♡︎𝓽ꫝ𝓲𝘳𝓽ꪗ ᠻꪮꪊ𝘳♡︎

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"Hey, Carmen?"

I hear Draco call as I slowly open my eyes.

I stir against the bed and pillows as I roll over to my stomach. It's a Saturday morning, I don't know why he's waking me up.

"You have to eat."

He says as he grasps my shoulder and shakes it.

I groan against the pillows as I turn around towards him. My eyes slowly open, adjusting to the sun lit room. Draco is sitting on the bed, next to me as he hands me a plate full of breakfast food. I eye him as I eat a couple of strawberries, not knowing what to say now. I have never been in a relationship, or whatever Draco and I are before. It always has been where the guy likes me more, it was never equal.

"How long did I go back to sleep for?"

I ask as I plop a grape into my mouth.

"I ate you out around six... and now it's nine, so three hours."

He says, making me choke on my grape.

He pats my back as I cough. I slightly glare at him as he smirks down at me. I look down and smile as I continue to eat my breakfast in my bed, well, his bed.


"So, how are you doing?"

Ernie asks as he takes a seat next to me.

My hands clutch onto the stone bench as I look at him with a smile. Every month he checks up on me like this. We have actually grown close as friends, believe it or not.

"Good, like actually good."

I say with a small smile.

"Yeah, I can tell."

He says with a small smile.

He lights his cigarette before handing me the lighter so I can light mine. I thank him with a smile as I take his lighter.

"So.. How is Lauren?"

I ask, causing him to cough out his smoke.

I let my head down and laugh as covers his mouth with embarrassment. He's so pure, in a innocent way.

"How did you know?"

He asks as he lets out a couple of smoky coughs.

"I'm pretty observant, you know?"

I say with a smile as I look down to my cigarette that is in between my fingers.

"So you're the only one who knows?"

He asks in a whisper.

"I don't know, but it is pretty obvious by the way you stutter and blush whenever she comes near you."

I tease, causing him to look down with a blush.


He whispers as he looks at me.

"C'mon now, it's a good thing."

I assure.

He looks at me, listening to me as I begin to speak.

"A lot of girl like that transparency, you know? From observing Lauren, I can also tell that she likes you. You should ask her out already, maybe now. Don't be a tosser like me."

I say, trying to uplift him.


He asks.

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