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I stare at the desk as I rock my chair. It is my first day and all but I still manage to feel extremely bored.

"Can I borrow your quill?"

Ron asks as he stretches his body towards me.

He is sitting two desks away from mine. Harry is next to him, sporting an awkward smile.

"I just noticed that you have an extra-"

He continue but is cut off by the slytherin blond behind me.

"She would bother letting you borrow her quill; she wouldn't want to touch the hands that are used for begging."

I hear Draco sneer, making me whip my head behind my shoulder.

"That's incredibly rude, Draco."

I simply state before turning back front.

Draco remains quiet as I snatch my extra quill that is sitting on the side of the desk.


I say as I hand Ron my extra quill.

"Keep it, I stole it anyways."

I say.

Ron smiles at me as he thanks me with gratefulness. I smile back before resuming to my work. Everything is going just fine until someone behind me pulls my hair. I ignore it the first couple of times, but I snap my head back after the fifth pull.


I ask, no emotion showing through my words.

"I wanted to see what it was like to pull a blood traitor's hair, never done it before."

He says, belittling me.

"Is that all?"

I ask, taking him back by surprise on how unemotional I am.

His face twists into a disgusted one as he pulls my hair more harshly. I don't let out a sound as I lean backwards.

"Stop it, Malfoy."

Harry warns.

"Shut up, Potter."

Draco sneers.

"You disgust me."

Is all what he whispers in my ear before releasing my hair.

I shrug as I continue to work on my potions project. I can feel Draco growing angry as I remain unbothered, completely zen. I remain unbothered as Draco blows messages via paper cranes. I decide to open one, and it says,


Nothing new, nothing shocking, all mighty Malfoy being prejudice and feeling elite. Pure bloods, half bloods, muggle bloods, half breeds, whatever. We will all die anyways, I don't know why my family and other 'elite' families like the Malfoys are so obsessed with blood status. It is silly in my mind, the blood status will never affect a person on its own. Well, yes, the society will affect them and persuade them in a way, especially muggleborns. But other than that, we are all the same and will usually experience similar things.

Draco stares at the back of Carmen's head as she does her work. He hated how calm she was, even when he was mocking her. He wanted her attention, so he showed it the way he was the most comfortable with: by teasing her. Perhaps he took it too far or perhaps he did not get the memo of girls liking kindness. He didn't care though, he got off to some kind of start with Carmen atleast. It was his own fucked up way of saying, 'hey, I like you.'

Draco gets up from his seat as class is dismissed. Next up was potions, and he was determined to have Carmen as his seat mate. His excuse of reasoning was to tease her and make her life hell, but we all know that he just wants to be near her.

"Hey, muggle lover."

He called out from behind as he catches up to Carmen in the halls.

Carmen continues to face straight as she walks, not bothered by Draco.

"Hey, it's rude to ignore when someone calls your name."

Draco sneers before yanking her hair.

Carmen looks emotionless as she walks through the halls. Even though Draco had just yanked her hair, she seemed unbothered, that pisses Draco off.

"Do you need something?"

Carmen asks.

"He needs you to stop being with that mudblood, that's what."

Crabbe jokes as he passes by, letting out a ugly giggle as he does so.

"I will write it down on my to-do list."

Carmen says as she walks into potions class.

She greets Snape as she walks in. She had known Snape since first year, of course. She used to be one of his favorite students, she was quiet and likable as a student, still is.

"Ms. Estelle, sit next to Malfoy."

Snape says in his usual monotone voice.

Carmen obliges, she never cared to argue against a professor. She sits down, right before Draco sits down. Their seats are only a couple of inches apart as the desks are made for all of the years.

"Just wanted to tell you that you can't touch my stuff; I don't want your muggle loving hands to touch anything that is mine."

Draco says.

Carmen was hurt, but she didn't show it. Her eyes are blank as her face is completely neutral. She doesn't answer, she doesn't want to say, "okay."

"Are you deaf or something?"

Draco asks, hate and annoyance seeping through his words.

Carmen shrugs before looking towards the front, trying to listen to Snape's words. This only upset Draco more, his anger boiled. He wanted to hurt her like she had hurt him the day she left during their second year.

"Where is Carmen?"

Draco asks Blaise as he motions with his head towards her desk.

"Didn't you hear?"

Blaise asks.

Draco shakes his head, not knowing what Blaise is referring to.

"Carmen was sent away to Beauxbatons."

Blaise informs.

Draco's face falls into a small frown. His first crush, the girl that he had liked since first year is now gone. Hopefully, she had to have a good reason to.


Draco asks, short and bitterly.

"Apparently she got bored."

Blaise says.


Draco asks.

He was in disbelief, how can someone just transfer schools because they are 'bored.'


Blaise confirms.

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