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   I fall down onto my knees and hands. Pain rushes through my hands and knees as I slowly get up.

"Watch where you are going, muggle lover."

Draco sneers before walking away.

What a dickhead.

I knew that he didn't like me, despises me, probably hates me, but I didn't know that he would push me down the moving stairs. I look down to my scratched knee as small dot of red appears. I begin to hear quick, energetic footsteps, meaning that Adelph is coming. I stand up quickly as I brush out my uniform.

"Carm, what happened?"

She asks.

I do not want to tell her about my new nickname, 'Muggle lover' , so I decided to lie. It is a good lie, a good reason, nothing but good intentions.

"Nothing, I tripped."

I answer emotionlessly.

"I'm a little tired, so I am a little clumsy right now."

I add.

"Oh, do you need a band-aid? I have some cute ones in my backpack?"

She asks, to which I reply with a smile.


"Thank god school is finally over."

Adelph says as she stretches out her arms.

I look around the halls as we walk, I do not want Adelph to witness Draco and I's... dynamic. Apparently I wasn't looking good enough since an equally unwanted slytherin comes behind us.

"Hey, Carmen."

Pansy beams, sweetness masking her true identity.

"Hey, Pansy!"

Adelph greets happily.

Pansy smiles at her, her nose slightly crinkled with disgust. I look to the side as I try to remain calm. I could punch Pansy square in the face, I could tackle her down, maybe even bite her if she treats Adelph differently again.

"What do you want, Pansy?"

I ask, trying my best to remain civil.

"Just wanted to know if you and your friend wanted to come to my sleepover, it's happening tonight."

She says.

"Ooo, let's go."

Adelph says.

Adelph, seriously?

I look at Pansy with a forced out smile, Pansy smiles back at me.

"Sure, what time?"

I ask as Adelph bounces up and down with excitement next to me.

"8 P.M., after dinner."

Pansy says.

"Adelph and I would be there."

I say before grabbing Adelph's wrist to walk away.

"Aren't you excited, Carm?"

Adelph asks with a wide smile.

Although I dread the thought of having to spend the night with Pansy and her friends, it doesn't seem so bad after seeing how happy Adelph is. I can tell that she doesn't have much friends in the slytherin house after I left. I never knew if it was because of her blood status or because of how energetic she can be. She is really pretty, she always have been. Her friends are mostly in hufflepuff or gryfindor, she's not completely outcasted here, just in her own house.

"Very excited."

I say, sarcasm slightly peaking through my words.

We walk up the large stairs, our goal being the slytherin common room. Adelph talks with excitement about the sleepover that is going to happen tonight as I stare out.


Ezra calls out from the bottom of the stairs.

I stop in my tracks as I wait for Ezra to run up the stairs. I turn around last minute as he jogs towards us with his usual smile.


I ask.

"You're brother is in the hospital wing, nothing major, just wanted to tell you that."

Ezra informs.

"What did he do this time?"

I ask.

"He thought that it would be funny to slide down the stair handles."

Ezra explains.

Judging by the bruises on Ezra's face, I could tell that he tried it too.

"You also did it, didn't you?"

I ask.


He says, making me roll my eyes.

I turn around as I begin to walk towards the hospital wing. Adelph follows me for a second before going away, saying that she needs to finish her homework before the sleepover.

The smell of the hospital wing goes through my nostrils as I enter. Nothing has changed in this school, everything from the food to the scent of each rooms.

"Carmen, your brother is in bed #3."

One of the healers say.

I quickly thank them before storming towards hospital bed #3.

"What the fuck were you thinking?"

I ask as I pull on the bed curtains.

"Merlin, is that how you talk to your injured brother?"

Cyrus groans as he runs his hands across his face.

One of his arms is in a sling as his face has a small cut on the top of his eyebrow. Nothing major, I'm sure that Madam Pomfrey can heal him in a matter of seconds.

"What kind of idiot slides down the stair handles? You're in your sixth year for gods sake."

I scold as he groans.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

He says, not convincingly.

"You have said that since we were kids, Cyrus, seriously."

I spat as I crossed my arms.

He looks down to his injured arm as I glare at him. He is older than me, but I always act like the older one sometimes.

"Anyways, I will be going now."

I say, my usual calm tone returning.

I walk out of the hospital wing with my usual unamused expression. I am tired of this, this is one of the reasons why I left. I probably sound like a raging bitch but it is true. The amount of times Cyrus has scared the life out of me because of his idiotic ways is and was countless.

Merlin, why did I come back?

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