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I stretch my arms as I breathe in the October morning air. My feet stretches as I reach for the skies, causing my shirt to rise up. I shiver slightly as the air hits my belly.

It's so fucking cold and it is only October.

I look over to the other end of the room, where Adelph is. She softly snores as she continues to prolong her slumber. I then look over to a muggle clock that is on the shelf above Adelph's bed.

6:00 A.M

It read.

Adelph is one of the few muggle born who is in the slytherin house. As a friend of hers who has a pure blood father and a quarter muggle blood mother, the responsibility to shield her from any blood prejudiced peers always fell into my hands from the ripe age of 11. The topic of Adelph being a muggle born never concerned my brother and I, even my mother. However, it always seemed to bug my pretentious father.

I walk over to the closet as I begin to take out my uniform. I began to hum a tune as I slip my body into my green contrasted uniform. After putting on my skirt and top, I slip on knee high socks, something to keep me a little warm. I walk over to the mirror as I eye my outfit with dissatisfaction. I hike up my skirt, making it a little bit more short. I then get a black ribbon and wrap it around my hair like a headband. The dainty silk ribbon peaks from the curtain of my golden brown hair. Feeling more confident, I apply my perfume and makeup. I quickly throw in my cherry lip gloss, cigarettes, bubble gum, and a white lighter that shimmers into my backpack before heading out.

As I head out, I look at the Adelph's clock.

6:30 A.M.

It says.

My eyes snap from the clock to Adelph as she stirs and whines, meaning that she is slightly conscious. She rubs her eyes as she adjusts her vision to me.

"Jesus, it's like 4 A.M."

She groans out.

"It's actually 6:30 A.M."

I correct as I place my hand onto the door knob.

"Class doesn't start until 9 A.M."

Adelph informs.

"I know, I woke up early so I wanted to roam around the castle a bit."

I explain she sits up, her blonde curly hair flowing down her shoulder.

"Okay then, I will join you in an hour or so."

She says as she yawns, stretching out her arms as she does so.

"Okay then, see you around."

I say with a small smile before walking out.

I fix my hair ribbon as I walk towards the stairs that connects the girl's dorm hall to the slytherin common room. I let myself bounce down the stairs, making my brown locks flow in the air.

"Good morning, little sis."

Cyrus greets, to which I groan.

Cyrus is sitting on the leather couch as he and the other quidditch teammates discuss what I am guessing quidditch. Most of the slytherin teammate's eyes snap at me as Cyrus points out my existence. My eyes connects with the same icy ones I got caught in last night.

"Are you not going to say 'good morning' to your older brother?"

Cyrus asks, joking a bit.

I love Cyrus and all but I currently enjoy being alone.

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