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Carmen sways her hips to the beat at the dance floor, drawing attention. She is truly irresistible with her curvy waist and pretty hair.

It is the night before the first triwizard task. A hufflepuff sixth year decided to host a party for everyone to celebrate the new coming competition.

Draco looks from his date to Carmen as they both dance. Ever since Carmen publicly humiliated him with pudding, he decided to try his best and move on from her. He was beyond mad, but deep down he saw it coming.

He was being a dick after all.

Her name is Delphine, a very pretty name. Her hair is blonde but not anywhere near lighter than Draco's. Her lips and lashes are full while her skin has a healthy complexion. She is effortlessly beautiful, even though she is known to be extremely cruel. She is the type of cruel that you would describe Pansy as.

Carmen notices Delphine and something weird strikes her heart. It was only for a brief second but it happened. Carmen doesn't want to admit that she is jealous deep down; she tries her best to avoid it. She drowns herself in that cheap alcohol that was on the party table, waiting for the effects to kick in.

"Oh my god, Carm."

Adelph says as Carmen finishes the medium sized bottle of cheap liquor.

"How did you do that?"

Adelph asks, amazed on Carmen's tolerance.

"Does Carmen want to go eat with us?"

A random guy asks Adelph.

"She doesn't do stuff like that right now."

Adelph says as Carmen strays away from them, a bottle of liquor in her hand.

"What does she do then?"

The boy asks, curious on Carmen.

"Alcohol and drugs."

Adelph answers.

"Hey, do you want to come with me?"

A ravenclae boy asks me as I grab another mid sized bottle.


I answer.

"No? Why?"

He asks.

"Why do you want me to come with you?"

I ask as I also grab a couple of pills that are on the table besides the liquor.

"I want to get to know you."

He says.

"No, you don't."

I say.


He asks.

"Why do you want to, 'get to know me'?"

"Because, I think I like you."

He answers earnestly.

I look down as I shake my head with a smile.

"You don't like me, you don't even know me."

I say.

"Yeah, but that's what I like about you."

He flirtatiously says.

"You like the idea of me being a mystery, not really.. me."

I say.

It was always the same pattern with men and I. They first get drawn to the mystery, to me. Then they convince me to spare my time for them, even after I tell them that they only like the idea of a 'mystery'. Then they get tired or scared of me after I finally open up. It's a depressing pattern, I know, but it only happened twice. Once in second year with Cedric Diggory and the second in fourth year with a male classmate of mine at Beauxbatons.

I could be alone for all I can care.

"Carm, I couldn't find you for a sec."

Adelph says as she lets out a heavy breath.

She is right in front of me with a cup filled with butter beer. She was never one to do drugs or heavy alcohol. She makes me wonder a lot of the times how and why we are friends, we are just so different.

"Carm, are you alright?"

Adelph asks as my vision gets a little foggy.

"I'm fine, I just need to go to the bathroom."

I say before walking to the bathroom.

Adelph doesn't follow me, she knew when it was the right time to leave me alone.

The crowd in this room only seems to get bigger as I have to shove my way out. I take out my cig and a lighter as I finally crawl my way into the bathroom. To my luck, Delphine is sitting on the corner of the sink. I ignore her presence as I light my cig and lean against the door to a stall.

"I see the way you look at him."

Delphine says as she hops off of the sink, landing on her heels.

I ignore her words as I let out the cigarette from my mouth. I exhale, puffing out a ray of smoke.

"Take this as a warning, Carmen."

Delphine grits out as she walks closer to me.

She is slightly taller than I am, something that I noticed as she glared me down.

"You must have the wrong girl."

I calmly say.

She raises her eyebrows before letting out a laughter. I watch her as I take a couple of hits from the nicotine stick.

"I'm not stupid, I see the way you look at him. Whether you admit it or not, you better back off."

She threats, her minty breath fanning my face.

"Merlin, you sound so stupid. I never looked at him or approached him on my own. He is the one who keeps on approaching me, maybe you should watch him instead of threatening a girl who can't even control it."

I say.

She remains quiet before laying a harsh slap on my face.


She sneers before slamming the door open, causing the door to slam shut.

I stare at the tiled floor as I press the palm of my hand onto the swollen cheek. I want to fight her, but fighting her in front of a crowd won't be the smartest thing. Plus, It's not like I actually am willing to fight an insecure girlfriend over a bloodist asshole.

I slide my way out of the bathroom as more people come in. The cigarette that I was smoking earlier remains in between my fingers as I make my way over to Adelph.

"Jesus, Carmen... What happened to your face?"

Adelph asks out loud.

I see Draco look towards me from the corner of my eye, but I ignore it. I look down and take one last hit before dropping the cigarette to the ground and crushing it with my shoe.

"Delphine hit me."

I answer emotionlessly.

"Oh my god, what happened?"

Adelph asks.

I shrug as an answer before walking away.

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