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Everyone in Hogwarts know the story of those two. The couple that lived until the end, they call those two. After their deaths, the story of the two spread around like wild fire, and the story of Draco and Carmen became a well known story.

In memory of the two, Hogwarts set up a small statue that is in the shape of a fancy heart at the end of the cliff, where Draco and Carmen passed. The students visit the site atleast once in their school lives.


Cyrus walks towards the black lake. His children and wife are up at the castle, so he excused himself quickly for a quick walk.

The years without Carmen has been hard but he managed to keep going. Through the hardships, he eventually found himself a loving wife and children.

His life is now full of joy but he sometimes lay awake at night, reminiscing about the past. He felt bad for living the life that Carmen and Draco could of have.

"Long time no see."

Ezra says as Cyrus walks near the area with the larger stones to sit on.

"Ezra, long time no see."

Cyrus says with a small smile as he walks near him.

They both exchange a quick hug.

Through the years, like Cyrus, Ezra got married and had children. The guilt that Ezra felt whenever Adelph talked about Carmen was truly unbearable. There were nights where they both stayed up, feeling empty and sorry for the tragic fate of Draco and Carmen.

"Where is your wife?"

Cyrus asks.

"Over there, with her."

Ezra says with a nod to the side as he sits on a rock.

Cyrus mutters a thanks as he begins to walk towards the direction that Ezra gave.

"Looking for me?"

He hears Carmen ask behind him, causing him to turn around like with a flinch.

"Merlin, Carmen. Just because you became a ghost doesn't mean that you have the right to scare me like that."

Cyrus jokes as he places his hand on his chest.

"Sorry, sorry."

She says with a laugh.

Draco appears by her side before grasping her hand to hold. They both stand in front of Cyrus, waiting for him to talk.

"How have you two been?"

Cyrus asks.

"Lovely, actually; it has been lovely for a long time."

Carmen says as she looks up to Draco with a smile.

"Yes, it really has been."

Draco says as he looks down at her.

"How have you been?"

Carmen asks Cyrus, looking away from Draco.

"Good, good. You know, Cecily acts exactly like you when you were young."

Cyrus says.

"When is she coming to Hogwarts again?"

Carmen asks Cyrus as the three began to walk back towards the castle.

"In a year, actually."

Cyrus says.

"I would watch over her as if they are my own. Draco can scare anyone who will try to hurt her too."

Carmen says as they walk up the trail that leads them to the castle.

"I will."

Draco says in agreement.

Cyrus laughs at the two. These moments are when he felt like they were still here with him, alive.

"How has it been, being a ghost and all?"

Cyrus asks as they all walk into the castle.

"A little weird, you know. We have been ghosts for more than a decade yet we sometimes can't figure some stuff out."

Carmen says.

"We learn everyday."

Draco adds.

"The good thing is that we can disappear whenever we don't want to be seen."

Carmen adds.

"That's her favorite trick."

Draco adds.

"Shit, I have to get going."

Cyrus mutters as he looks at his watch.

"Then get going."

Carmen replies.

Cyrus smiles before rushing away. As he leaves, he takes one final look as Carmen and Draco vanishes into thin air.

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