delphine asks, her sweet tone masking her annoyance.

"Erm.. Yeah."

He says as he rips his eyes off of Carmen.

Delphine is beyond angry, she is enraged. She despises Carmen, even though she is not really responsible for the way Draco feels. She hates how Draco didn't notice her sparky black gown and how she curled her hair differently. She wanted him to notice, notice for once as her boyfriend.

When the song ends, Draco quickly excuses himself. He said that he needed to sit down to wait for his migraine go away, but Delphine knew that he is lying. Delphine stands in the middle of the dance floor as she watches Carmen and Ernie walk back to their table.

"I hate her so much."

She whispers to herself as Carmen lets her head fall back and laughs.

Carmen's laugh was music to anyone ears. It wasn't exactly soft, but it was heavenly. It was rare too, so whoever makes her laugh always felt a sense of specialty when she did. Carmen had an effect on people that she did not notice. Well, actually, she did. However, she does not know why she has an effect on people. In her own mind, she is her own enemy. She never felt smart, pretty, or special, she always felt like a failure.

"Hey, Fred and George!"

Carmen calls out from her table as Fred and George passes by.


George says.

"I like the punch, what did you put in it?"

Carmen asks.

"I, Erm.. We."

Fred stutters as his cheeks turns red.

"We spiked it with a mix of muggle alcohol called vodka and some fire whiskey."

George explain as he nudges Fred with his elbows.

"What you did was a charity for us all, thanks."

Carmen says.

"No problem, we will get going now."

George excuses as he drags a stunned looking Fred away by the hand.

Ernie excuses himself to god knows where, leaving Carmen alone. Carmen is then left by Adelph after Ezra asks her for a dance. Carmen sighs as she crosses her legs, resting her chin on the palm of her hand.

"Where's your hufflepuff boyfriend?"

Draco sneers as sits down at his spot that is next to Carmen's table.

Carmen rolls her eyes as she faces away from Draco. She continues to ignore him as he moves his chair close to her. He pulls on her hair, yanking it as if he was ringing a church bell.

"He's not my boyfriend, if that's what you want to know."

Carmen says.

"He better not be, he's a hufflepuff."

Draco says, causing Carmen to look at him.

Draco's mind goes blank as Carmen's face that is abruptly an inch away fills his vision. She looks breathtakingly angelic with her smoky eye makeup and rosy lipstick. Her eyes blink once, making her long eyelashes be seen to its full potential.

"Is that the only reason why you don't want me to be his?"

Carmen asks, her voice calm.

Carmen smiles as Draco just looks at her, speechless. She continues to smile as she stands up, a glass of the spiked punch in her hands as she sips it.

"You don't have to answer it, I already know the answer."

Carmen says before walking away, leaving a baffled looking Draco behind.

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