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"Blimey, George is coming."

I hear Ron whisper to Harry a couple of desk away.

I stream out of their conversation as I look up at the ceiling. I am in detention, yes, detention. To top it all off, it is my birthday; I am in detention on my birthday.

George walks up towards Ron's desk but stops when he sees me. He smiles at me before handing me a small cookie.

"This is for you, Carmen."

He says, his tone like a song.


I simply say.

I eye the cookie with suspicion as it lays on the napkin that is on the wooden desk. I continue to eye it as George skips away, probably to annoy his youngest brother.

"Thank Merlin, I am hungry."

Draco says as he snatches the small cookie.

He throws his book bag near the chair that is next to me as he chews on the possibly tampered cookie. I watch with amusement as he swallows the cookie.


"What took you so long, Draco?"

Pansy asks as Draco walks into the common room.

Blaise looks up from his book as Draco takes a seat in between him. Draco looks normal but something about him is off. Blaise doesn't say something though, Draco seems fine on the outlook.

"The professor didn't leave the room until five minutes ago."

Draco explains.

"Did I tell you how pretty Carmen is?"

Draco says out of the blue.

Blaise and Pansy's eyes snap towards him as he stares up at the ceiling. Pansy's death glare feels invisible to Draco.

"Come again?"

Pansy says, hoping that he is joking.

"I have liked Carmen since first year, the first year."

He says, shocking Pansy and Blaise once again.

"Are you okay? We agreed that Carmen is unlikable together."

Pansy says, her tone deep and full of rage.

"I like her so much, I hate myself for it. I feel weak whenever she comes near me, she's like a hex that was made to punish me."

Draco says, his eyes still on the slytherin common room ceiling.

"Draco, did you eat something before coming here?"

Blaise asks.

"A cookie, I snatched it from Carmen."

Draco answers in a daze.

Pansy's hands are squeezed shut, making her knuckles turn winter white. Her eyes are full of rage as she observes Draco.

As if she couldn't despise Carmen more than she did a minute ago, she now fully despises Carmen. She never got it, she did everything in the books. She baked for him, she flirted with him, she showed him kindness, she took his side all the time, yet Draco still is infatuated with Carmen. It feels as if Carmen is stealing everything away from her. To her, it was as if Carmen is grabbing all that she can in Pansy's safe, taking everything that Pansy owns.

"I will go find Carmen, stay here with Draco."

Blaise orders Pansy as he gets up.

Draco grabs onto Blaise's wrist, stopping him.

"You're going to Carmen?"

Draco asks.

Pansy restricts Draco from getting up by pushing him down. She places a hand onto his chest, pushing him down onto the leather couch.

"No, I'm going to the library."

Blaise lies.

Draco slowly relaxes against the couch as Blaise walks out of the common room. Blaise walks quick, eager to arrive to the classroom to see Carmen.

"Is Carmen here?"

Blaise asks as he pops his head into the classroom.

George, Harry, and Ron shake their heads, making Blaise groan.

"Do you know where she could be?"

Blaise asks.

"I saw her walking towards the courtyard."

A random student from the back answers.

"Great, thanks."

Blaise says.

"If she comes back, can you tell her that I was looking for her?"

Blaise asks before storming off, not bothered to even wait for everybody's answer to his question.

I look out at the green courtyard with a cigarette in between my fingers on the hand that is resting on my knee. The stone bench is slightly cool on my exposed legs as I sit there. There is a faint fog in the afternoon air. The sky is grey, but I don't mind it. I close my eyes as I smell the scent of the after rain, a smell that I have always liked.

"What was in that cookie?"

I hear Blaise ask.

I open my eyes slowly as I adjust it. I look up to Blaise as he stands in front of me. His face is calm yet angry, a mixed expression.

"I don't know, George Weasley gave it to me."

I answer as I bring the stick to my lips.

He sits down next to me on the stone bench as he stares at me. He waits for me to take out the cigarette from my mouth, meaning that he wants to talk. I stare at the sight in front of me, not wanting to look into his eyes.

"Do you like Draco?"

He asks as I exhale.


I answer.

"What do you mean, 'no' ?"

He asks, still staring at me.

I turn to him and look into his eyes like a still statue.

"I mean, no, I do not like him."

I reply as I turn my head straight again.

"If what you said is true, can you stay away from him?"

Blaise asks, his tone deep and serious.

I chuckle as I stare out, finding humor in his serious words.

"I've tried, he wont leave me alone."

I say as I throw the used cigarette onto the ground.

I stand up from the bench. Blaise is still sitting but his face is tilted towards me.

"Maybe you should tell him to stay away from me."

I say as I step on the burning stick with my heeled Mary Janes.

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